Suppose that I have a formula F which contains variables w, x, y, z.
Is there any tactic of Z3 that finds a partial model of F, but the partial model must contains assignments for y and z. (I don't care w and x.)
By applying this tactic, Z3 spends less time for finding the partial model than finding a full model.
Is there such tactic exists?
There is no built-in tactic for doing that.
It is not cheap to find the precise set of "don't cares".
Moreover, if w and x are really "don't cares", then they should not affect Z3's performance in a significant way.
Is it possible to extract the upper and (or) lower bound of some numerical variables in Z3? Suppose there are some constraints on numerical variable x, and the cause of the constraints is that x must be in the interval [x_min, x_max]. Is there a way in Z3 to extract these bounds (x_min and x_max) (in case the solver calculates these values internally), without doing optimization (minimization and maximization).
You could try to increase Z3's verbosity, maybe you can find bounds in the output.
I doubt it, though: since Z3 is ultimately a SAT solver, any numerical solver that (tries to) decide satisfiability could be applied, but deciding satisfiability doesn't necessary require computing (reasonable) numerical bounds.
Out of curiosity: why would you like to avoid optimisation queries?
In general, no.
The minimum/maximum optimal values of a variable x provide the tightest over-approximation of the satisfiable domain interval of x. This requires enumerating all possible Boolean assignments, not just one.
The (Dual) Simplex Algorithm inside the T-Solver for linear arithmetic keeps track of bounds for all arithmetic variables. However, these bounds are only valid for the (possibly partial) Boolean assignment that is currently being constructed by the SAT engine. In early pruning calls, there is no guarantee whatsoever about the significance of these bounds: the corresponding domain for a given variable x may be an under-approximation, an over-approximation or neither (compared to the domain of x wrt. the input formula).
The Theory Combination approach implemented by a SMT solver can also affect the significance of the bounds available inside the LA-Solver. In this regard, I can vouch that Model-Based Theory Combination can be particularly nasty to deal with. With this approach, the SMT Solver may not generate some interface equalities/inequalities when the T-Solvers agree on the Model Value of an interface variable. However, this is counterproductive when one wants to know from the LA-Solver the valid domain of a variable x because it can provide an over-approximated interval even after finding a model of the input formula for a given total Boolean assignment.
Unless the original problem --after preprocessing-- contains terms of the form (x [<|<=|=|=>|>] K), for all possibly interesting values of K, it is hardly likely that the SMT solver generates any valid T-lemma of this form during the search. The main exception is when x is an Int and the LIA-Solver uses splitting on demand. As a consequence, the Boolean stack is not that much helpful to discover bounds either and, even if they were generated, they would only provide an under-approximation of the feasible interval of x (when they are contained in a satisfiable total Boolean assignment).
I need to find a solution to a problem by generating by using z3py. The formulas are generated depending on input of the user. During the generation of the formulas temporary SMT variables are created that can take on only a limited amount of values, eg is its an integer only even values are allowed. For this case let the temporary variables be a and b and their relation with global variables x and y are defined by the predicate P(a,b,x,y).
An example generated using SMT-LIB like syntax:
(set-info :status unknown)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun x () Int)
(forall (
(a Int) (b Int) (z Int) )
(($x22 (exists ((z Int))(and (< x z) (> z y)))))
P(a, b, x, y)
z is a variable of which all possible values must be considered
a and b represent variables who's allowed values are restricted by the predicate P
the variable 'x' and 'y' need to be computed for which the formula is satisfied.
Does the predicate P reduce the time needed by z3 to find a solution?
Alternatively: viewing that z3 perform search over all possible values for z and a will the predicate P reduce the size of the search space?
Note: The question was updated after remarks from Levent Erkok.
The SMTLib example you gave (generated or hand-written) doesn't make much sense to me. You have universal quantification over x and z, and inside of that you existentially quantify z again, and the whole formula seems meaningless. But perhaps that's not your point and this is just a toy. So, I'll simply ignore that.
Typically, "redundant equations" (as you put it), should not impact performance. (By redundant, I assume you mean things that are derivable from other facts you presented?) Aside: a=z in your above formula is not redundant at all.
This should be true as long as you remain in the decidable subset of the logics; which typically means linear and quantifier-free.
The issue here is that you have quantifier and in particular you have nested quantifiers. SMT-solvers do not deal well with them. (Search stack-overflow for many questions regarding quantifiers and z3.) So, if you have performance issues, the best strategy is to see if you really need them. Just by looking at the example you posted, it is impossible to tell as it doesn't seem to be stating a legitimate fact. So, see if you can express your property without quantifiers.
If you have to have quantifiers, then you are at the mercy of the e-matcher and the heuristics, and all bets are off. I've seen wild performance characteristics in that case. And if reasoning with quantifiers is your goal, then I'd argue that SMT solvers are just not the right tool for you, and you should instead use theorem provers like HOL/Isabelle/Coq etc., that have built-in support for quantifiers and higher-order logic.
If you were to post an actual example of what you're trying to have z3 prove for you, we might be able to see if there's another way to formulate it that might make it easier for z3 to handle. Without a specific goal and an example, it's impossible to opine any further on performance.
I've come up with an SMT formula in Z3 which outputs one solution to a constraint solving problem using only BitVectors and IntVectors of fixed length. The logic I use for the IntVectors is only simple Presburger arithmetic (of the form (x[i] - x[i + 1] <=/>= z) for some x and z). I also take the sum of all of the bits in the bitvector (NOT the binary value), and set that value to be within a range of [a, b].
This works perfectly. The only problem is that, as z3 works by always taking the easiest path towards determining satisfiability, I always get the same answer back, whereas in my domain I'd like to find a variety of substantially different solutions (I know for a fact that multiple, very different solutions exist). I'd like to use this nifty tool I found, which lets you uniformly sample a constrained space of possibilities using SAT. To use this though, I need to convert my SMT formula into a SAT formula.
Do you know of any resources that would help me learn how to perform Presburger arithmetic and adding the bits of a bitvector as a SAT instance? Alternatively, do you know of any SMT solver which as an intermediate step outputs a readable description of the problem as a SAT instance?
Many thanks!
[Edited to reflect the fact that I really do need the uniform sampling feature.]
Z3 has a prove() method, that can prove the equivalence of two formulas.
However, I cannot find technical documentation of this prove() method. What is the definition of "equivalence" that prove() is using behind the scene ? Is that the "partial equivalence" (proposed in the "Regression Verification" paper), or something more powerful ?
A reminder, the "partial equivalence" guarantees that two formulas are equivalent if given the same input, they produce the same output.
In "Regression Verification", we are checking whether a newer version of a program produces the same output as the earlier one. That is, it is an approach for checking program equivalence.
In this approach, theorem provers (SMT solvers) such as Z3 are used. That being said, we should not confuse program equivalence with formula equivalence in first-order logic. Z3 processes first-order logic formulas. First-order logic has well defined semantics. A key concept is satisfiability. For example, the formula p or q is satisfiable, because we can make it true by assigning p or q to true. On the other hand, p and (not p) is unsatisfiable. We can find additional information in this section of the Z3 tutorial.
The Z3 API provides procedures for checking the satisfiability of first-order formulas. The Z3 Python interface has a prove procedure. It shows that a formula is valid by showing that its negation is unsatisfiable. This is a simple function built on top of the Z3 API. Here is a link to its documentation.The documentation was automatically generated from the PyDoc annotations in the code.
Note that, prove(F) is checking whether a formula F is valid or not. Thus, we can use prove(F == G) to try to prove that two first-order formulas F and G are equivalent. That is, we are essentially showing that F iff G is a valid formula.
This is a follow-up to my previous question on Z3's Model-based
Quantifier Instantiation (MBQI) and the stratified sorts fragment (thanks
again to Leonardo de Moura for the quick answer).
In their paper on decidable fragments of many-sorted logic [Abadi et
al., Decidable fragments of many-sorted logic, LPAR 2007], the authors
describe a fragment St1 of many-sorted logic that is decidable with a
finite model property.
This fragment requires the sorts to be stratified and the formula F to be in (skolemized) prenex normal form as described in the Z3
documentation, but allows an additional atomic formula
y in Im[f]
to occur in F, which is a "shorthand" for
exists x1 : A1, ..., xn : An . y = f(x1,...,xn)
where f is a function with a signature f : A1 x ... x An -> B, and f must be the only function with range B. Thus, the St1 fragment allows (in a very restricted way) to violate the stratification, e.g., in order to assert that f is surjective.
I am not sure if this could be an open research question:
Does someone know whether the MBQI decision procedure for Z3 is complete
for the St1 fragment? Will Z3 produce (theoretically) either SAT or
UNSAT for F after a finite time?
First, one clarification, in principle, MBQI can decide the stratified multi-sorted fragment. The justification is given in Section 4.1 of (*). However, Z3 4.0 does not support implement the additional rules suggested in Section 4.1. So, Z3 4.0, may fail (return unknown) on formulas that are in this fragment. I just want to make clear a distinction between the algorithm and the actual implementation using the current Z3.
Regarding your question, yes MBQI framework can decide the stratified formulas containing the expanded predicate y in Im[f]. I'm assuming this predicate occurs only positively.
That is, we do not have not y in Im[f] which is equivalent to
forall x1:A1, ...,xn:An. y != f(x1, ... xn)
If y in Im[f] occurs only positively, then it can be expanded, and after skolemization we have a ground formula of the form y = f(k1, ..., kn).
MBQI is still a decision procedure because the set F* defined in (*) will still be finite. F* may become infinite only if the stratification is broken inside of a universal formula.