Dart: how to refer to a component element, when there are multiple instances of the component? - dart

I have a template:
<element name="x-my-elem" constructor="MyElem" extends="div">
<button on-click="onClick()"> Button </button>
<div id="displayMe">
And script:
class MyElem {
onClick {
query("#displayMe").innerHtml = "hello";
Now, there are multiple instances of the component in the html file:
<div is="x-my-elem" id="p1" ></div>
<div is="x-my-elem" id="p2" ></div>
I want each button to change only "displayMe" that belong to it. How to achieve it?
Is there a way to generate unique Ids? Something better then this.elements[i] ?

First, I think you should prefer classes to id's for component internals, because you can have multiple instances of the component, as you do here.
Either way, the way to scope your query to the component is to use this.query() instead of query(), like so:
class MyElem {
onClick {
this.query(".displayMe").innerHtml = "hello";


Vue js trucate property on array

I am trying use Vuejs's vue-truncate-collapsed property to add the read more and read less button. A Worker can have multiple services. Something like this. Services are stored as array.
<li v-for="item in worker.service_names">
{{ item}}
this works perfectly fine. But now what I want to do is display default 5 values(not sure how to add the length of 5) and if a worker has more than 5 services then read more button appear. I am not able to implement this on an array. Please help me figure out the issue. I am new to Vuejs.
less="read less"
You could iterate over a computed list. If it is a short list the computed value will return a shortened list otherwise the full list.
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
workers: ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'],
showNum: 4,
short: true
computed: {
return this.workers.slice(0,this.showNum)
return this.workers
methods: {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.6.11/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="item in visibleWorkers">
<button #click="showMore">{{short?'show more':'hide'}}</button>

How to find element in nested template

Polymer element is defined as follows:
<polymer-element name="my-element">
<template if="{{show==true}}">
<div on-click="{{hideMe}}"> click to hide my div </div>
<div id="mydiv">
my div content here
And Dart code is as follows:
#observable bool show = true;
Element e = $['mydiv'];
e.hidden = true;
Code does not work as $['mydiv'] returns null.
How to find an element in nested template in Dart polymer component?
Why would you want to do that? <template if removes the nodes from the DOM when show == false.
All you have to do is
In Dart
void hide() {
show = false;
If you don't want to hide the <div on-click='...> move it outside the <template if=...>
If your show field is of type bool you can simplify to
<template if="{{show}}">
Yes, $['id'] seems to fail with nested templates. But there is also the more verbose way, which works.
Element e = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#mydiv");

Dynamic checkbox control group using jquery mobile and knockout

I'm trying to dynamically create and filter a jquery mobile control group containing checkboxes using knockout binding. The basic idea is that the user selects an option which filters the list of checkboxes in the control group. I've seen similar questions on here but they all seem to be a one-time binding where once bound by ko and enhanced by jqm they remain unchanged. I have that behavior working, the issue occurs when the underlying viewModel changes and ko updates the list of checkboxes in the control group. A full demo of the behavior can be found on jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/hkrauss2/JAvLk/15/
I can see that the issue is due to jqm creating a wrapper div when enhancing the control group. Ko then puts new elements above the wrapper div when updating the DOM. Basically I'm asking if anyone has solved this issue and also if anyone thinks I'm asking for trouble by integrating these two libraries? Thanks to everyone in advance.
Here is the Html:
<div id="home" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header">
<h2>Knockout Test</h2>
<div data-role="content">
<ul id="parent-view" data-role="listview" data-inset="true" data-bind="foreach: parentCategories">
To reproduce the issue select Restaurants, come back and select Nightlife or Bars
<div id="list" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header">
<h2>Knockout Test</h2>
<a data-rel="back" data-icon="carat-l" data-iconpos="notext">Back</a>
<div data-role="content">
<div id="child-view" data-role="controlgroup" data-bind="foreach: childCategories, jqmRefreshControlGroup: childCategories">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-v-2a" data-bind="attr: {id: 'categoryId' + id}" />
<label data-bind="text: description, attr: {for: 'categoryId' + id}" />
And the basic javascript. Note there are two external js files not listed here. One sets $.mobile.autoInitializePage = false; on the mobileinit event. The other brings in data in the form of a JSON array which is used to initialize the Categories property in the AppViewModel.
// Custom binding to handle jqm refresh
ko.bindingHandlers.jqmRefreshControlGroup = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
try {
} catch (ex) { }
function GetView(name) {
return $(name).get(0);
// Define the AppViewModel
var AppViewModel = function () {
var self = this;
self.currentParentId = ko.observable(0);
self.Categories = ko.observableArray(Categories); // Categories comes from sampledata.js
self.parentCategories = ko.computed(function () {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.Categories(), function (item) {
return item.parentId == 0;
self.childCategories = ko.computed(function () {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.Categories(), function (item) {
return item.parentId == self.currentParentId();
self.OnClick = function (viewModel, $event) {
return true;
// Create the AppViewModel
var viewModel = new AppViewModel();
// Apply bindings and initialize jqm
$(function () {
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, GetView('#parent-view'));
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, GetView('#child-view'));
My old solution wraps each element in a ui-controlgroup-controls div, which adds unnecessary markup. However, the enhancement part is essential.
$(element).enhanceWithin().controlgroup("refresh"); /* line 16 in fiddle */
The new solution is more dynamic to maintain clean markup with no additional wrappers:
First step: Once controlgroup is created controlgroupcreate (event), add data-bind to its' container .controlgroup("container")
Second step: Add checkbox consisted of input and label. At the same time, for each element, add data-bind
Third step: Apply bindings ko.applyBindings().
The static structure of the controlgroup should be basic, it shouldn't contain any elements statically. If a checkbox is added statically, each dynamically created checkbox will be wrapped in an additional .ui-checkbox div.
<div id="child-view" data-role="controlgroup">
<!-- nothing here -->
$(document).on("controlgroupcreate", "#child-view", function (e) {
.attr("data-bind", "foreach: childCategories, jqmRefreshControlGroup: childCategories")
.append($('<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" />')
.attr("data-bind", "attr: {id: 'categoryId' + id}"))
.append($('<label />')
.attr("data-bind", "text: description, attr: {for: 'categoryId' + id}"));
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, GetView('#child-view'));
Old solution
As of of jQuery Mobile 1.4, items should be appended to .controlgroup("container") not directly to $("[data-role=controlgroup]").
First, you need to wrap inner elements of controlgroup in div with class ui-controlgroup-controls which acts as controlgroup container.
<div id="child-view" data-role="controlgroup" data-bind="foreach: childCategories, jqmRefreshControlGroup: childCategories">
<div class="ui-controlgroup-controls">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-v-2a" data-bind="attr: {id: 'categoryId' + id}" />
<label data-bind="text: description, attr: {for: 'categoryId' + id}" />
Second step, you need to enhance elements inserted into controlgroup container, using .enhanceWithin().
$(element).enhanceWithin().controlgroup("refresh"); /* line 16 in fiddle */
Omar's answer above works very well. As he mentions in the comments however it does wrap each input/label combination in their own div. This doesn't seem to affect anything visually or functionally but there is another way as outlined below. Basically it uses the containerless control flow syntax to bind the list.
New Html
<div id="child-view" data-role="controlgroup">
<!-- ko foreach: childCategories, jqmRefreshControlGroup: childCategories, forElement: '#child-view' -->
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-v-2a" data-bind="attr: {id: 'categoryId' + id}"></input>
<label data-bind="text: description, attr: {for: 'categoryId' + id}"></label>
<!-- /ko -->
Using the containerless syntax means that we lose the reference to the controlgroup div in the custom binding handler. To help get that back I added the id as '#child-view' in a custom binding named forElement. The magic still all happens in the custom binding handler and Omar's enhanceWithin suggestion remains the secret ingredient. Note: I needed to change the argument list to include all arguments passed by ko.
ko.bindingHandlers.jqmRefreshControlGroup = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
try {
} catch (ex) { }
Final note: To use a custom handler on a virtual element ko needs to be notified that it is ok. The following is the updated start up statements:
// Apply bindings and initialize jqm
$(function () {
ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings.jqmRefreshControlGroup = true; // This line added
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, GetView('#parent-view'));
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, GetView('#child-view'));

Multiple ViewModels with Knockout and ASP.NET MVC4 SPA

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC SPA and Knockout.js os maybe it's a simple mistake I made...
Situation: I have two partialviews in my website and I want that every partialview has his own Knockout ViewModel so I won't get a huge ViewModel.
My current ViewModel:
/// <reference path="../_references.js" />
function MobileDeliveriesViewModel() {
var self = this;
// Data
self.currentDelivery = ko.observable();
self.nav = new NavHistory({
params: { view: 'deliveries', deliveryId: null }
// Test
self.foo = "FooBar"
self.bar = "BarFoo"
self.nav.initialize({ linkToUrl: true });
// Navigate Operations
self.showDeliveries = function () { self.nav.navigate({ view: 'deliveries' }) }
self.showCustomers = function () { self.nav.navigate({ view: 'customers' }) }
function BarFooViewModel() {
var self = this
self.bar2 = "BarFooTwo"
ko.applyBindings(new MobileDeliveriesViewModel());
ko.applyBindings(new MobileDeliveriesViewModel(), $('#BarFoo')[0]);
ko.applyBindings(new BarFooViewModel(), document.getElementById('BarFoo'));
My Index.cshtml:
<div data-bind="if: nav.params().view == 'deliveries'">
<div class="BarFoo" data-bind="if: nav.params().view == 'customers'">
<script src="~/Scripts/App/DeliveriesViewModel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
My CustomerPartialView:
<div id="BarFoo" class="content">
<p data-bind="text: bar"></p>
<p data-bind="text: bar2"></p>
<button data-bind="click: showDeliveries, css: { active: nav.params().view == 'deliveries' }">Deliveries</button>
My DeliveriesPartialView:
<div class="content">
<p data-bind="text: foo"></p>
<button data-bind="click: showCustomers, css: { active: nav.params().view == 'customers' }">Customers</button>
If I run this, it won't recognize the bar2 propertie in my BarFooViewModel...
I have tried 2 different applyBindings at the end of my ViewModel.
Anybody got an idea or is their a better way/pattern to do this?
are there JS errors on page?
but params: { view: 'deliveries', deliveryId: null } - it's not function.
and if you want use a few view models on single page - check this http://www.knockmeout.net/2012/05/quick-tip-skip-binding.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+KnockMeOut+%28Knock+Me+Out%29 acticle. you have to use "stopBinding"
It looks like you are applying multiple data bindings to the same sections.
ko.applyBindings(new MobileDeliveriesViewModel();
This will bind to all elements one the page.
ko.applyBindings(new MobileDeliveriesViewModel(), $('#BarFoo')[0]);
this will try to bind to all elements inside the div
ko.applyBindings(new BarFooViewModel(), document.getElementById('BarFoo'));
This will also try to bind to all elements inside the div.
To keep things simple, you should try to bind a single view model to a single html section. I've found that trying to bind two view models in the same html section has been hard to get work correctly and trouble shoot.
Jack128's answer also makes some good points.

Change position of input filed for jQuery Mobile Filter List

Im using the jQuery Mobile Filter List:
Is it possible to move the position of the input field so I can put it into a div already on my page?
Using jQuery's appendTo seems to work fine but its kind of a hacky solution. Thanks
this is what I found while searching for solution to a similar problem.
HTML code example:
<div data-role="page" id="page-id">
<div data-role="content">
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<input type="search" name="password" id="search" value="" />
<div class="filter-div" data-filter="one">1</div>
<div class="filter-div" data-filter="two">2</div>
<div class="filter-div" data-filter="three">3</div>
<div class="filter-div" data-filter="four">4</div>
<div class="filter-div" data-filter="five">5</div>
JS code example:
$(document).delegate('#page-id', 'pageinit', function () {
var $filterDivs = $('.filter-div');
$('#search').bind('keyup change', function () {
if (this.value == '') {
} else {
var regxp = new RegExp(this.value),
$show = $filterDivs.filter(function () {
return ($(this).attr('data-filter').search(regxp) > -1);
This way you can place your input text box anywhere on your page and it should properly filter a list of items you want.
JSFiddle DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/cZW5r/30/
