How do I pass source files between jenkins jobs - jenkins

My current setup consists of:
Project job - it's the one, that fetches the sources, deploys to the test environment and runs tests across the test env
Building job - it's a job that runs on a special machine which builds the sources into deb packages.
The issue: it's fairly easy to retrieve the deb packages from building job back (as a job artifact), but how would I pass the sources from project job to a building one?
They run on a different jenkins slaves.
What are the possible options?
Note: the building job isn't a specific job for this particular project. Several projects use it as a helper to build deb from the sources, so I cannot hardcode anything project-specific there.

You want to look into the CloneWorkspace SCM Plugin

If you are using SVN, you might want to look at the Tracking SVN Plugin. This allows you to pull the same version out of SVN as another job. We use this so that we can create both a "debug" and "release" build from the same SVN revision. The debug version builds first. If it succeeds, the release version is built using the same revision that was built for the debug.


Running one build per artifact of another job

I have a jenkins job to create multiple debian packages. Each created package file is archived as artifact of the build. This works well so far.
Currently I am trying to to trigger multiple builds of another job, one for each created package file. This job should install each package in an isolated vagrant box and do some tests on it.
The question is how to trigger the builds. As it would be nice to parallelize the builds it is not easy as doing one build for all packages. The number of packages is not always the same, so it is very uncomfortable to duplicate the job for each package.
To act on every build of a project, you probably want "Promotions". Read about it here:
How to promote a specific build number from another job in Jenkins?

How do I do release versioning with Gradle and Jenkins?

We're building a continuous integration pipeline for the project I'm working on. We have a number of build artifacts (both JAR and WAR files) which we have versioned and deployed to an Artifactory server.
All our JARs start at version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT. As we develop, we'd like to mark milestones by setting a particular point in the codebase as 0.0.1, and starting development on 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT. Eventually, a particular version will get accepted by QA, and promoted to 0.1.0, and we will start working on 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT. The same process will happen with a release to Production, when we reach 1.0.0.
I can't seem to find a plugin for Jenkins that supports this kind of versioning. Ideally, it would track the current version of each WAR and JAR, and once it hit a particular point (after running acceptance tests) it would automatically increment the version. Does such a thing exist?
You can make use of the gradle-release plugin. Please find different approaches that are documented here

Jenkins + Tycho: propagating update sites

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to "publish" p2 update sites in Jenkins (built with Tycho) so that they can easily be accessed in downstreams jobs? Currently I'm doing it semi-manually using Jenkins support for copying artifacts between jobs, and then specifying a repository-mirror element in a job-specific settings.xml which refers to the artifacts copied into the job, but this is all a little tricky and requires configuring jobs and build settings in a number of different places.
Is there any nicer way short of using an external solution such as Artifactory?
The only solution involving a repository manager that I am aware of is to use a Nexus and the Unzip Plug-in. (Disclaimer: The Unzip Plug-in is provided by the Tycho project, of which I am a committer.)
With such a setup, you could have one job deploy an update site to Nexus, and the next job use the update site via the unzip URL of the deployed site. Example: If the site was deployed under the GAV, you could then access it via http://<nexus>/content/repositories/<unzip-repo-name>/project/abc/site/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/site-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-unzip/.
Note that you are slightly less flexible with such a setup that with what you have set up now: You need to have a version number for what your upstream project is building, so this may become tricky if you have multiple feature branches developing towards the same release version.
If you don't need this, you have the benefit of getting a portable build of your downstream project, i.e. developers build the project in the same way as your Jenkins does.

Build multiproject Gradle on Jenkins

I have a Gradle multiproject hosted in Mercurial repo. I would like to setup my Jenkins in such a way, that if I commit changes into only 1 subproject, then only that subproject will be built and published to my Nexus repo.
Can somebody give me a hint? Or is it at all possible?
We sort of have this working.
We create a project in Jenkins for each gradle subproject. And in the Jenkins configuration we build only the subproject by doing something like:
gradle clean :<subproject>:build
We still have the problem that the job is fired for all checkins to the entire project. I would to configure Jenkins to build only when there's checkin to the subproject, but don't know how to specify this.
Leaving our final solution for the future here.
We created a separate Jenkins job for each subproject. Jenkins' Mercurial plugin allows to specify "modules":
Reduce unnecessary builds by specifying a comma or space delimited list of "modules" within the repository. A module is a directory name within the repository that this project lives in. If this field is set, changes outside the specified modules will not trigger a build (even though the whole repository is checked out anyway due to the Mercurial limitation.)
This way our jobs are triggered only when change occurred in the monitoring sub-project.
I guess you need to create a project in jenkins for each subproject.
Other option would be to find if there is a way to intercept the repo sync and see what subproject has changed and do the build dynamically.

teamcity ant build

So i have 4 project depend on each other with 4 different configuration in team city. when i run 1 they all run. but , each one of them is doing check out when starting his run , so it is possible that some files were committed during build and than it is not the same revision.
i want to be able to checkout them all at the beginning so the build will be always the same revision.
does anyone has an idea?
If they are all pulling from the same repository you can create a snapshot dependancy from the dependent build to the build they are dependent on. What this means is that they will use the same sources as the build that they are depending on.
Snapshot Dependency
You could group the projects logically in version control and add a parent script to build them in order. You then have one TC checkout/build that does all 4.
We use maven multi-module builds in Hudson for the same purpose.
