Wall on FaceBook - delphi

i would like to post a message on facebook wall (standard friend/group's wall) not the Apps. using delphi, i could log-in but i dont know how to post a message on it. any suggestion?

I have never used Delphi so im not sure about the language structure
but facebook API is basically HTTP Requests, you should be able to build a class that upon instanation you would authorize your app and then have a set of methods that publish data via HTTPRequest and validate the response
Heres something you may wish to look at:
Facebook emailer in delphi via CakeMail: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=17522112271
And how to post via HTTP:

It is possible.
If you're able to login you can use a sniffer to take a look for the details of how it is accomplished by Facebook itself when you do it withing a browser (kind of reverse engineering). Wireshark is the best tool for me.
Look and take your time to understand what's going on between your browser and the servers when you post messages to your friend's wall.
Once you understand the details, you can mimic the exact same behavior from your Delphi program to get the same results, for example with the TidHTTP or TidTCP components.
Facebook is AJAX intensive: series of HTTP GET/POST operations without full page refreshes.
Don't forget you're mimicking a undocumented and internal communication mechanism. Facebook or any other target site may change it's internal's and broke your program compatibility anytime.
Remember this kind of program may be prohibited... read the facebook agreement's for further details.

delphibook is a Delphi library to support Facebook applications.

Two possible links that may provide some guidance? They are not in delphi, but I assume the api would be similar to javascript/php ?


How to get asana workspaceID?

Previously if I request app.asana.com/api/1.0/workspaces into a browser (after I had logged into Asana) it was returning all of my workspace ID's.
But currently it is not working and shows the error :- "{"errors":[{"message":"Not Authorized"}]}".
Is there any other solutions to get my asana workspace IDs?
Thank You,
(I work at Asana.) We're sorry for the inconvenience - this was a security hole and we had to close it, as we wrote on our API updates feed. If you're writing an app for others to use, Oauth is the most appropriate and secure way to access the users' data. If you're writing a simple script, you can use your API key. This can be done through a browser, but by using JavaScript and not just making requests in the browser location bar.

How to get results with twitter search api?

I wish to get tweets with a keyword. But There is no result with any keyword.
How to get results with Twitter Search API?
Version 1 of the twitter API has been deprecated and is being removed. Not sure how you can miss the giant warnings on the twitter dev site ;) This means simple code like the above will not work any more.
So, you now need to make authenticated requests (OAuth) using the 1.1 API, and it's nowhere near as simple as just doing a (in PHP) file_get_contents(http://search.twitter.com/ ...).
I couldn't see any server-side languages you use from your profile, but I wrote a lengthy post explaining the issue (with pictures) and how to use a php library to perform authenticated requests.

BlackBerry 10 Twitter Integration

I would like to integrate Twitter into my BlackBerry 10 application so that I can post, get, favorite and retweet messages from Twitter. Native BlackBerry.
Try searching on github - there are several sample twitter projects on there:
Github search results
For example: BB10 Sample Twitter App
At the moment, BB10 platform offers built-in invocation requests for a core Twitter app, however, these requests are pretty limited in functionality - you can only share content with different URI, but not get, favourite, retweet message and so on.
If there's another application which can handle these type of requests, you may use unbound (or bound) requests for you needs, but in order to do that you have to know Action attribute (and TargetID in case of bound invocations) value.
Here is a link explaining mechanism of invocation sending as well as bound and unbound requests - https://developer.blackberry.com/cascades/documentation/device_platform/invocation/sending_invocation.html

Twitter Oauth Delphi 7 home_timeline getting 401 unauthorized

I am using Oauth for Delphi from ChuckBeasley.com
I am able to get a request token, then call with my callback url and put in my credentials.
I then get redirected correctly to my callback url in a TEmbeddedWB component.
I then get an access token (at least I believe I am) since screen_name and user_id come back in the response.
When I try and pull my home_timeline it gives me a 401 unauthorized as a response.
What can I be doing wrong?
try my implementation, it doesn't use the OAuth library, but my own from scratch
You're also welcome to use my open-source Twitter component (TTwitter for Delphi) which is being developed as part of a "complete" suite of Social Networking components (if there is such a thing as "Complete" in terms of social networking). You can find it at: http://www.simonjstuart.com/delphi-stuff/ttwitter/
It's using the ChuckBeasley OAuth library, only I have fixed it (so it ACTUALLY WORKS). In the very least you'll be able to reverse engineer my component to suit your needs. It's an open beta (far from complete at its current released stage) but it handles timelines perfectly (including unicode characters).
Enjoy and good luck!

post forms with yahoo pipes?

is it possible to submit forms with yahoo pipes?
i basically need to log in somewhere, and get some stuff from the members area of a website into a feed.
Although this is not exactly programming related... I guess it is close enough.
No, logging into somewhere is impossible with Yahoo Pipes. Sending the username/password isn't even the only problem here.
The real problem is that most, if not all, web sites that require a log-in depend on a session cookie or something similar. Yahoo pipes can do a GET request, and that's about it. Even if it was possible to send your user name/password in the URL, you would not be able to use the session cookie, so subsequent requests would fail.
So... If you have access to a hosted web site somewhere: Write a small proxy script (in PHP or whatever is available) that does the login and fetches the data. Let Yahoo pipes read from your proxy page. But if you are that far, you can just as well produce RSS format right away. ;-)
I did a pipe that can log in and extract info. is working ok on a simple web form using POST.
