What could cause my MVC apps to be incredibly slow to start? - asp.net-mvc

Extremely often, in all kinds of various MVC3/4 apps I debug in VS2012 on my home machine, after pressing F5 to start debugging and open the configured start page in Chrome, it can take several - up to ten - minutes before becoming active.
I have no long startup procedures that load caches or generate code etc. and the same app will start instantly on my office machine. Quite often it will do so on my home machine as well, but this slow starting seems to come about after some hours of debugging, and possibly certain operations. Restarting VS doesn't seem to help, neither does killing IIS Express.

We were faced with an identical scenario recently where attaching the application to the debugger resulted in each page load taking about 10 minutes each, but running without debugging or in the QA environment worked fine.
The problem turned out to be that log4net was configured to use a network path for storing log files, a path that was unavailable from our local setup. This resulted in multiple attempts at accessing a remote path (once for each class being set up with Spring .Net) that didn't exist (and hence log4net threw an exception in each case).
But this should impact you out of the box, and shouldn't increase with time..


Locally-run tests pass, but Jenkins tests fail; why, and how can I fix this?

I'm running a fairly large suite of python-based tests with a much larger number of steps on an Ubuntu Linux VM. When I run them via any number of methods manually (via the console) they all run and pass just fine.
After I ported them to a Jenkins server, four out of the thirty fail. I tried the usually recommended fix - increasing the wait time for keywords to work to 1s before every single click - so I'm fairly certain it isn't a timing issue. The site loads a lot faster than that on Windows, which I know is slower than Jenkins on Linux.
After Googling around a little for an answer, I found that apparently no one has come up with an accepted answer, either on this site or other Q/A sites.
Here's the error messages I'm getting from Jenkins.
ElementNotVisibleException: Message: element not visible
(Session info: chrome=61.0.3163.79
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.26.436382 (70eb799289ce4c2208441fc057053a5b07ceabac),platform=Linux 4.10.0-33-generic x86_64)
WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of undefined
(Session info: chrome=61.0.3163.79
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.26.436382 (70eb799289ce4c2208441fc057053a5b07ceabac),platform=Linux 4.10.0-33-generic x86_64)
The other two are both element not visible exceptions identical to the first, both of which happen on a Click Button keyword that is not the first Click Button keyword in the test suite. The first one happens on a Click Element keyword that has worked perfectly since I wrote it, and the last one happens on tried-and-true JavaScript call to get the text of an element.
Why would something work locally on two different operating systems and then fail on Jenkins?
Why would something work locally on two different operating systems and then fail on Jenkins?
The most common might be that the jenkins system is running slower, and your tests aren't being hyper-vigilant about waiting for pages to finish loading before trying to interact with it. Jenkins boxes often can be under a heavy load, and if both the client and server are running on the same box, either or both could be contributing to the problem.
Another reason could be that you're running different versions of the browsers and/or selenium drivers on the jenkins box.
Another reason could be that the resolution of the (virtual?) displays is different, causing elements to be shifted to a different position.
The browsers on the jenkins box could have different profiles, resulting in a different set of plugins or antivirus software running. These can contribute to the speed at which a page renders, or could cause unwanted popups that cover portions of the screen.

Web deployment failing due to file in use

I'm using Microsoft's Web Deploy Remote Agent service to allow me to easily publish code to the server from within Visual Studio.
The web site I am deploying is using log4net to log messages to log files, and every time I try to deploy a new version of the code, I get this error in Visual Studio stating that the current log4net log file is in use:
An error occurred when the request was processed on the remote
computer. The file 'Web.log' is in use.
The process cannot access 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Logs\Web.log' because it
is being used by another process.
I can solve this by going onto the server and doing an iisreset before publishing... but that is kind of defeating the point of 'easy' publishing from Visual Studio :)
Is there some way I can get the publish task to issue an iisreset automatically, or some other way I can work round this?
I kept poking around and found some tidbits around the file being locked in a few other forums. Have you tried adding
<lockingModel type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
To your <appender> element in the web.config file? From the Apache docs
Opens the file once for each AcquireLock/ReleaseLock cycle,
thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of
locking is considerably slower than FileAppender.ExclusiveLock but
allows other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging
As far as the performance considerations, I suppose you would need to test if this will affect you or not as I am assuming it really depends on how often you are writing to the log file as to how much this will impact performance. I can't believe that getting/releasing a lock could take all that much time though.
There is a MSDEPLOY provider called recycleApp which is used exactly for this. You can include this in your deployment manifest.
Another option is to use ignoreOnErrors flag which will skip the file in use and continue with the deployment.

Can't resolve "UnauthorizedAccessException" with MVC 2 application running under IIS7

We use MVC controllers that access System.File.IO in our application and they work fine in localhost (IIS 6.0-based Cassini). Deploying to IIS7, we have problems getting the controllers to work because they throw UnauthorizedAccessExceptions.
We have done the following to try to resolve the issue:
- Set NETWORK SERVICE and IUSR accounts to have permission on the files and folders in question
- Ensured the App Pool is running under NETWORK SERVICE and loading the user profile
- Application is running under full trust
- We tried adding impersonation to web.config and giving NETWORK SERVICE write permissions (which was not a great idea because that's not what we want to do)
Now, we alternate between getting UnauthorizedAccessException and an IIS7 404 page that suggests the routes are being ignored completely (for example we serve "/favicon.ico" via a controller when the physical file actually lives at /content/images/favicon.ico). We used ProcessMonitor to try to track down the issue but weren't successful.
This issue is intermittent. We had a brief few minutes where everything worked without making any configuration changes. We're running on EC2, so this could be related to a distributed file system. We're also using a separate drive to store all web site data, we're not using inetpub/wwwroot.
The site works without incident under IIS 7.5, with no configuration changes needed but this is likely due to running with the new AppPoolIdentity. Otherwise it's an identical deployment. Unfortunately we can't run R2 on this EC2 instance.
One of the ways to identifying the cause is using Procmon tool from Sysinternals
Procmon will show the reason for unable to open the file , it will also show who is holding the file.
The issue turned out to be the controller factory we were using not handling file requests properly.

Debugging Delphi ISAPI Dll on Apache

I have run into a situtation where frequently when debugging a ISAPI Dll (TWebModule) running under Apache I get errors. The caption on the error box is "Debugger Fault Notification" and contained in the message is, among other things:
"c:\program files\Apache\bin\httpd.exe faulted with message......."
When this happens the cpu window pops up, and I have to hit the "OK" button on the error message. I might have to do this 3 - 5 times before program flow continues.
This is happening on my laptop. I have a desktop with the same exact configuration (as far as I know) and I don't have this problem. Both operating systems are XP. So obviously there is some setting or outdated file somewhere.
Also, I have noticed if first run my website when Apache is not in the debugging envrironment it seems not to have this problem. (i.e. start apache in the services, run my web app, stop the service, and then debug it within the Delphi environment).
Any ideas???
While it doesn't directly answer the how to debug using Apache, another alternate debugging technique which works well is to use idDebugger (near the bottom of that page). It will allow you to debug ISAPI DLL's directly from the IDE without having to start/stop services. I now never develop ISAPI DLL's without it.
To avoid this and other problems, I've started xxm. It's an alternative to TWebModule, and uses a separate wrapper to run with IIS, but there's also an Apache, FireFox and IE wrapper! It also uses mixed-HTML-Delphi-source and the development-mode wrappers do the parsing and an auto-compile to give a web-script-like environment.
Also the InternetExplorer plugin works great in the debugger (with iexplore.exe as host application).
Error code 0xC0000008 is Status_Invalid_Handle. That can be thrown by CloseHandle, for example, when you try to close a handle that either was never open or was already closed. The error might not occur when you're running outside the debugger because the API won't throw an exception unless it's being debugged.
If you're getting that exception in code that the debugger doesn't have access to, then the debugger will display the CPU window instead. Look at the call stack to find the place in your code closest to where the exception came from.
It's also possible that it's not occurring in your code at all. Try doing your same debug routine without your module installed. Do you still get errors?

.NET MVC Slow Site

I have a site that is taking around 20 seconds to load every page (no matter what it does)
So i put in a /scripts/test.html that isn't part of a route and it still takes this long... no db hit nothing.
I renamed the web.config to _web.config and it loads instantly, rename it back... back to around 20-30 second load times.
Running the application locally... i put a breakpoint on the RegisterRoutes in the Global.asax.cs and ran that... /scripts/test.html does not hit breakpoint normal site does (site loads instaly fast locally on the same database/code)
Server is Mosso IIS7/SQL Server 2008 Cluster
The site is being hit pretty hard... ANY help please? or things to test/debug?
Few things to try:
Try taking a look with FileMon/ProcessMonitor and see if there is a ton of disk activity.
If the above is not an issue, install an instance of Dot Trace by Jet Brains. Profile the app and see if there is some memory or performance issue that is not apparent on your local box.
I saw another related issue that was solved by disabling IPv6, maybe try that.
