How Can I Ensure Dragged Element Clone Retains Original's Width - jquery-ui

I'm using jQuery UI Draggable to drag a <div> whose width is calculated as part of the layout (margin:auto;).
When dragging that element using helper:clone, the clone also gets the margin:auto; style, but is no longer constrained by the original's container.
Result: The cloned <div> may have a different width than the original.
How can I cause the clone to retain the original's width?

Jon's answer is really good, but it doesn't work properly when you have child elements in the draggable. When that's the case, the can represent your draggable's children, and you'd want to modify the draggable's helper() method something like:
helper: function(e) {
var original = $("ui-draggable") ? $( : $(".ui-draggable");
return original.clone().css({
width: original.width() // or outerWidth*
Without this, the helper would represent any child element clicked within the draggable (click the within the light blue region in the "Drag 1" box for example). Adding the additional logic above ensures that the draggable element is used for the helper. Hope that helps for anyone in a similar situation!
* Note: You'll want to use outerWidth if the original element has box-sizing: border-box applied (thanks to #jave.web for raising).

You just need to set the width and the margin on the cloned element based on the draggable object when it is dropped, using $(ui.draggable).clone().css({ ... });
Here's an updated fiddle for you, should be what you're looking for. It will also keep the width for the helper object as well.

I think I know what the problem is.. where you have:
<div style="width:50px">
it also needs to be included in the objectDrag class:
<div class="objectDrag" style="width:50px;margin:auto; color:white;border:black 1px solid; background-color:#00A">Drag me</div>
I hope thats what you meant!
Hi took another quick look
I used the width:inherit property to inherit the parents width no matter what size it is. Also I noticed removing the border fixed the problem. the dragable clone is 2px out and you have a border of 1px. This is kinda buggy from Jquery-ui IMO they should account for borders at least.
If you really want borders try using "outline" instead of "border". This does not add to the width of the div.


angularjs ui-grid: how to display all records taking more than one html page

Im using angularjs grid: this component allaways displays only data which fits to page. Suppose I want to have all data displayed at once, even if it takes a few pages (page scrolling is needed to see all data, but without grid scroll).
How to do it?
I played with:
parameter ui.grid.autoResize
trying to overwrite default css
No result.
Did you tried adding a class to your div. I can see the grid scroll bars if I add a CSS like so. You need to change the below CSS according to your needs.
.grid {
width: 580px;
height: 500px;
And here is my ui-grid
<div class="grid" ui-grid="assetGridData" ui-grid-move-columns ui-grid-resize-columns ui-grid-selection></div>
Also it will be good if you can have a fiddle for this issue.
One hacky way to make it is to set
gridOptions.minRowsToShow = rows.length + 0.1
0.1 is needed to completely remove the vertical scrollbar of the grid. If 0.1 doesn't work for you, try a higher value like 0.2.
ui-grid-auto-resize worked in my case

Panel with Collapsible Set and Listview set to em25 too wide in 'Overlay' Mode

I have some nested recursive functions which dynamically create collapsible with listviews that are in a side panel. I found the default 17em to be too small, especially as the nested text starts to get short. So I found the styles in the css which set it and I overrode those to use 25em. This might be a bit too much after testing on some devices. However I digress.
The thing I am here to ask is why my collapsible overflows the panel when I use data-display="overlay", when I set it to 'reveal' it looks fine. I thought it might be all my nested content, so I made a fiddle with static content here:
<div data-role="panel" id="left-panel" data-display="overlay" data-position="left" data-position-fixed="true" data-swipe-close="true" data-dismissible="true">
and I can see it is not that, perhaps there is some other CSS property for the panel that I am not aware of. There seem to be lots of niggly little settings to get to know with this framework. Hope someone out there can help because I really think 'overlay' is better than pushing my main content area.
jQM adds a negative left and right margin to collapsibles within the collapsible set. You can override the margin like this:
.ui-collapsible-set .ui-collapsible{
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
Updated FIDDLE
Also, changing your collapsible set to data-inset="true" fixes the issue.
a solution without setting collapsibles to inset...which is important because I have nested collapsibles is to simply set the 'magic' .ui-panel-inner class which JQM puts in as an 'enhancement' but which makes it a bit difficult for traditional webdevelopers to know to apply styles to their controls.
.ui-panel-inner {
/*width: 25em;*/
padding: .2em 1.2em;

jquery UI draggable resizable with containment does not work in ie9?

The code works on Chrome and I am trying to get the code to work on ie9. It works properly with the draggable() without containment but messes up the behavior badly when containment is set to parent:
img = $("<img alt='Preview' id='preimg' src='" + data.result.url +"' />")
containment: "parent"
containment: "parent"
The parent position is set to relative. I am using jquery 1.7.2 and jquery-ui 1.8.20
Is there any workaround?
After much testing - I have found that the container size calculation for the div is not working correctly, I was able to get it to work with the resizable enabled but without actually resizing the div. As soon as I resize the draggable containment area reduces in size, resizing multiple times leads to this area becoming smaller until the drag option stops working.
I found that there are several bug reports with the jquery ui library about these issues -
I was able to find a work around that I tested extensively and which should work in most situations. The key here is that you need to use a container div that is not floated and has position relative. If you need to use a floated/absolute div just create a div inside it and set the position to relative. For the code in the question the html looks like:
<div class="outer">
<div class="container">
<div id="preimage"></div>
and the css would be:
position: relative;
Since you can't drag an element when you resize and vice-versa, a safer way(to avoid some of the issues) of using the javascript would be:
containment: "parent",

jQuery Mobile: multi-line buttons, in a vertical control group

On my jQuery Mobile page, i'm using a horizontal control group for some buttons.
But in some languages the text within these buttons is too long.
Instead of wrapping the text within each button, the buttons themselves wrap onto the next line.
this is the base code:
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal">
short button
really really really insanely long button is really really insanely long. No really, who makes buttons this big?
and with this css, we convince it to wrap inside the buttons. Otherwise the text is truncated with an ellipsis
white-space: normal !important;
On the third page of this fiddle the problem is demonstrated
Anyone have any ideas how I might tackle this?
Thanks in advance,
ps. Inspiration for the original fix came from Tosh in Jquery Mobile Multiline Button
You could set widths for the links in your control-group:
.ui-page .ui-content .ui-controlgroup a {
width : 49%;
This will keep them on the same line. Here is a demo:
Also, just to be thorough, the white-space : normal actually needs to be applied to the .ui-btn-text element which is a child of the .ui-btn-inner element (so it still receives the inherited value).
Trim your long buttons - that's a usability issue. If you have action buttons named that long seems like that just defeats the purpose of an action? Other than that I wouldn't use controlgroups for something like this. I would use a custom data theme & some grids to house my buttons inline.

webkit translate3d issues (peek-thru)

I'm building an iOS app with PhoneGap. I'm using translate3d CSS animations to create the 'flip' effect.
This works great on simpler elements...a DIV with front/back divs and maybe an extra span or two.
But when I attempt to flip a larger element...namely the entire screen, I get redraw glitches. What happens as soon as I swap the css class to start the transition, parts of the 'bottom' div pop-through the 'top' div, then the flip happens, then they pop-out again. And it's not the entire element that shows's half of the element split along the axis that I'm doing the translate 3d rotation on.
Any ideas or theories as to what might be causing this? It happens the same both on the iPad as an app and on the desktop in Safari, so appears to be a webkit issue.
Could it be some CSS issues? Or is attempting to do a full-screen translate3d rotation with complex nested elements with large background images just more than Safari can handle?
I've made progress in narrowing down the issue.
What's happening is that the elements that are 'peeking through' when I do the translate3d flip happen to be child elements that had been previously positioned via translate3d.
My 'page' structure that I want to transition with translate3d:
<div id="frontbackwrapper">
<div id="front">
<div id="back">
This works on it's own. The front div is replaced with the back div with a card-flip effect.
The problem is that prior to doing the full page flip, I've already animated some elements within the #front div using translate3d:
<div id="frontbackwrapper">
<div id="front">
<div class="modal"></div>
<div id="back">
Example CSS:
.modal {
width: 800px;
height: 568px;
position: absolute;
left: 112px;
z-index: 100;
-webkit-transition-duration: 1s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-618px,0); /* set off screen by default */
.modal.modalOn {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,80px,0); /* slides the div into place */
If--instead of using translate3d--I just reposition the div with a top style or transform the top property, I don't get the peek-through issue. Of course, that means I have to give up the slick animation or hardware acceleration, respectively.
At this point, it looks like a webkit bug. I'll keep doing some playing with it. If anyone has run into this before and found a workaround, I'm all ears!
solution! After a night of sleep, I mulled over the culprit and what to do with it. It's not necessarily the act of animating a child element with translate3d but rather the face that the element that was translated has that CSS property at the time it's parent is being animated with translate3d.
The fix is to first animate the child element, then remove the translate style all together.
The CSS structure is now:
/* default class for the start of your element */
.modal-startposition {
-webkit-transition-duration: 1s;
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-618px,0);
/* add this class via jQuery to then allow
webkit to animate the element into position */
.modal-animateposition {
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,80px,0);
/* when animation is done, remove the above class
and replace it with this */
.modal-endposition {
top: 80px;
And some sample jQuery:
//[attach a click event to trigger and then...]
.on('webkitTransitionEnd',function () {
A little tedious, but it completely fixes the screen redrawing problem.
EDIT: Corrected a typo
I learned something from this, thanks. Also,
take note of the css attrbibutes, 'translate3d' and 'left'. Translating and positioning is a little different. Test it out, translate an element 100px in x-axis, set it's 'left' style attribute to 0px. Verify, it will be positioned at 0px on x-axis from the current translation point (starting from 100px on x-axis).
That produces mathematical errors in drag/drop and animation algorithms and easily noticed (redraw glitches, skips, position getting reset), and becomes a challenge because translate3d no longer updates the elements offsetLeft or 'left' style attribute (to prevent reflow, for optimization), so parsing the elements real left, is based on knowing if translate3d or left was being used. If you're a game developer, tracking the x,y in internal variables is the way to stay in synch with the elements position. Hope that helps out more.
