ASPHTTPResquest in IOS - Response status Code as Zero - ios

I am trying to access one of my URL in my code. It returns the StatusCode as zero.
What is this? could not understand..
Code : calling method
ASIHTTPRequest* request = [[MUGatewayHelper sharedGatewayHelper] prepareRequestForURL:requestURL];
request.delegate = self;
request.didFinishSelector = _didFinishSelector;
request.didFailSelector = _didFailSelector;
My response(status Message) is 'null' with statuscode of 'zero'
Please guide me. I have tried with some other URL in my code. It works perfectly. I am sure, My Connection code is correct. is there any certification issue in ios device? But If I connect the same URL thorugh ios device safari, i can get the response . Is there any blocking in ASIHttpRequest ? or probelm with server?
Please Guide me. I am totally confunsed,...
Edit on : Feb 11
I have got some invalid SSL certificate exception in the error. But my SSL certificate is original. If the add the cookies value in Firefox, it works. But if add the cookies in ASIHttpRequest , still i am getting the responderstatus is 0. any idea?
Edit on FEb 11 at 9.30
Hi Friends, I have used the GET request in safari,chorme and firefox . it works fine. When I am using the same URL in iphone browser, it returns the 404 exception. incase i am using in the ASIHTtpRequest in the Code, I am getting the exception code status zero. is it specific reason ? Please guide me... I am stuck up much .. Thanks in advance.

All the functions to use ASIHttpRequest are present in documentation. your code does not look as per document requirement.Read the
documention of ASIHTTPRequest. It will help. requestFinished is a delegate method which is invoked when URL returns the response.


Debugging an API request

I'm trying to post a user status update to the Goodreads API.
Most of the time my request returns 200 OK and does nothing. Every now and then, though, it returns 201 Created and the status is updated. When it works it's always the first time I try to make the call after running the app in iOS simulator. Subsequent calls never work.
I don't think the problem is the API itself, since the official Goodreads iOS app uses the same call and it always works.
Their API is famous for having problems with calls that include brackets in the parameters, but I can make other calls that contain brackets and they work fine, the problem is just this one.
I'm using OAuthSwift and this is my code:
parameters: ["user_status[page]" : 168, "user_status[book_id]" : 6366035, "format" : "xml"],
//headers: ["Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],
success: {
data, response in
failure: {
error in
(The commented out parts are alternatives I have tried unsuccessfully.)
I'm printing the base string that gets signed and it looks the same for the calls that work and the ones that don't, except for the nonce and the timestamp, obviously.
In the headers is also included the oauth_signature, which changes every time and sometimes contains characters that are encoded by OAuthSwift, so that could account for the call working just some of the time (it could work only when the signature doesn't contain a certain character)… but I'm printing out the headers too and I don't see any patterns or any discernible difference between the headers of the calls that work and those of the calls that don't.
So now I don't know what to test anymore… I'm checking the base string and the headers for calls that work and for calls that don't and they look the same… Could anybody think of something else that changes between calls and I should check? I have no idea what could be causing this and I don't know how to debug it.
Thanks in advance,
Edit: Very weird… I tried my request with Paw, a Mac REST client, and with Chrome's Postman extension. If I use https I get 404 on my first call, then 201 on the second, then 404 on the third, 201 on the forth and so on. It works every other time. The time it works it doesn't matter if I use http or https, it works as long as there was a failed https request just before.
So I tried doing the same in my app: I added two https calls one after the other… in my app they always return 404.
So it seems like Postman, Paw and OAuthSwift are handling the requests differently. I don't know what could be the difference between those clients… the signature base string seems to be the same for all three, the headers too… so what else could change between them?
In the newer versions of Xcode you can only communicate with a HTTPS server. I expect Google support that so you can change the URL. Or you can edit your Info.plist file.
App Transport Security Settings > Allow Arbitrary Loads > YES

expected status code in (200-299) got 503

I got the following error
expected status code in (200-299) got 503.
I didn't get this all the time. Sometimes I notice this error. I am unable to figure out the exact reason.
The base URL I am using in the application is in following format.
For every request I append to base url as follows.
Please let me know if any issues.
503 means service unavailable. Lots of servers give that for lots of reasons.
2xx means that something normal happened
503 means "Service Unavailable".
Which means there is a problem on the server side.
Make certain that the URL you are connecting to looks like a valid URL. For example, you can do something like:
NSLog(#"the url I am connecting to is %#", [myURL absoluteString]);
And see if it matches what you were expecting:
If it looks really wrong, like "api", then it's something that you can easily fix.
If you are getting this problem all the time, you should probably reach out to the owner of the service you're trying to use and ask them for assistance.

initWithContentsOfURL returns nil only in iOS 5.x [duplicate]

I have been stuck with this for a while and don't seem to get around this.
I am trying to read the contents of an URL as a string from an URL, But i get a weird
Error -> Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)"
My code :
fetchedString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
// if there is something wrong with the URL
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Error -> %#", error);
return ;
What am I doing wrong? I tried using getting as NSData as well, but I get null back.
Yes, the URL is missing the scheme: "http://".
"Error -> Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256"
For the error code check the Apple documentation:
NSError codes in the Cocoa error domain.
NSFileReadUnknownError = 256,
"Read error, reason unknown"
Not that the error definition is very helpful. :-)
Also do not check if error is nil to determine if there is an error, check the return value for nil. error is not guaranteed to be nil on successful execution.
I had a similar problem accessing files located on my device. I followed NSURL isFileURL always returns NO
and used [NSURL fileURLWithPath] instead of [NSURL URLWithString] - this worked!
I got this error (Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256) as soon as our ssl certificate expired. that may not help you but could help someone else.
If you're using sandboxing in your app, you might want to check that is set to YES. It's in the the General tab of your Target in Xcode 5 under
Network: Outgoing Connections (Client)
Also be aware that if you see a code 257 when trying to reach a file:/// url, that's also probably because of sandboxing, but this time rather the File Access part. Because I didn't want to open it to anything else than `'
User selected files
I preferred to use A Dead Simple Fileserver and use http://localhost:3000 when in Debug mode.
More reasons that might be causing this specific error:
SSL is misconfigured on the server
The server redirects (301) the http URL to https (see #1)
App transport security also uses this code for blocked requests.
I got the same error. The above marked answer is perfect. But in my case, I had the "http://" in the url but had to add the port number in the url request since there is a service running on a specific port that is actually responding to your request.
I got the same error, the above solution didn't work for me, in my case i was calling dataWithContentsOfURL from within a UNNotificationServiceExtension so i had to update the info.plist file of the UNNotificationServiceExtension with the app transport security entries.

405 Method not allowed on Net::HTTP request [ruby on rails]

I'm trying to verify if there is a remote url with following code:
endpoint_uri = URI.parse(#endpoint.url)
endpoint_http =, endpoint_uri.port)
endpoint_request =
endpoint_response = endpoint_http.request(endpoint_request)
I'm still getting 405 Method not allowed. When I use Get instead Head in I'm getting 200 Success but also with whole remote document in response what results in bigger response time (0.3s => 0.9s).
Any ideas why this is happening? Thx
There's a chance that the #endpoint url you're trying to interact with doesn't support HEAD requests (which would be really weird, but still may be the case). Your code works fine for me with a handful of urls (,, etc.)
Have you tried a curl request to see what it returns?
curl -I

Adobe Flex 3 : Fault Event doesnt return XML Feed sent from Server

I am working on a flex application which communicates with a Rails backened.
When i request for some data, It sends back xml feed.
In some cases, if given parameters are not valid, then rails return an error feed with status code = 422 as following
email is wrong
But I dont get this feed in FaultEvent of Flex, How could i read error feed?
Are you getting the result in ResultEvent in such cases? I am not sure for what all HTTP error codes FaultEvent will get invoke(I know only it goes for 404 and 500). May be its still going to ResultEvent as a valid result!
You can use HTTPService instead of URLLoader.
Flex HTTP results will not include the actual underlying HTTP response codes. It just doesn't work. (TM)
