Custom UIActionSheet for iOS - ios

Is it possible to create an action sheet that looks like the attached image for iOS?
This is the screenshot from the Photo app on iOS6, when you press the action button. I really like the way the options are listed as their icons, rather than horizontal buttons with titles.
I looked through Google and also in Apple's iOS reference but I can't seem to find anything that teaches me how to create something like this for my app.

You can create this by using an Activity View Controller. It's not the same as an Action Sheet.
See Apple's documentation:


Is it possible to make iPad show normal action sheet without popover?

When I want to show an action sheet in my app I show UIAlertController with preffered style .ActionSheet. However when running on iPad it is not shown as an action sheet but as a popover. And this is not what I need. I would like to still show normal action sheet. And I have a few questions regarding this:
1) Is there a way to force iPad show an action sheet?
2) If not, then maybe there's a library which does that?
3) If there's no such library and I have to write my own custom implementation of an action sheet then will Apple reject me for making iPad show it instead of a popover?
You can't change this.
If you want to implement custom implementation by your own then you can do it. Apple will not reject this.

iOS name of UI menu in Apple Maps

I'm wondering what's the name of the draggable menu at the bottom of the iOS map. (See picture :)
I want to implement the same kind of interface for my app.
It´s not called anything special, but some refer to it as "Card". Here is a great tutorial of how to implement the bottom card as Apple Maps, from the question:
How can I mimic the bottom sheet from the Maps app?

UiImagePicker custom part

in my app and I'm using UiImagePicker also implemented UiNavigationControllerDelegate for some customizations as the delete key and the back button.
When the user browses the images from its library and chooses one, if you AllowEditing is enabled, the image picker shows a screen for cropping the photo ..
At the bottom of this view seems to be a TabBar controller with two buttons:
Choose Cancel and
I wanted to know if anyone knows how to change the text of these buttons ...
Can you help?
There is no supported API that gives you the ability to customize those buttons.
Perhaps the best solution is to find a custom replacement for UIImagePickerController. There may be one on github or Google code.

Book like view in iOS app

I am looking for a Book like view for a iOS native application. More like this
So you can see the verses follow one after the other rather than in a cell view. Also I would like to want to select a particular verse if required by tapping on the verse.
What view can I use other HTML Webview?
WebView is probably your easiest option, but you could also check out DTCoreText.

Using UIImagePicker in a tabbed UIPopover

I am developing an iPad app that needs to have multiple image sources, on the device/Photo Albums, remote and some included with the app. Now the ideal situation would be to have a UIPopover controller with 3 tabs for each source. The only problem is I can't seem to figure out how to have a UIImagePicker be in its own tab. What I am trying to do is very similar to Apple's Keynote for iPad. The photo icon's popover has tabs and the far left tab called media for sure has a UIImagePicker in there. I have no idea how they did that, is it possible for me to do something like that? I think the main issue is that the Image Picker is it's own navigation controller and it cannot be pushed on to another navigation controller. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
check out this -
you can implement it with custom asset library
The built-in image picker is no good.
Create your own image picker and add it to your navigation controller as a normal view. Start from either the Matt Tuzzolo or the MyImagePicker from the WWDC 2010 sample code. Note that you probably want to add image and video preview - I copied the image viewer from MyImagePicker and added a 'add' or 'remove' button to it, and the same for video.
Your image picking is in two steps, one for selecting the group, and one for selecting the assets within the group. I recommend dividing the first step into a two - if there is only one, then go directly to that group, i.e. when you have found the first group, check whether that group was the last (block stop argument). Then push the right view controller.
Obiously modify the size of the thumbnails also, they are iPhone size now. Adding a line of metadata (icon and duration) looks much nicer and is more informative for video.
I also recommend adding a 'click-and-hold' function for extended information after like 2 seconds.
Handle different sources by creating a protocol which gives you what you want, i.e.
Creating a source which handles local files, included resources and assets is perfectly possible - I use NSURLs and check on the url scheme.
Are you not using UITabBarController for your tabs? You should be able to add a UIImagePickerController directly to viewControllers. I'm not sure whether that is a supported use of the image picker, though; the documentation only mentions displaying it modally or displaying it in a UIPopoverController.
It's not usually useful to look at an Apple app to find out what you can do with various built-in controls, as Apple allows themselves to use private APIs.
