What is the correct REST Endpoint to retrieve user (profile) information from a connections installation - oauth

Based on this information:
And a working url for posting updates:
I created this one to try and find out to whom this access token belongs:
But than I get Error 501: No service defined for path people/#me/#self
what should the url be ?

Apperently you don't need to include: #Self
This is it:
See also : http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/appdevwiki.nsf/xsp/.ibmmodres/domino/OpenAttachment/ldd/appdevwiki.nsf/B49DB47061DA9DEB85257AC9006D5256/attach/AppDev_OpenSocial.pdf

You can use the Profiles REST API URLs:


Slack Conversations API conversations.kick returning "channel_not_found" for a public channel

I am writing a Slack integration that can boot certain users out of public channels when certain conditions are met. I have added several OAuth scopes to the bot token, including the following:
I am writing my bot in Python using the slack-bolt library and asyncio. However when I try to invoke this code:
await app.client.conversations_kick(channel=channel_id, user=user_id)
I get the following error:
slack_sdk.errors.SlackApiError: The request to the Slack API failed. (url: https://www.slack.com/api/conversations.kick)
The server responded with: {'ok': False, 'error': 'channel_not_found'}
I know for a fact that both the channel_id and user_id arguments I'm passing in are valid. The channel ID I'm using is the string C01PAE3DB0A. I know it is valid because I can use the very same value for channel_id in the following API call:
response = await app.client.conversations_info(channel=channel_id)
And when I call conversations_info like that I get all of the information about my channel. (The same is true for calling users_info with the user_id - it returns successfully.) So why is that when I pass my valid channel_id parameter to conversations_kick I consistently receive this channel_not_found error? What am I missing?
So I got in touch directly with Slack support about this and they confirmed that there is a bug on their end. Specifically, the bug is that I should have received a restricted_action error response instead of a channel_not_found response. Apparently this is a known issue that is on their backlog.
The reason the API call would (try to) return this restricted_action error is simply because there is a workspace setting that, by default, prevents non-admins from kicking people out of public channels. Furthermore, this setting can only be changed by the workspace owner - one tier above admins.
But assuming you are the owner of the Slack workspace, you simply have to log into the Settings & Permissions page, which should look something like this:
And then you have to change the setting labeled "People who can remove members from public channels" from "Workspace admins and owners only (default)" to "Everyone, except guests."
Once I made that change, my API calls started succeeding.

getting error when enter uri for timeseries ingest

Hi I am trying to save data in timeseries db but I am facing an error at timeseries ingest when I enter wss://gateway-predix-data-services.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io/v1/stream/messages in websocket uri it shows an error like this when I click on open socket
The request failed with status code: 500
"error": "Error: unexpected server response (401)",
"url": "wss://gateway-predix-data-services.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io/v1/stream/messages"
and see this screenshot once.
Eswar G
From the error log, it looks you got authorization error. Check if you are using correct predix-zone-id of the time-series instance in the request header or you have configured correct UAA instance in predix tool kit.
Have you updated your UAA client with timeseries authorities?
To inserting time series data with particular user or client need permission. For getting permission, you need to add authorities into your UAA client.
Following are the authorities for timeseries.
Experiencing a similar problem. I'm posting only one of several received error messages. I've cycled through combos of the following for uri and zone id:
and the zone id shown in the photo, with .ingest at the end.
so, 401 unauthorized.
Did you happen to re-create the timeseries or uaa? Perhaps they are not associated. Also, I'm assuming you did "login as client" in the top menu.
Might be a good idea to create a new timeseries tied to that uaa. Then use the new zoneId.
Did you add predix..ingest and predix..user to the scope and authorities section in uaa client in your predix.io account. Please check the client id to add permission for in websocketriver.config file.

slack api rtm.start missing_scope needed client

I have get access token and when I try to post rtm.start, I am getting below error:
error = "missing_scope";
needed = client;
ok = 0;
provided = "identify,read,post";
I have set the scope to read,post,identify in authorize API. I have read the API document over and over again. Only rtm.start mentioned client scope. But in oauth document I didn't find a client scope. So, what's wrong?
You have to do it before you get the token.
when you do the initial request to connect the app, include &scope="identify,read,post,client"
Under App Credentials get your Client ID and Client Secret.
replacing #{team} and #{cid} with your values.
When you approve the authorization you’ll goto that real url that doesn’t resolve. Copy the whole url to your clipboard and paste it into a text file. Extract out just the “code” part.
Now goto:
And you’ll get back a token like:
(from here: https://medium.com/#andrewarrow/how-to-get-slack-api-tokens-with-client-scope-e311856ebe9)

In Apigee, how to pass access_token to GetOAuthv2Info policy?

I'm trying to use Apigee's GetOAuthv2Info policy but think I'm missing something really simple (still new to Apigee/APIs)...
The policy is configured based on the sample:
<GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes">
If I try to pass a valid token via a query parameter:
http://{host}/path/to/endpoint?access_token=tUbvXzh97UtRRUuBpGUNpXESJtD1, I get a 404 Not Found error code with:
\"faultstring\":\"Invalid Access Token\"}"}
Is this the correct way to pass the access token to the policy?
Thanks in advance!
<GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes">
<AccessToken ref="request.queryparam.access_token"></AccessToken>
<GetOAuthV2Info name="GetTokenAttributes">
Your original policy is probably using the literal string value of request.queryParam.access_token as the token reference. Also noticed that queryparam is complete lower case.

Facebook OAuth: custom callback_uri parameters

I'd like to have a dynamic redirect URL for my Facebook OAuth2 integration. For example, if my redirect URL is this in my Facebook app:
I'd like the redirect URL for a specific request be something like this, so that on the server, I have some context about how to process the auth code:
My redirect gets invoked after the authorization dialog is submitted, and I get back an auth code, but when I try to get my access token, I'm getting an OAuthException error back from Facebook. My request looks like this (line breaks added for clarity):
All of my parameters are URL-encoded, and the code looks valid, so my only guess is that the problem parameter is my redirect_uri. I've tried setting redirect_uri to all of the following, to no avail:
The actual URL of the request to my site
The URL of the request to my site, minus the code parameter
The URL specified in my Facebook application's configuration
Are custom redirect URI parameters supported? If so, am I specifying them correctly? If not, will I be forced to set a cookie, or is there some better pattern for supplying context to my web site?
I figured out the answer; rather than adding additional parameters to the redirect URL, you can add a state parameter to the request to https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth:
That state parameter is then passed to the callback URL.
If, for any reason, you can't use the option that Jacob suggested as it's my case, you can urlencode your redirect_uri parameter before passing it and it will work, even with a complete querystring like foo=bar&morefoo=morebar in it.
I was trying to implement a Facebook login workflow against API v2.9 following this tutorial. I tried the solutions described above. Manuel's answer is sort of correct, but what I observed is url encoding is not needed. Plus, you can only pass one parameter. Only the first query parameter will be considered, the rest will be ignored. Here is an example,
Request a code via https://www.facebook.com/v2.9/dialog/oauth?client_id={app-id}&redirect_uri=http://{url}/login-redirect?myExtraParameter={some-value}
You'd get a callback for your url. It will look like http://{url}/login-redirect?code={code-from-facebook}&myExtraParameter={value-passed-in-step-1}. Note that facebook would make a callback with myExtraParameter. You can extract the value for myExtraParameter from callback url.
Then you can request access token with https://graph.facebook.com/v2.9/oauth/access_token?client_id={app-id}&client_secret={app-secret}&code={code-from-facebook}&redirect_uri=http://{url}/login-redirect?myExtraParameter={value-extracted-in-step-2}
Additional parameter passed in step 1 after the first query parameter will be ignored. Also make sure to not include any invalid characters in your query parameter (see this for more information).
You're best off specifying a unique callback for each oAuth provider, /oauth/facebook, /oauth/twitter etc.
If you really want the same file to respond to all oAuth requests, either include it in the individual files or setup a path that will call the same file on your server using .htaccess redirects or something similar: /oauth/* > oauth_callback.ext
You should set your custom state parameter using the login helper as such:
use Facebook\Facebook;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$fb = new Facebook([
'app_id' => env('FB_APP_ID'),
'app_secret' => env('FB_APP_SECRET'),
'default_graph_version' => env('FB_APP_VER'),
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$permissions = [
$random = Str::random(20);
$OAuth2Client = $fb->getOAuth2Client();
$redirectLoginHelper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$persistentDataHandler = $redirectLoginHelper->getPersistentDataHandler();
$persistentDataHandler->set('state', $random);
$loginUrl = $OAuth2Client->getAuthorizationUrl(
url('/') . '/auth/facebook',
Hey if you are using official facebook php skd then you can set custom state param like this
$helper = $fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();
$url = $helper->getLoginUrl($callback_url, $fb_permissions_array);
