Monotouch: How to add/remove recipients balloons/bubbles for new message - ios

I want to create custom email compose dialog and I need to implement "Add contact" func. like in standard iOS apps.
I haven't found any nifty controls so it seams it should be implemented manually.
So I wonder how to draw such an elements dynamically inside of MT.D element?
Let me show a picture from here:

I haven't found any nifty controls so it seams it should be implemented manually.
Look at the New-Person View Controller in Apple documentation. They are all available to use from MonoTouch applications.


How would I customize an SDK's UIAlertController?

So, I already understand & can create my own custom UIAlertController (fonts, background color, text color, tint color, etc). So that is not the issue here.
The problem I'm running into is:
When I'm using an SDK file (ex. Facebook's SDK), I'm not able to find where inside of the SDK's Objective-C Headers, that the default UIAlertController is begin initiated (and presented). If I could, I'd like to replace the default with my own custom alert.
As of right now, I've already create my custom class with a static function that returns my custom UIAlertController for my VC to present. I've also already tested the implementation & it's works fine.
What I tried first was to manually search through Facebook's SDK Objective-C headers to find where the default UIAlertController is being initiated & then presented, but obviously with little luck...
Next thing I tried was using Xcode's Find Navigator to search for, "AlertController". Alas, nothing found inside the SDK's header files (maybe I should change the search scope?).
Last thing I tried was simply searching Google, but all I could find there was tutorials on how to create a custom UIAlertController (which I already know how to do).
Although in my current situation, I am using Facebook's SDK. Best answer would be one that's more general rather than specific (if possible). That way if I'm using a different/new SDK in the future, I can still apply your method. Thanks.
I do not recommend editing and forking FB's SDK, that would be a nightmare to maintain.
Instead you should look into objc method Swizzling, which allows you to dynamically replace the body of existing functions with your own implementation. I believe you could use this to change the behavior of all UIAlertControllers (not without risk).

iOS Swift - alert dialog with pages

I want to provide my users an Info-Dialog, where they can click through several parts of information to show them the flow of the application.
How can I implement a UIAlertController that has several pages and where I can move to the next or previous via a button click?
You have to create custom UIViewController. But if you'd like to make it feel like an UIAlertControlleryou can use AlertOnboarding library as a pod.
And here you can find a bunch of walkthrough/onboarding/tutorial libraries for iOS.

Is this fancy iOS login dialog a standard component?

The modal dialog for adding iCloud accounts on iOS 7 is shown below. Is this type of dialog a standard iOS component of some kind? Specific elements of interest are the navigation bar and title on top that seem well integrated with the general iOS UI. I'm obviously looking to avoid reinventing the wheel for my own generic login dialog.
No, it's not a standard view that's part of the SDK, but it's easy enough to replicate using a grouped UITableView and a UITableViewCell subclass that contains a UILabel and UITextField for the Apple ID and Password cells.
AFAIK there is nothing built-in here. You need to create your own.

Custom UIActionSheet for iOS

Is it possible to create an action sheet that looks like the attached image for iOS?
This is the screenshot from the Photo app on iOS6, when you press the action button. I really like the way the options are listed as their icons, rather than horizontal buttons with titles.
I looked through Google and also in Apple's iOS reference but I can't seem to find anything that teaches me how to create something like this for my app.
You can create this by using an Activity View Controller. It's not the same as an Action Sheet.
See Apple's documentation:

What kind of template for ios application

im trying to build an application like a book, with so many custom views and intensive animations. i want to know what is the best template for this kind of app? single view, view based?
I would use a "Page Based Application" it comes with an interface that interacts just like a book with paging effects and everything. It uses one viewController that dynamically replaces content based on which page has been navigated to.
