How to set up rack-offline in rails 3.2 app - ruby-on-rails

How to make rake-offline work in rails 3.2.11 ?
I added initializer
offline = Rack::Offline.configure do
#cache "images/masthead.png"
public_path = Rails.public_path
Dir[public_path.join("javascripts/*.js")].each do |file|
cache file.relative_path_from(public_path)
network "/"
I added in routes
match "/application.manifest" => Rails::Offline
Rack::Offline.configure do
cache "assets/application.js"
cache "assets/application.css"
network "/"
and added manifest in html tag.
It throws error
/initializers/offline.rb:5:in `block in <top (required)>': undefined method `join' for "/Sites/Ruby/project/public":String (NoMethodError)

In Rails 3.2.11, Rails.public_path returns a String, not a Pathname object. (It looks like Rails master has it returning a Pathname object which is why rack-offline's documentation might say to use it that way).
Try this instead:
public_path =


STORYBLOK, RUBY: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

I don't know that much about RUBY, just thought that you guys might help me with this. I'm using Storyblok as my headless CMS and JEKYLL when I'm building serve it this is the error that I got;
33: from C:/project/test/_plugins/storyblok_generator.rb:8:in `generate'
32: from C:/project/test/_plugins/storyblok_cms/generator.rb:12:in `generate!'
C:/project/test/vendor/cache/ruby/2.7.0/gems/storyblok-3.0.1/lib/storyblok/client.rb:354:in `block (2 levels) in find_and_fill_links': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
the code below is from _plugins/storyblok_cms/generator.rb
def generate!
timestamp =
links = client.links(cv: timestamp)['data']['links']
stories = client.stories(per_page: 100, page: 1, cv: timestamp)['data']['stories'] #line 12
stories.each do |story|
# create all pages except global (header,footer,etc.)
content_type = story['content']['component']
if content_type != 'shared'
site.pages << create_page(site, story, links)
rescue UnknownContentTypeError => e
# for production, raise unknown content type error;
# for preview and other environments, issue an warning only since the content_type might be available
# but the code handling that content type might be in a different branch.
Jekyll.env == 'production' ? raise : Jekyll.logger.warn(e.message)
end['stories'] = stories['articles'] = { |story| story['full_slug'].start_with?('articles') }['shared'] = { |story| story['full_slug'].start_with?('shared') }
the code below is from _plugins/storyblok_generator.rb
require "storyblok"
module Jekyll
class StoryblokGenerator < Jekyll::Generator
safe true
def generate(site)! #line 8
Additional Info:
ruby version: ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [x64-mingw32]
jekyll version: jekyll 4.2.1
OS: Windows 10
I've actually found the solution to this, So this error occurs because I have created a page template in Block Library in Storyblok and then firing bundle exec jekyll serve command in terminal without creating the page template source/file in my project directory.
So I have an about_us block (content-type) in Block Library created and then when I fire bundle exec jekyll serve without creating an about_us.html first in _layouts folder, It would trigger the error.
Make sure to create the source/file first in the _layouts folder if you have created a block (content-type) in block library.

Ruby: parametrize string without Ruby on rails framework (Jekyll plugin)

I have plugin that takes attribute from post's front matter and uses it in permalink. Problem is I need to clean up any accents and diacritics from the string before putting it in to the permalink. Ruby on rails has method called parametrize which does exactly what I need but I have no idea how to use it in plugin.
This is plugins code I have:
module JekyllCustomPermalink
class CustomPermalink < Jekyll::Generator
safe true
priority :low
def generate(site)
# nothing to do, wait for hook
Jekyll::Hooks.register :documents, :pre_render do |doc|
# check if jekyll can resolve the url template
rescue NoMethodError => error
if !doc.collection.metadata.fetch("custom_permalink_placeholders").is_a?(Array)
raise CustomPermalinkSetupError, "The custom placeholders need to be an array! Check the settings of your '#{doc.collection.label}' collection."
def doc.url_template
#custom_url_template ||= collection.metadata.fetch("custom_permalink_placeholders").inject(collection.url_template){|o,m| o.sub ":" + m, data[m].to_s.parameterize}
rescue KeyError
# "custom_permalink_placeholders"
raise CustomPermalinkSetupError, "No custom placeholders defined for the '#{doc.collection.label}' collection. Define an array of placeholders under the key 'custom_permalink_placeholders'. \nCaused by: " + error.to_s
but I get this error:
john#arch-thinkpad ~/P/blog (master)> bundle exec jekyll serve --trace
Configuration file: /home/john/Projects/lyricall/_config.yml
Source: /home/john/Projects/lyricall
Destination: /home/john/Projects/lyricall/_site
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
Liquid Exception: undefined method `parameterize' for "Žďořšťáčik":String in feed.xml
bundler: failed to load command: jekyll (/home/john/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin/jekyll)
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/jekyll_custom_permalink-0.0.1/lib/jekyll_custom_permalink/custom_permalink.rb:20:in `block in url_template': undefined method `parameterize' for "Žďořšťáčik":String (NoMethodError)
What am I doing wrong ? How can I use this method which should be part of a string class but apparently it is not ? How can I achieve same result without ruby on rails framework ?
jekyll 4.1.1
ruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38) [x86_64-linux]
Thank you for help
Rails additions to base Ruby classes, like String#parameterize, are part of the Active Support Core Extensions. The activesupport gem can be installed and used independent of Rails.
To keep the default footprint low, ActiveSupport allows you to require only the individual extensions you want to use. In your case, you will need to require the string inflection extensions:
require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
"Kurt Gödel".parameterize
=> "kurt-godel"

Setting up mime_types.rb in rails

I am trying to use Prawn in RoR 4.2.0. I am trying to add the following to my mime_types file:
Mime::Type.register “application/pdf” , :pdf
However, the server does not start with the following error:
/Users/Bob/Development/appname/config/initializers/mime_types.rb:7:in `<top (required)>': undefined local variable or method `“application' for main:Object (NameError)
Any thoughts?
Replace the curly quotes in “application/pdf” with straight quotes (i.e. "application/pdf")

Rails ckeditor dragonfly Erorr

Gem =>
Rails = 4.1.4
I've done
rails generate ckeditor:install --orm=active_record --backend=dragonfly
# Load Dragonfly for Rails if it isn't loaded already.
require "dragonfly/rails/images"
# Use a separate Dragonfly "app" for CKEditor.
app = Dragonfly[:ckeditor]
# Define the ckeditor_file_accessor macro.
app.define_macro(ActiveRecord::Base, :ckeditor_file_accessor) if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
app.define_macro_on_include(Mongoid::Document, :ckeditor_file_accessor) if defined?(Mongoid::Document)
app.configure do |c|
# Store files in public/uploads/ckeditor. This is not
# mandatory and the files don't even have to be stored under
# public. If not storing under public then set server_root to nil.
c.datastore.root_path = Rails.root.join("public", "uploads", "ckeditor", Rails.env).to_s
c.datastore.server_root = Rails.root.join("public").to_s
# Accept asset requests on /ckeditor_assets. Again, this is not
# mandatory. Just be sure to include :job somewhere.
c.url_format = "/uploads/ckeditor/:job/:basename.:format"
# Insert our Dragonfly "app" into the stack.
Rails.application.middleware.insert_after Rack::Cache, Dragonfly::Middleware, :ckeditor
But when I try to do something, an error:
Dragonfly::App[:ckeditor] is deprecated - use (for the default app) or (for extra named apps) instead. See docs at for details
NoMethodError: undefined method `configure_with' for Dragonfly:Module
What ideas are there to solve the problem?
UPD. If correct these errors, it becomes:
Dragonfly::Configurable::UnregisteredPlugin: plugin :rails is not registered
Remove all ckeditor initializers.
Add new file with following content:
require 'dragonfly'
# Logger
Dragonfly.logger = Rails.logger
# Add model functionality
if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
ActiveRecord::Base.extend Dragonfly::Model
ActiveRecord::Base.extend Dragonfly::Model::Validations
end do
# this generate path like this:
# /uploads/ckeditor/AhbB1sHOgZmIjIyMDEyLzExLzIzLzE3XzIxXzAwXzY0OF9zdXJ2ZWlsbGFuY2VfbmNjbi5wbmdbCDoGcDoKdGh1bWJJI.something.png
url_format '/uploads/ckeditor/:job/:basename.:format'
# some image from previous version can break without this
verify_urls false
plugin :imagemagick
# required if you want use paths from previous version
allow_legacy_urls true
# "secure" if images needs this
secret 'ce649ceaaa953967035b113647ba56db19fd263fc2af77737bae09d452ad769d'
datastore :file,
root_path: Rails.root.join('public', 'system','uploads', 'ckeditor', Rails.env),
server_root: Rails.root.join('public')
Rails.application.middleware.use Dragonfly::Middleware, :ckeditor
This will store image in (old style):
Eraden, your example works. I've replaced the contents of ckeditor_dragonfly.rb with what you've given and then "rake db:migrate" was finally successfull.
But then when I upload an image I get:
NoMethodError (undefined method ckeditor_file_accessor' for #<Class:0x007fb92c720118>):
app/models/ckeditor/asset.rb:1:in <top (required)>'
It seems, you need to replace "ckeditor_file_accessor :data" with "dragonfly_accessor :data" in /app/model/ckeditor/asset.rb. This solved this particular error for me, though I've got another one instead, but it seems to have nothing to do with the topic discussed.
(just for the case, I will write this problem here:
DRAGONFLY: validation of property format of data failed with error Command failed ('identify' '-ping' '-format' '%m %w %h' '/var/folders/x6/pwnc5kls5d17z4j715t45jkr0000gr/T/RackMultipart20150406-2109-1ho7120') with exit status and stderr dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/liblzma.5.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/identify
Reason: image not found

Undefined method in Refinery::Blog while search enabling

I enabled Refinery Search and Refinery Blog extensions in Gemfile and run rake db:migrate, rake db:seed.
And per Refinery Search instructions file, added the following to config/application.rb
config.to_prepare do
Refinery.searchable_models = [Refinery::Blog]
And also created app/decorators/models/refinery/blog_decorator.rb with
Refinery::Blog.class_eval do
acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :body, :custom_teaser]
Above example is from:
But when I try to run rails c or rails s, there is an error:
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
/home/bismailov/Desktop/my_docs/Inbox/ror/maqolarefinery/app/decorators/models/refinery/blog_decorator.rb:2:in `block in <top (required)>':
undefined method `acts_as_indexed' for Refinery::Blog:Module (NoMethodError)
from /home/bismailov/Desktop/my_docs/Inbox/ror/maqolarefinery/app/decorators/models/refinery/blog_decorator.rb:1:in `class_eval'
What could I be missing here? Thank you a lot!
Actually Refinery::Blog is a module not a model. Ideally you should use Refinery::Blog::Post.
