TADODataSet.MasterFields - Performance - delphi

I have a Delphi application which has 2 TADODataSet objects that reference CLIENT (Master) and ORDER (detail) data. I have the 2 components linked via the DataSource and Masterfields (using ClientCode) properties and everything functions as expected. However, I've noticed a performance issue recently and have discovered that even if only just one client record is returned for for the master record set, the entire orders table is returned and then filtered for the specific client. Is this how it should function? From tracing the database activity I can see that the following SQL is being executed:
-- the one client that I wanted to view
SELECT fields FROM Client WHERE ClientCode = 1;
SELECT fields from Order; -- entire orders table
I am using Delphi 2006 BDS

You just have to watch that Masterfield is named correctly with the fieldname of your masterdataset.

Make sure the parameter types are the same in both cases, i.e. master and child.


Delphi TAdoConnection Master/Detail : duplicate records in grid

I made the following test for the problem. I have a TAdoConnection connected with an Access database with two tables (master/detail);
A TADoDataset with commandtext selecting the master table, a DatasetProvider conneced to the AdoDatset and a Clientdataset to the provider and a Datasource.
The same (4) components for the Detail set. On the main form two DBgrids.
Nothing special. But the one of the master records does not have detail records.
When I scroll trough the master grid, after having selected the record without details, the details of the other masters are duplicated: a master with 3 details shows 6 and next time 9 etc.
This only happens with TAdoDataset, DataProvider, Clientdataset. When I use a TSQLConnection and a TSQLDataset the behaviour is normal. But in my current project I have to deal with TAdoDataset. Please help.

How to assign foreign key in a master detail relationship using generator in Delphi XE2?

As an example:
I have two tables in firebird:
IDCUSTOMER (autoincrement generator)
IDCUSTOMER (foreing key from TB_CUSTOMER)
I have a registration form developed in Delphi. The table data TB_PHONE are handled using a dbgrid. I can not assign the value of the field IDCUSTOMER in TB_PHONE, because it was not generated by the Firebird generator. How can I make the relationship between the tables? I want to implement it without first saving the table data TB_CUSTOMER. I'm using datamodules with IBDAC.
Any sugest?
Before detail table can be inserted into, you should have PK-index over master-table updated and having proper master-ID in it. That means that some piece of code should insert master-record before inserting detail-record. Where this piece of code would be - is only limited by your fantasy.
Few arrangements include
insert the master-row in your application. Read the id of the row. Insert detail-row using this id.
read ID from then Generator, then insert both rows (master 1st) using the obtained ID
create a stored procedure, inserting both rows and returning ID (implementing #1 or #2 server-side)
use EXECUTE BLOCK - basically ad hoc anonymous SQL procedure. But that only is available in FB 2.x and except for not using namespace it is inferior to #3.
add BEFORE INSERT trigger onto detail table, searching for ID in master and adding one if not found. This would slow down all insert operations (even when master-ID already exists - that should be checked), would not be able to fill all other master columns but ID and is potentially dangerous due to hiding application logic problems. But still that can be implemented (though ugly and dirty method)
create master-join-detail VIEW and add INSERT trigger for it, propagating the new view-row into both master-table and details-table.
et cetera
I want to implement it without first saving the table data TB_CUSTOMER
There's your problem. You need the primary key from the master table before you can save the detail. That's just the way it works. But if what you want is to make sure that the values get saved together, you can do that as a transaction. In Firebird, you can do it like this:
Begin a transaction. Exactly how you do that depends on which DB library you're using to access your Firebird database.
Run an INSERT INTO ... RETURNING statement to insert the row into your master table and retrieve the generated value as a single operation.
Use the generated PK value to fill in the FK value on your detail table.
Insert the detail row.
Commit the transaction.

oracle devart entity framework - added New column - now trigger system_id not changing to a unique new number?

oracle 10.4
devart dotConnect - 6.50...
MVC2 project - web page
User fills out form, then controller gets new entity, fills it out. saves database
System_id before saving = 0 (its an int/number - so no cannot be null)
Several other tables linked, so they have their own System_id as well.
When it gets saved to database, some trigger (there is a stored trigger for the table, which I only seam to understand as when system_id=null to be fired), a new Number is assigned for System_id.
This all worked fine.
Then I came along, and needed some updates.
Another field needed on this "main" table
(I have earlier, added columns to another table, with out issue)
Added column to this "main" table (restrict_to_me)
Now when it tries to save to database - it trys saving "system_id=0".
Linked tables, also make records with system_id=0
In entity framework designer - i can see the field system_id ENTITY_KEY=true and StoredGeneratedPatern=Idenity
So I can not see what I have done to stop somthing from working with the entity framework, except updating the entity framework.
Any direction much appricated
When you added the new field, did you drop the table and recreate it?
If you did that then you deleted the trigger at the same time. So when you recreate the table, you also need to recreate the trigger.
Try inserting data just using an SQL statement and see if the id is generated.
This was an Entity Framework issue, one many have already had.
Not every time, but some times, when updating the model, StoredGenereatedPattern being droped in a section.
When looking at fixes, did not understand that BOTH SSDL and CSDL parts stored in same text.
So look in upper part that it has StoredGenereated Pattern.

Obtain Trigger generated values after ApplyUpdates with a TClientDataSet

I have a (Firebird) DB. For most of my tables I have a trigger which fires before insert which will create the Primary Key (PK) for me via a generator as well as write to the newly inserted records a Created Date value and a Created By value. I also have an update trigger which writes to an Updated Date field and an Updated By field.
eg (Client is a table in my DB):
create trigger t_client_id for client
active before insert
as begin
new.client_id = gen_id(gen_client_id, 1);
new.created = current_timestamp;
new.created_by = current_user;
new.lock_vn = 1;
end ^
create trigger t_client_update for client
active before update
as begin
new.updated = current_timestamp;
new.updated_by = current_user;
end ^
When I apply updates thru my ClientDataSet (CDS) - which are attached to remote TDataSetProviders via a TDSProviderConnection, how can I "retrieve" these generated values? If I edit an existing one (which will in turn call the t_client_update trigger, calling RefreshRecord will get the updated and updated_by fields. However, the Doco says to use that method cautiously, so that may not be the correct way to achieve this. I call it straight after I've called ApplyUpdates(-1).
The CDS I use only contains the one record I am attempting to Edit. For a New record, the CDS is in dsInsert mode. Everything is written to the DB ok so I just need to get this new data back out again. I have also tried using a CDS which contains ALL records in the table too to see if it was any simpler but didn't make any difference - unsurprisingly. The reason I need this information is simply to show to the user in DB Aware controls these values. They are read only.
I could call a Get on the record I guess when editing an existing record, using the PK, but that won't help for an Insert as I don't know what the new PK is.
Example of where I attempt to ApplyUpdates to my CDS (actDSSave is a TDataSetPost action)
dsState := actDSSave.DataSource.DataSet.State;
if dsState = dsEdit then
I am using TIBQuery for my dataset attached to the remote DataSetProvider. This query SQL is a simple select * from client where client_id = :client_id. I have tried associating this query with a TIBUpdateSQL too as well as trying to set poAutoRefresh to true in the DataSetProvider.
So is it possible to obtain these Trigger generated values this way or do I need to approach it in a different way? Another way I can think of, is to create stored procedures which do CRUD against each table and use that instead (with appropriate in/out params to return this new data) but hopefully I don't have to go down that track. Hopefully I have provided sufficient info here to explain and replicate the issue.
Realised in above, DoApplyUpdates(-1) is my own method. It's implementation at the moment is simply:
FdatCommon is a TDataModule containing my CDS.
You simply can't get "generated" values without new requery (RefreshRecord) of data after Post.
It's because triggers runs on server side when you call ApplyUpdates, but TClientDataSet does not refresh by default posted record. For example other libraries FIBPlus have an option to do it automatically.
About inserts, TIBDataSet have GeneratorField property. Using it, dataset query and increment generator value separatelly before insert. So you will have PK values after post even on inserts. But avoid using it again in trigger.
MIDAS (TClientDataSet) is a great library, but his general / universal architecture loose DB specific features (such as retriving values from inserts) compared to dedicated libraries for specific DBMS, such as FibPlus. By the way I saw TpFIBClientDataSet. It work in conjunction with TpFibDataSet.

Auditing Changes under MVC & Entity Framework (using sprocs)

I have the challenge of needing to audit data changes made by users of an MVC application.
Auditing creation and deletion of records is easy.
Updates is proving to be the problem.
I'm looking for a way to automate this, but the problem I have is that the application is using stored procedures to bring back EF "complex types".
These are then used to build a view model, and after postback, the controller receives a new view model built from the form values passed back from the view. Therefore the original values are no longer available.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a secure way to keep the original values so they can be compared with the updated values, so that changes can be stored?
(I appreciate I could go back to the database for these, but is not efficient, and I would have to retain all the parameters to remake the same call, and find a way to automate that part of the process).
Have you tried an Audit Trigger using the INSERTED and DELETED tables.
In your stored procedures for insert,delete,update you can make use FOR XML AUTO. To get the XML for the record and add it to an audit table.
UPDATE A T-SQL example
-- these tables would be in your database
DECLARE #audit_table TABLE(AuditXML XML, Type VARCHAR(10), Time DATETIME)
-- this is defined at the top of your stored procedure
-- your stored procedure will add an OUTPUT to the temp table
OUTPUT inserted.ID INTO #temp_table
VALUES ('test1', GetDate()),
('test2', GetDate() + 2)
-- at the end of your stored procedure update your audit table
INSERT INTO #audit_table
FROM #table
-- your audit table will have the record data
SELECT * FROM #audit_table
In the example above you could make temp_table a clone of table (have all of the columns from table) and in your OUTPUT clause use INSERTED.* INTO #temp_table, this would avoid have to reselect the records before getting the FOR XML AUTO. Another note, for stored procedures that do DELETE you would use DELETED.* instead of INSERTED.* in your OUTPUT.
If using SQL Server I recommend that you look into Change Data Capture (CDC).
It's an out of the box solution for auditing changes to the underlying tables of your application and it's relatively straightforward to set up, so there is no need for a custom solution that you then have to maintain.
If you have any supporting applications for your site, they'll also be covered and it also has the benefit of auditing any changes made directly against the database, such as from a DBA running a script.
Since your asp.net application may be running under one particular account, you'll probably need to add additional tracking information to capture the user who made the change. Fortunately this is also relatively straightforward. The following Stack Overflow question covers an approach to this using the ObjectStateManager
I was lookging for this myself, found this, check out Tracker for EF
