iPhone 4" simulator opening 3.5" app - ios

My app uses Storyboard and on the storyboard it looks fine with the bigger 4" screen. But, on the simulator it opens the 3.5" app and puts some black space up and down the screen.

You need ensure that you have splash screen asset that is sized for the 4" screen. This is normally called something like Default-568h#2x.png and needs to be added to the project settings.


Window size small on iPhone 5/6

I have having ass issue with an iOS8 app, I use auto layout but not size classes in my storyboard. My app works as expected in iPhone 4s and on iPhone 6+ but when viewed on an iPhone 5/5S/6 the window seems to be the wrong size, I get a black border at the top and bottom of the screen. I have attached a screenshot below. What could cause this? I have never encountered it before..
You are missing the correct size of launch screen for 4" and 4.7" devies. If you have them in your project make sure they are in the list of launch screen in te info.plist. If you are using image assets make sure they are present in the LaunchImage section.

Autolayout not working on iOS7 and Xcode 6

I've started using Xcode auto layout for my projects.
Auto-layout works perfectly when I'm testing on ios8 devices, it the view scales as needed.
However, things get a little crazy with ios7.
When I test my app on an ios7 iPhone 5 simulator, the app doesn't scale-up to the larger screen,
but only shows the 3.5 inch view, leaving black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.
I am using a tableView controller.
How do I scale the tableViewController up so that it fits on a larger screen in ios7?
(Like I've said, my app fits perfectly in ios8, on all screen sizes, but not in ios7.
Also, it scales fine on an ios7 ipad.)
The Xcode (6) IDE should give a warning about this, that may not be so clear:
"Applications using Launch Screen Files and targetting iOS 7.1 and earlier
need to also include a Launch Image in an Asset Catalog."
This means you need to have the proper Launch-Images for the "Retina 4" screen,
which is 640 × 1136 pixels, and it should be configured in the assets-catalog,
just like your Application-Icons ("AppIcon"), but under "LaunchImage" there.
Once you add this 4-inch-compatible Launch-Image to your application,
iOS-7 will assume you are properly supporting the "Retina 4" screen,
and will launch the application in 4-inch mode.

UIToolBar Not Showing In 3.5 Inch Simulator

I have an iPhone app that has a UIToolBar added at the bottom in a View Controller with button on it. I was just testing it and found that the UIToolBar is not showing in the 3.5-inch iPhone simulator in Xcode. While its properly showing up in 4-inch iPhone Simulator and 4-inch 64-bit iPhone Simulator. Its even showing up properly on all iPads simulator.
I don't have any 3.5 inch iPhone to test it on the device since i only own an iPhone 5 and iPad 2. Although its hard to tell but can anyone point out what could be the problem or how can i troubleshoot it to find the problem?
Try clicking on the toolbar in storyboard and the from the icons on the bottom left section from second from right select reset to suggested layouts and see if that will solve your issue.

Submit iPhone app only for 3.5 inch screen size

I already have deleted the 4" default black screen from my project, I uploaded my binary, and it still says my app supports the 4" screen. None of my views are set to the 4" screen. So is there a hidden section or something that im missing? Everything works perfect except it wants me to upload a screen shot for the 4" screen shot.
itunesconnect.com is not "detecting" that you app wants to use the 4" screen and there is not a setting to submit for only 3.5" screens. Now that the iPhone 5 is out, Apple simply wants everyone to submit a screenshots for the 4" screen. It is a little bit of a pain, but there is no way around it.
Every project has to support 3.5-Inch and 4-Inch.
The black screen is just set for splash screen being displayed when the app starts.
In this case, your app has no splash image on 4-Inch devices.

Splash screens on iPad 3

I am developing an application that should work correctly on both iPad 2 and iPad 3. I have spash portrait and landscape screens. I use Default-Portrait.png with size 768x1004 and Default-Landscape.png with size 1024x768 for iPad2 splash screens, and Default-Portrait#2x.png with size 1536x2008 and Default-Landscape#2x.png with size 2048x1496 for iPad3. When I strat my app for the first time in iPad3 the initial splash image is first the iPad3 one ( Default-Portrait#2x.png/ Default-Landscape#2x.png) and then it switches to the iPad2 one ( Default-Portrait.png/ Default-Landscape.png).
Does anybody know where could be the problem ?
On the latest versions of Xcode, you can set the default images directly from the project settings panel. Just tap on the project on the top-left bar, then select the target and then go to the Summary tab. Scroll down and you will see the "iPad development info" panel, drag and drop there your default images (the rightmost is the retina, iPad 3 images).
Try to set the default images this way, it will automatically name them for you and I think it even resizes them for you.
