How to take picture using hidden camera? - coronasdk

In my application i have to take picture from camera.but i need camera view in hidden.if its possible to take picture without calling camera mode or if any possible to overlap the camera view.

Corona uses a native camera/media library method to access the camera and does not provide direct access to the camera. So this is not possible that I'm aware of.


Is there any way to capture video or image from Unity (which use Vuforia) iOS application?

I have an Augmented Reality functionality made using Unity + Vuforia plugin which I integrated into the iOS application. The app uses the camera as background and when you navigate camera to some marker 3D object will appear on it.
My task is to add buttons which will start and stop capture video (or image) from the camera. The output should be a video with camera scene + 3D object.
I made some investigation, but the only solution I found is to convert the view of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer on which camera preview is showing to a video (or image). But from my opinion, this solution is inefficient and not flexible.
Is there any way to get a current instance of the AVCaptureSession from Unity (or maybe Vuforia plugin)? Or maybe there is another way to solve my problem?
Any pieces of advice or guides will be very helpful.
I don't think you should use AVCaptureSession to get the preview and even do the capture operation in Cocoa-Touch instead you should capture the image in Unity and pass the data to Cocoa-Touch native API.
Here is the link how to capture the screenshot in Unity.

How to detect distance using an image (similar to EasyMeasure app)

I am developing an autonomous robot using an iPhone. I want it to analyze images from its camera to determine its distance to objects.
I know it is possible to detect distance using a single, regular camera because there is an app in the app store called EasyMeasure that detects the distance from the phone to the object using only the rear camera.
So my question is: a) what algorithm can achieve this? b) are there any open source libraries out there that do this?
Thank you.
It is not possible without additional scale information about the scene. The app you mention is rubbish. Sorry.

Simple way to capture a high quality image with AVCapture

All I need to do is capture an image, and all I can find is complicated code on capturing video or multiple frames. I can't use UIImagePickerController because I do not want to see the camera shutter animation and I have a custom overlay, and my app is landscape only. What is the simplest way to manually capture an image from the front or back live camera view in the correct orientation? I don't want to save it to the camera roll, I want to present it in a view controller for editing.
Take a look to the SquareCam ( example from Apple. It contains all what you need for high-quality capture of images. I recently copy-pasted the code from this project myself where I solved the same task as you. It works well :)

Unity3D on iOS, inspecting the device camera image in Obj-C

I have a Unity/iOS app that captures the user's photo and displays it in the 3D environment. Now I'd like to leverage CIFaceFeature to find eye positions, which requires accessing the native (Objective-C) layer. My flow looks like:
Unity -> WebCamTexture (encode and send image to native -- this is SLOW)
Obj-C -> CIFaceFeature (find eye coords)
Unity -> Display eye positions
I've got a working prototype, but it's slow because I'm capturing the image in Unity (WebCamTexture) and then sending it to Obj-C to do the FaceFeature detection. It seems like there should be a way to simply ask my Obj-C class to "inspect the active camera". This would have to be much, much faster than encoding and passing an image.
So my question, in a nutshell:
Can I query in Obj-C 'is there a camera currently capturing?'
If so, how do I 'snapshot' the image from that currently running session?
You can access the Camera's preview capture stream by changing in unity.
I suggest that you have a look at some existing plugin called Camera Capture for an example of how additional camera I/O functionality can be added to the capture session / "capture pipeline".
To set you off in the right direction. have a look at the function initCapture in :
- (bool)initCapture:(AVCaptureDevice*)device width:(int)w height:(int)h fps:(float)fps
Here you will be able to add to the capture session.
And then you should have a look at the code sample provided by Apple on Facial Recognition :
Unity 3D allows execution of native code. In the scripting reference, look for native plugins. In this way you can display a native iOS view (with the camera view, possibly hidden depending on your requirements) and run Objective C code. Then return the results of eye detection to Unity if you need it in a 3D view.

How do I fire a camera connected on USB programatically?

I want to make something like they have at US dmv's where you sit down and it takes your picture, maybe like photobooth.
I want to connect a high end camera via usb, fire the camera and get the picture.
There's the Picture Transfer Protocol a nastly little thing. All the cameras I held in my hands so far, claiming they had proper PTP support failed it somewhere. But in theory one can use PTP to remote control a camera, i.e. trigger the shutter, retrieve the picture and so on.
Rater than reimplementing the whole thing I recommend you get some readily usable PTP library. There are some open source ones listed on
The easiest method is probably to use OpenCV:
If you need a high end camera - most digital SLRs have a tethered mode where you can control the camera, fire the shutter and retrieve the image data. Each camera maker has a proprietary (but normally free) sdk.
For a webcam type camera - these normally run in video mode, you simply grab an image out f the video stream - as PaulR says - use openCV
