Submit iPhone app only for 3.5 inch screen size - ios

I already have deleted the 4" default black screen from my project, I uploaded my binary, and it still says my app supports the 4" screen. None of my views are set to the 4" screen. So is there a hidden section or something that im missing? Everything works perfect except it wants me to upload a screen shot for the 4" screen shot. is not "detecting" that you app wants to use the 4" screen and there is not a setting to submit for only 3.5" screens. Now that the iPhone 5 is out, Apple simply wants everyone to submit a screenshots for the 4" screen. It is a little bit of a pain, but there is no way around it.

Every project has to support 3.5-Inch and 4-Inch.
The black screen is just set for splash screen being displayed when the app starts.
In this case, your app has no splash image on 4-Inch devices.


Window size small on iPhone 5/6

I have having ass issue with an iOS8 app, I use auto layout but not size classes in my storyboard. My app works as expected in iPhone 4s and on iPhone 6+ but when viewed on an iPhone 5/5S/6 the window seems to be the wrong size, I get a black border at the top and bottom of the screen. I have attached a screenshot below. What could cause this? I have never encountered it before..
You are missing the correct size of launch screen for 4" and 4.7" devies. If you have them in your project make sure they are in the list of launch screen in te info.plist. If you are using image assets make sure they are present in the LaunchImage section.

iPad scales iPhone app incorrectly

When I run the app on the iPad it uses currently the 4 inch screen which does not fit on the screen of an iPad, the app is an iPhone only app, but I want to run it on the iPad with scaling up the 3.5 inch screen.
How can I force the iPad to use the 3.5 inch screen and not the 4 inch?
And also the status bar is shown on the iPad and not on the iPhone, why is that also different?
The status bar on iPad in combatibility mode is completely outside of your reach. It's displayed on the edge of your screen not on the edge of the application window. This behavior cannot be modified by the application. Logically, you need the normal iPad status bar and you can't have another in the application. On the other hand, there is no reason to hide the iPad status bar because it can never overlap the application in compatibility mode.
The 4-inch is strange because iPads always show iPhone applications as 3.5 inch. If you see bad dimensions on the screen, then it's a bug in your code. Make sure you are setting frame sizes correctly.

4-inch simulator strange result

On right there is simulator and on the left you can see the ViewController in xcode5. Problem: black space at the top and bottom of the simulator.Even the Carrier and time not showing at top . Issue in 4-inch screen and in 3.5-inch screen its working perfectly
As discussed in the comments of your question, you are missing the Default-568h#2x.png launch image, for your app to utilities the whole iPhone 5 screen you need to include this launch image otherwise it will not launch in full screen.
Here is a link to the Apple documentation for Human User Interface for launch images
add a Default-568h#2x.png image to your project and problem will be gone.

See all of iOS 7 simulator in Xcode 5 on non-retina Macbook

I am trying to test an app in the simulator (3.5 retina iPhone) and am running into a bit of an annoyance. I can't see the bottom 10th of the screen...
I have tried the Cmd+3 shortcut but unfortunately that part of the screen is still missing. For example, the card should be in the middle of the screen below:
For this app, I have some components at the bottom of the screen that I can't see in the simulator. For now, I'm having to move the components further up the screen so that I can test them but it isn't ideal.
Has anyone else encountered this issue?
I think you have designed your view for the 4 inch display, and have not set up autolayout/springs and struts to layout your view correctly.

iPhone 4" simulator opening 3.5" app

My app uses Storyboard and on the storyboard it looks fine with the bigger 4" screen. But, on the simulator it opens the 3.5" app and puts some black space up and down the screen.
You need ensure that you have splash screen asset that is sized for the 4" screen. This is normally called something like Default-568h#2x.png and needs to be added to the project settings.
