Maximum video out resolution of iPad Mini? - ios

I'm developing an iPad app that can employ an external monitor. When I plug my iPad 3 into my external monitor, I get back a list of resolutions from the external UIScreen object that includes 1920x1080.
When I do the same with my iPad mini, the max resolution I get back is 1600x900.
This would make me think the iPad mini doesn't support full HD external video, but the Apple specs say this:
Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning
Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold
...which seems pretty unambiguous that it should support full HD.
Does anyone know what's going on here?

The iPad mini does not HAVE the resolution for 1080p (it has 1024x768 screen resolution while 1080p is 1920x1080 as you mentioned), hence, mirroring does not make sense.
Video playback, on the other hand, should work.

TV resolution can be set in Settings>General>TV Out.
The max resolution shown in that menu is your iPhone or iPad's screen resolution.


What are the FPS of the FaceTime Camera for the iPhone 6S vs 7+ vs X vs iPad Pro?

We are capturing video from iOS devices and processing it using OpenGL but are encountering a FPS difference between the devices when trying to set them at their maximum rate.
The iPhone 6S and iPad Pro FaceTime cameras are maxing at 60 fps.
The 7+ and iPhone X however are maxing at 30 fps.
It seems unusual that the FPS would decrease with later versions of Apple's hardware. We are trying to figure out if this is a software issue or simply the technical specifications for the frame rate for the FaceTime camera.
We looked on Apple's technical specifications page but the frame rates of the FaceTime cameras aren't listed (though the rear cameras are.) For example:
What are the FPS of the FaceTime Camera for the iPhone 6S vs 7+ vs X vs iPad Pro?
It looks like you’re correct. According to Apple’s iOS Device Compatibility Reference...
iPhone 6s series front camera does up to 60 FPS (all formats)
iPhone 7 series front camera does up to 30 FPS
iPhone 8 series / X front camera does up to 60 FPS, but only in binned formats (so you probably need to set the device’s activeFormat, not just choose a preset)
iPad Pro info is also in the tables at that link.

iOs: Low frame per second(fps) for VGA resolution

I'm facing an issue in broadcasting video from one iPhone to another iPhone.
The issue is when I view the friend's live video in my iPhone, the frame per second(fps) is very low(it is 12fps). Video quality and audio is looking fine but the only problem is fps.
I don't know where I need to config/change the code to convert from variable fps to constant fps. Also to increase the fps as **24/30**.
The resolution I used for broadcasting
RESOLUTION_VGA, // 480x640px (landscape) & 640x480px (portrait)
I'm using following libraries for streaming
MediaLibiOS - link
Wowza is a Media Server and iOS target version is 7.0
Please help !
Thanks in advance.

How to target both iPhone and iPad resolution on Flash CS6

I am building a small game for iOS on Flash CS6 and I want to target both iPad and iPhone resolutions, also supporting retina display if possible. I've played with the movie properties and the Air for iOS settings, but I am still in confusion about the screen resolutions. I want to make a HD (retina-enabled) game, and I want to target the non-retina models too. Which resolution should I use? (I'll be having only landscape) Should I go with 2048x1536 (iPad Retina), 1024x768 (iPad non-retina), 960x640 (iPhone/iPod touch retina), or 480x320 pixels (iPhone/iPod touch non-retina)? I've set the resolution to High in Air for iOS settings, left the default resolution (960x640) unchanged, but when I tested it on iPad 3, the resolution wasn't HD, even though my graphics were vector (made in Flash). There was also background color visible around the corners, compensating for the aspect ratio difference of iPhone and iPad. Why can be the App rendering in non-retina resolution even though I've checked it at the settings for iOS? And more importantly, what is the best approach for targeting both screen resolutions in a single app?
Despite iOS being a resolution dependent OS, stage resolution doesn't matter. It will look the same if the stage resolution was 240x160 or 1920x1280. The device will render the game to it's native resolution. This is why you need to set the resolution in the publish settings: so that flash knows to add support for those resolutions for iOS. Setting the stage to 960x640 should be fine for the iPhone. When it publishes for iPad on the other hand, it will be built to it's native screen resolution, but because the iPhone and iPad have different aspect ratios, the iPad will have more space on the side. Since the game will be in landscape mode, it should be ok to simply put to thick black rectangles on the top and bottom of the stage.
As for the new iPad resolution, Flash isn't powerful enough to support that resolution, it will export to the standard iPad resolution of 1024x768 even if the resolution is set to high in the publish settings.
So pick the stage resolution based off of what device you favor, if you want the app to look best on the iPad's format, go for 1024x768, but the iPhone will have extra space on the sides in landscape mode. The same goes for the iPhone resolution I explained earlier. Although, if you'd like to fully support both, you can try many methods used to position GUI elements on the vast sea of Android Screens based off the Capabilities.screenResolutionX and Capabilities.ScreenResolutionY methods in flash.

Airplay on new Apple TV (3rd gen.) for second screen not at 1080p

I am working on an app that uses Airplay mirroring for a second display that has different content to the iPad itself. I'm using an iPad3 and ATV3 (i.e. released March 2012) attached to an LCD capable of 1920x1080 via HDMI.
With Airplay mirroring, the second screen's UIScreen is available through [UIScreen screens] array. I was able to get rid of the black borders by setting overscanCompensation to 3 but I can only display a 1280x720 image. The monitor is working at 1920x1080 (i.e. checked in its menu, set to "Just Scan", and the rest of Apple TV interface is at 1080p).
When I return the availableModes array from UIScreen it only has one item "1280x720"!
Does this mean that iOS 5.1 only supports 1280x720 on the new apple tv for airplay mirroring and not 1080p!? or am I doing something wrong.
Airplay itself only supports streaming in 720p. Here is what some clever guys did to get around it but you need to assemble some hardware.
EDIT Oops, apparently you CAN stream 1080p, but you can only MIRROR 720p (not enough memory?? I don't know)

iOS FullScreen AVCaptureSession

I am developing a realtime video processing app for iOS 5. The video stream dimensions need to match the screen size of the device. I currently only have a iPhone 4 to develop against. For the iPhone 4 I set the AVCaptureSession preset to AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium:
AVCaptureSession *session = [AVCaptureSession new];
[session setSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium];
The captured images (via CMSampleBufferRef) have the size of the screen.
My question: Is the assumption correct that the images captured with a session preset of AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium have the full screen device dimensions on iPhone 4s and iPad2 as well? I unfortunately cannot verify that myself.
I looked at the apple documentation:
but I cannot find a ipad2 dimension preset of 1024/768 and would like to save me the performance penalty of resizing images in real time.
Whats the recommended path to go?
The resolution of the camera and the resolution of the screen aren't really related anymore. You say
The captured images (via CMSampleBufferRef) have the size of the
but I don't think this is actually true (and it may vary by device). A medium capture on an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4s is 480x360. Note this isn't even the same aspect ratio as the screen on a phone or iPod: the camera is 4x3 but the screen is 3x2.
