Box Rest API V2 - ios

I want to bring Box API to my iOS app. I see there are 2 versions of Box API. The version 1 is deprecated and will sunset at December 14, 2013. But I could not found where I can download full source code of API version 2, I want to customize the API for my iOS app, not using static library. Does anyone know where I can download API version 2 source code for Box ?

The source for the v2 iOS SDK is available on GitHub.


Dropbox migration(API v1 retired) iOS Objective c (Backup,restore)

Friends please help me how to migrate dropbox v1 to v2.
My manager gives an old project to me, in this they have used sqlite database for store locally and Dropbox sdk to do backup the files.
But the Dropbox v1 is retired now. i'm in serious trouble now.
My manager is asking either do with dropbox or iCloud?
Please help me?
As Dropbox has made mandatory to use dropbox V2 September 2017, you will have to implement Dropbox V2 API's.
If the project is in objective-C changes are minimal. Instead of delegates which were used in V1, they have provided blocks to the developers. Blocks are really helpful in reducing code complexity as response is returned inside the block.
You can download Objective-C sdk from here:
In my case, I had created Dropbox manager. So, instead of making complex changes, I created extension of my existing class and started to replace delegate with blocks provided in V2.
Regarding swift sdk of Dropbox, as far as I know, it is introduced officially by Dropbox in V2 only (I might be wrong here, because i never searched and saw for swift sdk of Dropbox before V2).
To download swift sdk of Dropbox V2, follow the link:

iOS Evernote SDK with Evernote App 8.x

We have recently noticed that our app's Evernote integration has stopped working. I've pinpointed it to the new Evernote app update released on January 19th that brings the app to version 8.0.1. Specifically the "IsEvernoteInstalled()" function no longer works, and neither do any ENSession calls that open notes in the Evernote app itself (viewNoteInEvernote for example). I made sure I have the latest version of the Evernote Cloud SDK here:
but I'm still not having any luck. One oddity I've noticed is that the only required LSApplicationQueriesSchemes item mentioned in the documentation is "en" yet the source code for the app is trying to open "evernote://" urls. Also the "IsEvernoteInstalled" function checks "en://". The current version of the Evernote iOS app appears to only have "evernote://" as a registered scheme so I'm confused. I tried adding "evernote" as another application query scheme, but that did not help. It appears that the Evernote Cloud SDK has not been updated to remain functional with the new version of the app, but maybe I'm missing something?
Thank you.
I think the change of URL scheme is unintentional and will be fixed on the Evernote side.

Sony Camera SDK version 2.3 not available on website

I went to the Sony website to get the latest version of the SDK.
On that page is info about the SDK but no way to download. I have tried this from Chrome, Edge and InternetExplorer. Is the link broken or am I at the wrong link?
The main download page is broken for me also, but this link does work:

ios google drive sdk version

I applied ios google drive sdk long time ago.
but I do not know sdk version.
and I want to update sdk, if there is some changes.
these site does not have any change log or current version information.
question :
How to know sdk version in my app.
GTLService requestUserAgent => is this method right?
how to know sdk change log(deprecated api..)

Google maps SDK Version Issue - IOS

Am using Google maps SDK in my app and I had to support 5.0 also but Google maps does n't support 5.0. How to implement my app for 5.0
Is there any link to download Google Maps SDK 1.4.x?
Thanks in advance,
There's a "Releases" webpage for the GoogleMaps SDK which list what's changed from version to version.
They do allow downloading releases from one or two versions back, but there's no actual link there for 1.4.X.
However, when I tried manually typing in a link of "", it successfully downloaded. Grab it now, because it is likely to be gone within the next month or two.
