Powerpoint OOXml - differentiate an image from a video? - sdk

I'm just barely getting started with ooxml, working off of someone else's code (in F# which I'm only tangentially familiar with), and on a deadline so forgive me if this is a dumb question.
I have a pptx powerpoint file with two items on it. An embedded image, and an embedded video.
As best as I can tell, when using the OpenXml SDK to parse the file, both videos and images appear as DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.Picture.
How do I differentiate which is actually a video?

Look inside the PPTX itself for a direct look at what the SDK is interpreting and passing back to you.
If you add JUST a video to an otherwise blank presentation, there'll be both the video file and an image in the \media folder of the PPTX. The image is something PPT creates from the video ... it's the posterframe, what PPT shows you when the video isn't running.
I'm not positive but suspect that if there's a media[x].wmv file there, the poster image will be image[x].png (possibly a different extension, but same number [x], I think.
You can also look in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
-<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"><Relationship Target="../slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slideLayout" Id="rId3"/>
<Relationship Target="../media/media1.wmv" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/video" Id="rId2"/>
<Relationship Target="../media/media1.wmv" Type="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2007/relationships/media" Id="rId1"/>
<Relationship Target="../media/image1.png" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image" Id="rId4"/></Relationships>
Notice that images and videos/media have different Type="xxx" info.


How to copy from Storage to FileSystemStorage in Codenameone and display in BrowserComponent

I've been reading a lot of StackOverflow posts that discuss copying data from FileSystemStorage to Storage in CodenameOne, such as described in this answer from Shai, as seen below:
InputStream stream =
OutputStream out =
Util.copy(stream, out);
I've been trying to do the reverse: save from Storage to FileSystemStorage in order to show a PDF in the BrowserComponent (while using iOS), but have not been able to do so. I need to show the PDF within the app (so I don't want to use Display.getInstance().execute()).
Basically, I'm trying to dynamically populate a Container with whatever files the user selects-- I am using the FileChooser library for CN1 from Steve Hannah. (Disclaimer: I have made slight modifications to this library as it used in the app I'm working on-- HOWEVER, when I choose images with this library and pull them from Storage to an Image via InputStream, they display perfectly in an ImageViewer so I know that all files are being saved correctly in Storage.)
Here is my code (with help from Steve Hannah's comment on GitHub):
//fileLocation and fileName are slightly different but both end with file extension
File file = new File(fileToUpload.getFileName());
FileSystemStorage fss = FileSystemStorage.getInstance();
InputStream is = Storage.getInstance().createInputStream(fileToUpload.getLocation());
OutputStream os = fss.openOutputStream(file.getAbsolutePath());
Util.copy(is, os);
ToastBar.Status status = ToastBar.getInstance().createStatus();
String message = file.exists() + " " + file.isFile() + file.getAbsolutePath();
if (Display.getInstance().getPlatformName().equals("ios")) {
//Log.p("in ios !!!!");
BrowserComponent browserComponent = new BrowserComponent();
The ToastBar displays true and true for file.exists() and file.isFile().
I stipulate iOS because as far as I've seen while researching previewing PDFs within an app, I've seen that Android needs to have a different implementation, like adding a NativeInterface with an Android library. I also saw in different answers on the Google Group that this functionality (using browserComponent to view PDFs) is only available for iOS and not on the simulator. In the simulator, I see a blank space. My iPhone just freezes and/or crashes after displaying the ToastBar (and I work on a Windows machine, so not much ability to see native logs....)
What can I do to access the file and show it in the BrowserComponent?
Thank you!
Simple solution -- the file had a space in it (eg. "Test page.pdf") and didn't show! When I used files that didn't have spaces this worked and after removing spaces in the file names, thankfully everything worked. I'll have to add code to handle this scenario.
Thanks for your help!

Read HLS Playlist information to dynamically change the preferredBitRate of an Item

I'm working on a video app, we are changing form regular mp4 files to HLS, one of the many reasons we have to do the change is that we hace much more control over the bandwidth usage of videos (we load lots of other stuff in our player, so we need to optimize the experience the best way).
So, AVFoundation introduced in iOS10 the ability to control the bandwidth using:
AVPlayerItem *playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:self.urlAsset];
playerItem.preferredForwardBufferDuration = 30.0;
playerItem.preferredPeakBitRate = 200000.0; // Remember this line
There's also a configuration introduced on iOS11 to set the maximum resolution of the item with preferredMaximumResolution, So we're using it, but we still need a solution for iOS10 devices.
Well, now we have control over the preferredPeakBitRate that's nice, but we have a problem, not all the HLS sources are generated by us, so, let's say we want to set a maximum resolution of 480p when you're not connected to a wifi network, today I don't have way to achieve that, not always I'm going to be able to know how much bandwidth needs the 480p source for the selected HLS playlist.
One thing I was thinking about is to read the information inside the m3u8 file, to at least know which are the different quality sources that my player can show and how much bandwidth needs everyone.
One way to do this, would download the m3u8 playlist as a plain text, use a regex to read the file and process this data, well, I'm trying to avoid that, I think that this should far less difficult.
I cannot read this information from the tracks, because a) I can't find the information, b) the tracks are replaced dynamically when changing the quality, yeah 1 track for every quality level.
So, I don't know how I can get this information, I've searched google, stackoverflow and I can't find this information, does any one can help me?
Here's an example for what I want to do, I have this example playlist:
And I just want to have that information available on an array inside my code, something like this:
NSArray<ZZMetadata *> *metadataArray = self.urlAsset.bandwidthMetadata;
NSLog(#"Metadata info: %#", metadataArray);
And print something like this:
<__NSArrayM 0x123456789> (
<ZZMetadata 0x234567890> {
trackId: 1
neededBandwidth: 314000
resolution: 228x128
codecs: ...
<ZZMetadata 0x345678901> {
trackId: 2
neededBandwidth: 478000
resolution: 400x224

How to change url from m3u8 to .ts

I'm trying to make an iptv link work on my receiver
this is the original link that i want to convert
and this is the format that i want to reach in the end.
An m3u8 file is just a text file that acts as an index for media streams - it will contain 'pointers' to the location of video and audio streams themselves.
A TS file is a 'container' that contains the video and audio streams themselves - i.e. the actual video and audio data.
You can't simply convert any m3u8 to a ts file or stream, but you can extract from the m3u8 file a ts file URL, which maybe is what you want.
If you look at the overview section of the m3u8 definition there is a very simple example which is maybe the best way of understanding this:
The m3u8 file includes the ts references and can be seen in this extract from the above document:
The numbers here refer to the length of the stream. More complex examples allow you have multiple variants of a particular stream, to allow different bit rate versions of a video for Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) streaming for example.

AVMutableMetadataItem's time & duration INVALID after reading

I have a question.
Recently I needed to add custom tags for recorded video. Local video on device not a streamed video. The task is to add some event specific tags in video, position of which could be set by pressing forward/backward like buttons like in any player.
It is not important whether the movie file will be mov file or mp4 format.
I searched on forum, found several samples how to add metadata using AVExportSession & it worked.
Although, when I tried to add metadata using AVAssetWriter. I wasn't able to append attributes to video.
What I do not understand is that after adding attribute, returned (time & duration) properties are always invalid.
For instance let's say I have a video with duration 2 seconds.
I have tried different key spaces. I am not able to write keys' from ID3 space.
IS ID3 used for stream video? (as far as I understood ID3 metadata of .mp3). Therefore, I was not able to write it into MPEG-4 file
I also used QuickTimeUserData & ISOUserData but again results are the same.
Here is an example
AVMutableMetadataItem *item2 = [AVMutableMetadataItem new];
item2.keySpace = AVMetadataKeySpaceiTunes;
item2.key = AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyUserComment;
item2.value = #"One two three";
item2.duration =CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1, 1);
item2.time = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(0, 1);
After reading I got the following:
AVMutableMetadataItem: 0xa4301f0, keySpace=itsk, key=\U00a9cmt, commonKey=(null), locale= (null), value=One two three, time={INVALID}, duration={INVALID}, extras={\n dataType = 1;\n}
I would like to use time & duration properties for metadata instead of writing custom data and processing it after that.
Ideally it would be great to append array of items with time = t1, duration = d1, .... (tn,dn).
Does anyone know how to accomplish that?
I've ended with a solution adding chapters to a video file instead of using metadata.
I looked at available libraries, took mpv4lib.
The library currently is not compiled for iOS, therefore, I ported the source project into static library for iOS platform.
That library allows to add custom "atoms" to mp4 file, and one of them is Quick Time text track, containing chapters.
I do similar with that post
The library is located here.

Issue on attaching csv & pdf file- Objective c [duplicate]

I'm working with PDF generation,it generated the PDF, viewed using QLPreviewController, all worked fine except mail forwarding, I have two attachments of type .pdf and .csv. I have the following issues while emailing.
sometimes no attachments while emailing
pdf size will be very huge when pdf contains image(10 mb for one page pdf, if it contains image)
Problem is when testing in device,in simulator it all works fine...,
I come to know some exporting or importing UTI associated issues here
since I am a starter I feel difficult to understand it, I think some UTI's I have to add somewhere.. Can anyone please help me to identify the issue and solve, please. Thanks in advance.
1. Attachment issue
set mime type as text/csv instead of application/csv or image/csv. code is as shown below
[mailComposer addAttachmentData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.csvFilePath]
mimeType:#"text/csv" fileName:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"csvPage.csv" ]];
1. Size issue
I struggled a lot.. at last when wrote image in jpeg format to pdf page using below code, size got reduced ten times!!
UIImage *lowResImage = [UIImage imageWithData:UIImageJPEGRepresentation(plotImage, 0.02)];
