capybara and reloading iframe with javascript - ruby-on-rails

so I have a rails app with an IFrame, and at some point I reload that IFrame via javascript and it's content changes.
So I'm trying to test that behavior with following code
sleep 3
within_frame('email-content') do
page.should have_content "<h1>Email content</h1>"
When I run it with selenium I can see that IFrame's content has updated, however capybara still sees old content. Making it wait longer before checking it's content does not work either. Any help is appreciated. Thanks :)


Capybara Rspec how to refresh page and see changes?

I have one project where I can use binding.pry to pause execution during Capybara rspec testing, and continually refresh the page in the browser while making changes to the code for that page.
This is EXTREMELY helpful for me.
I have a new project that won't pick up new changes to my code when I refresh the page.
I can't tell what in the projects is different, but how can I configure my app so a refresh during debug in Capybara will pick up changes?
Different server, different config? HELP!

Why is my RSpec + Capybara test failing to render view?

I use wicked (1.3.1) (not sure if relevant) for an onboarding flow on my rails 5 app. On the last step of my onboarding process, there is an <a> link that navigates to a user#dashboard page.
This works totally fine in all browsers. For some reason that transition does not work in Capybara (rspec 3.7, rspec-rails 3.7.2, Capybara 2.14). The url changes in the automated browser to the desired route, but the page does not render any content, it retains the old view. Visually its as if someone typed in a url but did not press return, however, the controller method and view are getting touched when i debug them. They appear to return a rendering, but the value is not rendered in the browser
If i throw a sleep in my test after the <a> click, I can manually click on the url bar, press return (to navigate to the correct url) and the page will render then. But not on its own. Anyone experience this before?
I have tried changing the href to a different path to see if it is a problem with the target view/controller - it is not, happens to all of the paths I try. I have also tried different capybara drivers: :selenium, :chrome, :poltergeist. All same result!
Would love to provide more detail but i'm not sure what to show. Its a simple href and i'm not sure what could go wrong.
turns out there was an error in the logs. Will update with a solution.
Could not log "render_template.action_view" event. NoMethodError: undefined method `render_views?' for RSpec::ExampleGroups::LayoutsSplash::View:Class ["/Users/mitchellmeyer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.1/gems/rspec-core-3.6.0/lib/rspec/core/example_group.rb:732:in `method_missing'",
The error shown in the logs is a know rspec/rspec-rails 3.6 issue - upgrading will fix that. Beyond that, the fact it works when a URL is submitted manually to the browser but not when clicking on the link indicates the link is probably being interfered with by JS. Most likely that's Turbolinks which you can disable for a given link by adding a data-turbolinks=“false” attribute to the link. If that fixes the behavior (which you state it did) then it's probable you have a JS error in one of your files. Check the developer console in the browser for any errors shown and fix them.
Since you mention Poltergeist, as a driver you tried, in your question it's possible for there to be silent errors that cause JS to fail when using it since it doesn't support anything beyond ES 5.1 so it's not really that suitable for testing modern webapps any more and I would recommend sticking to headless chrome if you need headless testing.

Why is rspec/capybara not reloading my javascript

I am trying to write some integration tests in rspec/capybara/selenium for my Rails 5 app. I have recently started testing some javascript features in the app with headless Chrome.
I struck a problem where I was unable to choose a select element on the page with capybara despite this working fine when I loaded the site manually in chrome in development environment. After some investigating I figured out that the select element was not currently visible. It is hidden when the page loads but should then be made visible immediately on loading by my javascript.
I disabled headless and paused my test with a quick and dirty sleep 60. I then looked at the javascript file in Chrome's developer tools and discovered that it has loaded an old version of the file with none of my recent changes. The file it has loaded no longer exists in my app so it must be being cached somewhere. Any ideas how this might be occurring and how I can fix it?

Capybara: cannot find CSS and page.body is blank

I've just started writing integration tests with Capybara and I am running into the following symptoms after successfully accessing a page.
#response.body shows the correct HTML as expected.
page.body shows nothing.
save_and_open_page saves the file but the file is empty.
click_on("#item") fails (note I can see it in #response.body). Many other types of CSS access also fail here.
I surmise that Capybara failing to access known CSS is related to its rendering a blank page. Is there an underlying reason for all this behavior?
You need to use #visit to have Capybara go to a page. Capybara is designed to emulate a user using a browser - it has no support for direct get/post/put... since a user doesn't have that. It also has no direct access to the response from the app, since the browser handles that. What it does let you do is move around the app, in a browser, like the user would and then assert against elements of the page appearing, disappearing, and displaying expected information

Get content of a page in IRB (within debugger)

I have a failing test for my Rails project (where a certain piece content is supposed to appear on the page, but is not), and I'm trying to debug it using the debugger gem. Because I see what I think is correct content when I view a page in the browser, I want to run IRB within the debugger and see what the content of the page is when the test is running. My test executes visit sponsor_path(sponsor). Is there a way to fetch the content of that route/path in IRB?
When using rspec and capybara, you can have a look at the page with save_and_open_page
Call it after you visit a path, and it will save the current page (much like doing a save from your browser) and open it.
You can perform html requests through the rails console like this:
html = app.response.body
