ASP.NET Users not publishing to Azure -

I've got a simple MVC 4 application with a user and role defined in the ASP.NET Configuration. They work fine locally (Running with F5) but when published to Azure Web Site the users don't exist or at least, when trying to log in I can't. Could either be the user doesn't exist or that the passwords isn't matching.
e.g. I have a page for Admins only, I have one admin user. Locally I created the user and role in the ASP.NET Configuration page and I can log in as Admin and access the secured page. After publishing to Azure Web Site I can't log in as Admin.
Can anyone help? How do I publish my ASP.NET Configuration?
I'm using Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web

As #Sound pointed out, you are probably missing the users from the DB that is hosted on Azure. You can access Sql Azure using Sql Management Studio once you open up the firewall through the Azure portal. From there, you can run a script to insert the users, or do it manually through SSMS.
There are many options for migrating data, the above just being a few. You might also look into EF Data Migrations as that might be a good fit as well.


Publish ASP.NET MVC app with SQL Server database to free Azure account

Just want to know that I have my ASP.NET MVC application and related SQL Server database. I have signed up for a free Azure account.
I want to know if I can publish my app and database to Azure with this free account. The purpose of that, I want to check how the things are working properly and also since I working from home, selected user's want to see the progress of my project.
you need to have paid subscription for SQL server feature. Try finding SQL server express also know that SQL server will separately require you to pay SQL server license key. I would suggest to look into free SQL server hosting accounts instead of directly using Azure SQL server.

Umbraco Site Deployment

I've an umbraco site which is currently on my localhost IIS..
I've see several hosting and it's have different price plan between umbraco hosting and the asp mvc site hosting..
To make my site live, are I need to choose the umbraco hosting plan, because my logic thing on local my umbraco site work normally in IIS without additional IIS plugin or setup.. So I can just choose the general asp mvc site hosting
I'm new to umbraco and this is my first time deploy an umbraco site..
Any idea guys? Thanks
Umbraco will run on any standard IIS based hosting that supports .Net and SQL Server. If you're using a SQL CE database rather than full SQL Server (or MySQL), you'll need to make sure that your host supports that too.
Also, ensure your hosting provider supports Medium trust and generally not Shared Server, although I have heard users getting this going.
If its within your budget buying a VM Server and handling the hosting provides total control over the environment.
Have you looked at Umbraco Cloud?

How to explore and edit manually and directly a database entry which is hosted in azure web sites? ASP MVC

In visual studio, when we use local db, we can explore the database tables and therefore edit or delete any entry manually and directly. How to do the same thing in a website which is already deployed to the azure web sites?
I am currently having problem in one or two rows data, which referes to some invalid data. I could fix it easily by removing the rows, but I don't know how to do so. please help me.
Which Database are you using in your website in Azure Webiste?
For Azure Table Storage, you can use Azure Storage Explorer.
For SQL Azure, use SSMS.

Pre-Existing Code or Template for Intranet User Provisioning (i.e. role assignment) in MVC3

When you create a new MVC project in Visual Studio, you get an AccountController that supports user self-registration and self-help changing passwords. This is great as a basic first step for a public internet site. But for an intranet site where an admin is responsible for creating users and assign them roles, is there any equivalent pre-existing template to start from?
To clarify, I am looking for a template that continues to use basic auth and that continues to use the ASP.Net membership and role services, as does the internet template, but provides UIs for user and role management that are intended for use by an administrator. The site is going to be on the internet but is not going to be "public" per se. There will be one or more sys-admin accounts that will have the ability to provision other users. The site will hosted by a yet-to-be-selected hosting provider.
Yes, it's called the Intranet Application. I know, who would think an Intranet application was an Intranet application?
MVC3 has 3 templates, Empty, Internet Application and Intranet Application.

universal security in mvc

i have created web site with mvc. i have created security part of this web site. users can register on it. and information about user will stay on aspnet_users and aspnet_membership(roles in aspnet_roles). i looked at this tables and saw that all information are belong to a application(to my current web site). but i want to make so that when i will create a new web site all users which has registered on first site can logon without registration. how i can do it?
You could configure both sites to point to the same SQL database for authentication and authorization. For this you will need a separate instance of SQL server accessible from both sites.
