Fastest way to get frames from webcam - opencv

I have a little wee of a problem developing one of my programs in C++ (Visual studio) - Right now im struggling with connection of multiple webcams (connected via usb cables), creating for each of them separate thread to capture frames, and separate frame for processing image.
I use OpenCV to process frames, but the problem is that i dont get a peak of webcam possibilities (it supports 25 fps, i get only 18) is there some library that i could use to get frames, than process them with OpenCV that would made frames be captured faster?
I was researching a bit and the most popular way is to use directshow to get frames and OpenCV to process them.
Do You agree? Or do You have another solution?
I wouldn't be offended by some links :)

DirectShow is only used, if you open your capture using the
CV_CAP_DSHOW flag, like:
VideoCapture capture( CV_CAP_DSHOW + 0 ); // 0,1,2, your cam id there
(without it, it defaults to vfw )
the capture already runs in a separate thread, so wrapping it with more threads won't give you any gain.
another obstacle with multiple cams is the usb bandwidth, so if you got ports on the back & the front of your machine, dont plug all your cams into the same port/controller else you just saturate it

OpenCV uses DirectShow. Using DirectShow (primary video capture API in Windows) directly will obviously get you par or better performance (and even more likely so if OpenCV is set to use Video for Windows). USB cams typically hit USB bandwidth and hence frame rate limit, using DirectShow to capture in compressed formats or in formats with less bits/pixel is the way to reach higher frame rates within the same USB bandwidth limit.
Another typical problem causing low frame rates is slow synchronous processing delaying the capture. You typically identify this by putting trivial processing into the same capture loop and seeing higher FPS compared to processing-enabled operation.


How can I stream RTSP video with OpenCV without decoding?

So I'd like to stream video from an RTSP stream using OpenCV, and immediately save the raw video to a file without decoding. We need high performance and might be processing as many as 500 cameras on one machine. Which means that even though typically small and 2% CPU, the extra 10x CPU needed to decode every frame adds up. When I run with ffmpeg command line it's getting so little usage it shows 0.0% CPU.
The recommendation I've seen before is just use ffmpeg, reason I'd like OpenCV is:
A) We might need to do some image analysis in the future, wouldn't be on all frames though, just a small sample of them, so all still need to be saved frame by frame to file without decoding, but some will separately be decoded.
B) Simpler to implement than ffmpeg (that in the future would need to pass select frames to OpenCV)
Edit: I've tried using VideoWriter::fourcc('X', '2', '6', '4'), and -1 in order to try to skip encoding. Seems like it goes ahead and does it anyway even though it's already in that format?
Thoughts? Thanks!

CPU load of streaming vs file downloading when routing data

I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 to route wifi-eth connections. So from the eth side I have a computer that will connect to internet using the Pi wifi connection. On the Raspberry I started htop to monitor the CPUs load, then on the computer I started chrome and played a 20-minute 1080 video. The load on the CPU didn't seem to go beyond 5% anyhow. After that I closed youtube tab and started a download of a binary file of 5GB from the first row here ( Well, I noticed that CPU load was much more higher, around 10%!
Any explanation of such a difference?
It has to do with compression and how video is encoded. A normal file can be compressed, but nothing like that of a video stream.
A video stream can achieve very high compressions due to the predictable characteristics of video, e.g. video from one frame to another doesn't change much. As such, video will send a whole frame (I-frame) and then update it with just the changes (P-frame). It's even possible to do backward prediction (B-frame). Here's a wikipedia reference.
Yes, I hear your next unspoken question: Doesn't more compression mean more CPU time to uncompress? That's true for a lot of types of compression, such as that used by zip files. But since raw video is not very information dense over time, you have compression techniques that in essence reduce the amount of data you send with very little CPU usage.
I hope this helps.

Access the whole video memory

I'm looking for a way to read the whole video memory that a video card outputs to a display. That includes also hardware accelerated output, video playback and output in fullscreen mode (that somehow I feel could be different from windowed mode).
In short: I want to be able to capture everything that is going to be represented on a display.
I suppose that IF that's possible it would be os-dependant. The targets I'm interested in are Windows OSX and Linux.
Do you have any hint?
For windows I guess you could take CamStudio, strip it down and use it to record the screen then do whatever you want with the output, other than that you could look into forensic kernel drivers for accessing RAM. It's not exactly as simple as a pointer pointing to the video memory anymore, haha.
Digital Rights Management, requested feature of Windows, attempts to block your access to blocks of graphics-card frame buffer memory. Using an open-source driver under Linux would seem to be the only way to access this memory, or as mentioned earlier, some 3rd party software that knows some back doors or hacks or ways to locate other program's frame buffer space.
Unless of course, you are trying to capture output from your own program (ie you are calling the video/graphics creation functions yourself), there are APIs to manipulate display frames in DirectX and OpenGL.
I think I found some resources that can help to capture the display memory in Windows
Fastest method of screen capturing
How to save backbuffer to file in DirectX 10?

Creating synchronized stereo videos using webcams

I am using OpenCV to capture video streams from two USB webcams (Microsoft LifeCam Studio) in Ubuntu 14.04. I am using very simple VideoCapture code (source here) and am trying to at least view two videos that are synchronized against each other.
I used Android stopwatch apps (UltraChron Stopwatch Lite and Stopwatch Timer) on my Samsung Galaxy S3 mini to realize that my viewed images are out of sync (show different time on stopwatch).
The frames are synced maybe in 50% of the time. The frame time differences I get are from 0 to about 300ms with an average about 120ms. It seems that the amount of timeout used has very little effect on sync (same for 1000ms or 2000ms). I tried to minimize the timeout (waitKey(1) for the OpenCV loop to work at all) and read every Xth iteration of the loop - this gave worse results that waitKey(1000). I run in FullHD but lowering resolution to 640x480 had no effect.
An ideal result would be a 100% synchronized stereo video stream that has X FPS. As I said I so far use OpenCV to view video still images, but I do not mind using anything else to get the desired result (can be on Windows too).
Thanks for help in advance!
EDIT: In my search for low-cost hardware I fount that it is probably possible to do some commodity hardware hacking (link here) and inject a single clock signal into multiple camera modules simultaneously to get the desired sync. The guy who did that seems to have developed his GENLOCKed camera board (called NerdCam1) and even a synced stereo camera board that he now sells for about €200.
However, I have almost zero ability of hardware hacking. Also I am not sure if such clock injection is possible for resolutions above NTSC/PAL standard (as it seems to be an "analog" solution?). Also, I would prefer a variable baseline option where both cameras would not be soldered on a single board.
It is not possible to stereo sync two common webcams because webcams lack external trigger feature that lets one precisely sync multiple cams using a common trigger signal. Such trigger may be done both in SW or HW but the latter will give better precision. Webcams only support "free-running" mode and let you stream whatever FPS they support but you can not influence when exactly the frame integration/exposure is done.
There are USB cameras with a dedicated external trigger feature (usually scientific cameras like Point Grey) - they are more expensive (starting at about $300/piece) than webcams but can be synced. If you really are on low budget you can try to hack the PS3 Eye camera to get the ext. trigger feature.

Possible to stream video over 115kbps?

I need some advice from people experienced with streaming video.
I have a task to put together a system that allows video coming from RS-170 (composite) video cameras and have them displayed on an iPad. The catch is that no wireless (no Wi-Fi, no bluetooth) is allowed. Only a wired interface.
The physical I/O options on an iPad are apparently extremely limited, but I did manage to come across a company named Redpark that makes an RS232-to-Lightning cable. So my proposed solution is to have the video feeds go into a box with software that digitizes and encodes the video, and then sends it over RS232 to the iPad using that cable. The catch here is that the maximum bandwidth on that cable is 115kbps.
My preliminary testing of this setup on a prototype system have been less than stellar so far. I set up two PCs, each with serial ports, and hooked them together with a null modem. I then set the baud rates of the ports to 115kpbs and then attempted to stream a web cam video feed over the serial connection in real-time using ffmpeg. The results weren't very encouraging, but I at least did manage to get some sort of image to show up.
I guess I need to play around with the ffmpeg encoding options some more. But I need to ask: am I wasting my time with this idea, or should what I am asking here be possible?
For SDA LQ standard ("low quality") we encode H.264 mp4 (using x264) with a 128 kbps video track. The hardware decoding on the iPad can play it. It is maximum 320x240 30 fps video. The quality depends heavily on the material. For mostly nonmoving material, it is watchable. If there is a lot of movement or lighting changes, you may not be able to make out much. You can check out some examples at the link. Video game video, but some may be comparable to your application.
Without knowing more about your requirements (resolution, framerate, type of material), it is difficult to say more. However, given the right material, it is definitely possible to do it and have it be watchable (for some definitions of watchable).
