BlackBerry 10 Twitter Integration - twitter

I would like to integrate Twitter into my BlackBerry 10 application so that I can post, get, favorite and retweet messages from Twitter. Native BlackBerry.

Try searching on github - there are several sample twitter projects on there:
Github search results
For example: BB10 Sample Twitter App

At the moment, BB10 platform offers built-in invocation requests for a core Twitter app, however, these requests are pretty limited in functionality - you can only share content with different URI, but not get, favourite, retweet message and so on.
If there's another application which can handle these type of requests, you may use unbound (or bound) requests for you needs, but in order to do that you have to know Action attribute (and TargetID in case of bound invocations) value.
Here is a link explaining mechanism of invocation sending as well as bound and unbound requests -


iOS Gmail API: Timeout interval and RPC vs RESTful implementation

The Gmail iOS API under the hood appears to be creating 'POST' requested with a payload that specifies an action. So for example if I want to get a single message by ID, I would expect (at least since the documentation on the API specifies it) that I would create a GET request with the correct URL schema. Instead the Gmail iOS implementation does not and utilizes more of an RPC approach. Unfortunately this means all POST requests have a default timeout of 240 seconds and cannot be changed, apparently an iOS bug/weird implementation. I can create a timer and cancel the request but why not make the implementation RESTful?
Yes, this is a quark with the Google iOS client libraries in general--they do not follow the standard REST semantics of the APIs like all the other client libraries use. I imagine due to some limitation in iOS. In any case, would be the best place to read more about it, discuss and file bugs. (Not specific to the gmail-api.)
The library was written to create JSON-RPC requests because those have always supported a batch request model. A mechanism for batch REST requests was added much later to Google's JSON API servers.
The timeout issue on POSTs was resolved in iOS 6, according to discussions online like this.
The project site does have links to the library's discussion group and issue tracker.

How to get results with twitter search api?

I wish to get tweets with a keyword. But There is no result with any keyword.
How to get results with Twitter Search API?
Version 1 of the twitter API has been deprecated and is being removed. Not sure how you can miss the giant warnings on the twitter dev site ;) This means simple code like the above will not work any more.
So, you now need to make authenticated requests (OAuth) using the 1.1 API, and it's nowhere near as simple as just doing a (in PHP) file_get_contents( ...).
I couldn't see any server-side languages you use from your profile, but I wrote a lengthy post explaining the issue (with pictures) and how to use a php library to perform authenticated requests.

Using non Google Analytics tag in URL alongside regular Google Analytics tags

I'm having some issues with Google Analytics URL parameters. Prviously I've built URLs with the Google Analytics URL Builder. these have enabled me to track where visitors to my site have been coming from, how successful various marketing campaigns have been etc.
Recently, I've started using another tag in the URL, one which has nothing to do with Google Analytics, but acts to alter the telephone number on my site when the visitor arrives on it. For example, I'll add &ctcc=adwords onto the end of my tracking URL, and a specified phone number will appear on my site when the user comes through so I can track how many calls my adwords spend has generated.
However, when I've been using this ctcc code, Google Analytics no longer seems to be tracking the traffic numbers to my site :(
Any idea how I can incorporate the two parameters into the URl, and ensure that they both work as expected?
Thanks in advance
It looks like this is a problem with how your server is redirecting traffic with a ctcc query parameter. Look at the following request and its response headers:
So the ctcc parameter is used in some server side tracking (as best as I can tell), and the server is set up to redirect & strip ctcc whenever it gets a request with ctcc. Not being familiar with the system in use, I can't provide details, but you need to reconfigure the redirects to stop changing & into ;. It's the replacement of ampersands with semicolons that is messing up your GA data.

Twitter tweets about a certain url via salmon and/or pubsubhubbub?

For a web-application I am writing (Rails) I am looking for ways to post back publick mentions about that post. Mentions on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and so on.
Starting with Twitter, I am looking for a way to get these tweets back into the application. Obviously I could simply monitor the twitter firehose (through their search, most probably) for a certain url (the url of the post), if found, extract that and place that tweet as new comment to the post. But this requires me to invent something similar for each and every social network.
Whereas there is a generic protocol for this: Salmon, allowing services to push such comments (tweets mentioning your url) through PubSubHubbub (PSH).
I did not find any mention of this on the Twitter API itself; they are not using PSH or Salmon (yet) it seems.
But maybe there are thirdpartis that do? Know any? Are there other projects that wrap around Twitters firehose and allow you to approach Twitter as if it is a Salmon-speaking pubsubhubbub? And What about Reddit, or Facebook?
The Twitter API TOS explicitly forbids the re-distribution of tweets via APIs*, except for Twitter's partners. These are DataSift and Gnip - but they don't do what you are looking for.
Your best option would be to simply monitor the filterhose.
* Actually, it's allowed to share IDs, but those are pretty useless since you have to look them up manually.

Wall on FaceBook

i would like to post a message on facebook wall (standard friend/group's wall) not the Apps. using delphi, i could log-in but i dont know how to post a message on it. any suggestion?
I have never used Delphi so im not sure about the language structure
but facebook API is basically HTTP Requests, you should be able to build a class that upon instanation you would authorize your app and then have a set of methods that publish data via HTTPRequest and validate the response
Heres something you may wish to look at:
Facebook emailer in delphi via CakeMail:
And how to post via HTTP:
It is possible.
If you're able to login you can use a sniffer to take a look for the details of how it is accomplished by Facebook itself when you do it withing a browser (kind of reverse engineering). Wireshark is the best tool for me.
Look and take your time to understand what's going on between your browser and the servers when you post messages to your friend's wall.
Once you understand the details, you can mimic the exact same behavior from your Delphi program to get the same results, for example with the TidHTTP or TidTCP components.
Facebook is AJAX intensive: series of HTTP GET/POST operations without full page refreshes.
Don't forget you're mimicking a undocumented and internal communication mechanism. Facebook or any other target site may change it's internal's and broke your program compatibility anytime.
Remember this kind of program may be prohibited... read the facebook agreement's for further details.
delphibook is a Delphi library to support Facebook applications.
Two possible links that may provide some guidance? They are not in delphi, but I assume the api would be similar to javascript/php ?
