How to implement seamless clipboard between Explorer and TcxShellListView? - delphi

I have an application that mimics Windows Explorer, it uses a TcxShellListView amongst other shell controls.
A really nice feature would be to be able to Copy & Paste and Cut & Paste files between the real Windows Explorer and my application.
Drag & Drop already works out of the box, but it seems that DevExpress hasn't implemented the clipboard side, yet.
Any Ideas?

If you want to implement the copy/paste yourself, the mechanism is almost identical to drag and drop. The drag and drop code that you have will create an IDataObject. To copy, instead of calling DoDragDrop to initiate a drag, simply call OleSetClipboard passing the IDataObject. And for pasting you call OleGetClipboard to get the IDataObject from the clipboard. And then you simply use the exact same code as for a drop operation to decode the IDataObject. That's all there is to it.
There is another way to do it, probably a better approach in my view. And that is to use IContextMenu to do the work. And example of this can be found in the TurboPower tpShellShock project. Have a look for ShellMenuExecute in the StShlCtl unit. So long as the DevExpress component is using the shell interfaces, i.e. IShellFolder, then you will be able to use that same approach. The advantage of this shell based approach is that you are getting the shell to do the work. If a copy dialog needs to be shown, then the shell will do so. This will give you the most integrated user experience.
This code looks like this:
procedure ShellMenuExecute(
const Sender : TObject; const Folder : IShellFolder;
var Pidl : PItemIDList; const Count : Integer;
const AHandle : THandle; ClipboardAction : TStMenuAction);
CM : IContextMenu;
CI : TCmInvokeCommandInfo;
if Folder <> nil then begin
if (Folder.GetUIObjectOf(AHandle, Count, Pidl,
IID_IContextMenu, nil, Pointer(CM)) = NOERROR)
then begin
ZeroMemory(#CI, SizeOf(CI));
CI.cbSize := SizeOf(TCmInvokeCommandInfo);
CI.hwnd := AHandle;
case ClipboardAction of
caCut : CI.lpVerb := 'cut';
caCopy : CI.lpVerb := 'copy';
caPaste : CI.lpVerb := 'paste';
caProperties : CI.lpVerb := 'properties';
CM := nil;
I think you should be able to use this code pretty much as is. I would point out that the handle parameter is declared incorrectly. It should be HWND. It's used as the owning window for any dialog that is shown during the call to InvokeCommand.


File Open Dialog with Preview in Delphi 10.3

I changed for Delphi 10.3 and its default TOpenDialog contains a preview pane. I made some searches and found the IFileDialogCustomize interface provided by Microsoft to customize standard WinAPI dialogs. I know I have to use the OnSelectionChange event handler to modify the picture of the pane. The big question for me is : how can I access the preview pane image by IFileDialogCustomize? What is the ItemID for this? I couldn't find any answer to this question on the net. Somebody know the answer? Then please share with me and the community! :)
I replaced some code fragments by ... for the sake of brevity, because these are trivial or app dependent sections.
procedure TMainWindow.OnSelectionChange( Sender : TObject );
dc : HDC;
aBMP : TBitmap;
function isSelectedFilePreviewAble : boolean;
result := ...;
functon getPreviewPictureDC : HDC;
iCustomize : IFileDialogCustomize;
h : THandle;
if OpenDialog1.QueryInterface( IFileDialogCustomize, iCustomize ) = S_OK then
h := iCustomize.??? this is the missing code fragment
result := GetDC( h );
end else
result := 0;
procedure generatePreviewPicture;
dc := getPreviewPictureDC;
if ( dc <> 0 ) then
aBMP := TBitmap.Create;
if ( isSelectedFilePreviewAble ) then
StretchBlt( aBMP.Handle, ...);
ReleaseDC( dc );
I made some searches and found the IFileDialogCustomize interface provided by Microsoft to customize standard WinAPI dialogs.
First, IFileDialogCustomize does not "customize standard WinAPI dialogs". It customizes only IFileOpenDialog and IFileSaveDialog dialogs, no others.
Second, TOpenDialog primarily uses the legacy Win32 API GetOpenFileName() function. On Windows Vista+, GetOpenFileName() uses IFileOpenDialog internally with basic options enabled, so that legacy apps can still have a modern look.
Although, under the following conditions, TOpenDialog will instead use IFileOpenDialog directly rather than using GetOpenFileName():
Win32MajorVersion is >= 6 (Vista+)
UseLatestCommonDialogs is True
StyleServices.Enabled is True
TOpenDialog.Template is nil
TOpenDialog.OnIncludeItem, TOpenDialog.OnClose, and TOpenDialog.OnShow are unassigned.
But even so, TOpenDialog still does not give you access to its internal IFileOpenDialog interface, when it is used.
If you really want to access the dialog's IFileOpenDialog and thus its IFileDialogCustomize, you need to use TFileOpenDialog instead of TOpenDialog (just know that dialog won't work on XP and earlier systems, if you still need to support them).
The big question for me is : how can I access the preview pane image by IFileDialogCustomize?
You don't. The preview pane is not a dialog customization, so it can't be accessed via IFileDialogCustomize. Even if you could get a control ID for the preview pane (which you can't), there is no function of IFileDialogCustomize that would allow you to access the preview pane's HWND or HDC, or otherwise alter the content of the preview pane in any way. The preview pane is an integral and private component of IFileDialog for any file type that supports previews. It is not something that you can access and draw on directly. IFileOpenDialog itself will update the preview pane as needed when the user selects a file that has (or lacks) a preview to display.
My boss want to show previews for our own file formats.
The correct way to handle that on Vista+ is to create a Preview Handler for your custom file types. Then, any Shell component that wants to display previews of your files, including IFileOpenDialog, can use your handler.

Firemonkey ColorDialog

I'm searching for an easy way to make the user select a color, in VCL I've always used the TColorDialog (VCL.Dialogs), but there either is no equivalent in FMX or I'm just not able to find it.
I could obviousely make my own color dialog using the existing components, but I thought there might be an easier & more elegant solution. I also thought about directly using Windows ChooseColor, but I'd need some sample code on how to wrap that; also this would not translate to Mac which is not an immediate issue but might impose problems later on.
For a cross-platform solution you can build you own dialog using the FMX components like TColorPanel, TColorPicker and so on. How you are asking about a wrapper for the Windows ChooseColor Dialog this is a very simple sample adapted from the MSDN documentation.
MaxCustomColors = 16;
TCustomColors = array[0..MaxCustomColors - 1] of Longint;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
cc : TChooseColor;
acrCustClr: TCustomColors;
hwnd : THandle;
rgbCurrent : DWORD;
FillChar(cc, sizeof(cc), #0);
cc.lStructSize := sizeof(cc);
cc.hwndOwner := FmxHandleToHWND(Self.Handle);
cc.lpCustColors := #acrCustClr;
cc.rgbResult := RGBtoBGR(claYellow);
if (ChooseColor(cc)) then
Rectangle1.Fill.Color:= MakeColor(GetRValue(cc.rgbResult), GetGValue(cc.rgbResult), GetBValue(cc.rgbResult));

twebbrowser download in popupwindow

Looking to get my delphi app to log into a website, navigate to a page, and automatically download certain files, the solution at How do I keep an embedded browser from prompting where to save a downloaded file?, helped a great deal with the file download.
The final problem is the last step on navigating opens in a popup window, there are plenty of solutions out there to capture popup windows by implementing TWebBrowser.NewWindow2 but none of these events seem to work with the above code, something to do with how twebbrowser.invokeevent in the above code works maybe?
If I use invokeveent and the dispID of 273(newwindow3) to call a function I can twebbwowser.navigate() a second webbrowser to the url of the popupwindow.
My problem is the popup window has basicly one line of javascript "document.print(parent.parent.opener.thefunction())" the second twebbrowser has no reference to its parent so this fails.
I can see two possible solutions, get the TWebBrowser.NewWindow2 or 3 to trigger, fix the code sample bellow, LVarArray[0] {const IDispatch}, is null for some reason.
procedure TWebBrowser.InvokeEvent(ADispID: TDispID; var AParams: TDispParams);
// DispID 250 is the BeforeNavigate2 dispinterface and to the FFileSource here
// is stored the URL parameter (for cases, when the IDownloadManager::Download
// won't redirect the URL and pass empty string to the pszRedir)
ArgCount : Integer;
LVarArray : Array of OleVariant;
LIndex : Integer;
ArgCount := AParams.cArgs;
SetLength(LVarArray, ArgCount);
for LIndex := Low(LVarArray) to High(LVarArray) do
LVarArray[High(LVarArray)-LIndex] := OleVariant(TDispParams(AParams).rgvarg^[LIndex]);
case ADispID of
250: FFileSource := OleVariant(AParams.rgvarg^[5]);
273: DoNewWindow3(Self,
LVarArray[0] {const IDispatch},
WordBool((TVarData(LVarArray[1]).VPointer)^) {var WordBool},
LVarArray[2] {const OleVariant},
LVarArray[3] {const OleVariant},
LVarArray[4] {const OleVariant});
I'm not going to answer your question directly because I think you've asked the wrong question. You are trying to download files over the internet without any GUI being shown to the user. As such, an embedded browser is simply the wrong solution.
Rather than trying to suppress popup dialogs, use a tool that never shows popup dialogs. What I believe you should be doing is downloading the files using direct HTTP download. There are many different ways to achieve that. For example, an extremely convenient method, available out of the box with Delphi, is to use Indy. I believe that the component you need is TIdHttp.

Create an exact copy of TPanel on Delphi5

I have a TPanel pnlMain, where several dynamic TPanels are created (and pnlMain is their Parent) according to user actions, data validations, etc. Every panel contains one colored grid full of strings. Apart from panels, there are some open source arrows components and a picture. Whole bunch of stuff.
Now I want user to be able to print this panel (I asked how to do it on this question), but before printing, user must be presented with a new form, containing copy of pnlMain. On this form user has to do some changes, add few components and then print his customized copy of pnlMain. After printing user will close this form and return to original form with original pnlMain. And – as you can guess – original pnlMain must remain intact.
So is there any clever way to copy whole TPanel and it’s contents? I know I can make it manually iterating through pnlMain.Controls list.
Code based as iterating on child controls, but not bad in anyway ;-)
procedure TForm1.btn1Click(Sender: TObject);
function CloneComponent(AAncestor: TComponent): TComponent;
XMemoryStream: TMemoryStream;
XTempName: string;
if not Assigned(AAncestor) then
AAncestor.Name:='clone_' + XTempName;
if AAncestor is TControl then TControl(Result).Parent:=TControl(AAncestor).Parent;
aPanel: TPanel;
Ctrl, Ctrl_: TComponent;
i: integer;
//handle the Control (here Panel1) itself first
TComponent(aPanel) := CloneComponent(pnl1);
with aPanel do
Left := 400;
Top := 80;
//now handle the childcontrols
for i:= 0 to pnl1.ControlCount-1 do begin
Ctrl := TComponent(pnl1.Controls[i]);
Ctrl_ := CloneComponent(Ctrl);
TControl(Ctrl_).Parent := aPanel;
TControl(Ctrl_).Left := TControl(Ctrl).Left;
TControl(Ctrl_).top := TControl(Ctrl).top;
code from Delphi3000 article
Too much code... ObjectBinaryToText and ObjectTextToBinary do the job nicely using streaming.
Delphi 7 have a code example, don't know 2009 (or 2006, never bothered to look) still have it.
See D5 help file for those functions (don't have d5 available here).
I'd do it by using RTTI to copy all the properties. You'd still have to iterate over all the controls, but when you need to set up the property values, RTTI can help automate the process. You can get an example towards the bottom of this article, where you'll find a link to some helper code, including a CopyObject routine.

How to pop-up the Windows context menu for a given file using Delphi?

I want to write the following procedure / function:
procedure ShowSysPopup(aFile: string; x, y: integer);
Which will build and show (at the coordinates x and y) the right-click shell menu which one sees in the Windows Explorer for the given file. I'm not so interested in the 'showing' part but more in how one can build such a menu.
I've made a quick solution for you.
add these units to the "Uses" section:
... ShlObj, ActiveX, ComObj
and here is your procedure, I just add new parameter "HND" to carry the handle of the TWinControl that you will use to display the context Menu.
procedure ShowSysPopup(aFile: string; x, y: integer; HND: HWND);
Root: IShellFolder;
ShellParentFolder: IShellFolder;
chEaten,dwAttributes: ULONG;
FilePIDL,ParentFolderPIDL: PItemIDList;
CM: IContextMenu;
Menu: HMenu;
Command: LongBool;
ICM2: IContextMenu2;
ICI: TCMInvokeCommandInfo;
ICmd: integer;
P: TPoint;
OleCheck(SHGetDesktopFolder(Root));//Get the Desktop IShellFolder interface
OleCheck(Root.ParseDisplayName(HND, nil,
chEaten, ParentFolderPIDL, dwAttributes)); // Get the PItemIDList of the parent folder
OleCheck(Root.BindToObject(ParentFolderPIDL, nil, IShellFolder,
ShellParentFolder)); // Get the IShellFolder Interface of the Parent Folder
OleCheck(ShellParentFolder.ParseDisplayName(HND, nil,
chEaten, FilePIDL, dwAttributes)); // Get the relative PItemIDList of the File
ShellParentFolder.GetUIObjectOf(HND, 1, FilePIDL, IID_IContextMenu, nil, CM); // get the IContextMenu Interace for the file
if CM = nil then Exit;
P.X := X;
P.Y := Y;
Windows.ClientToScreen(HND, P);
Menu := CreatePopupMenu;
CM.QueryContextMenu(Menu, 0, 1, $7FFF, CMF_EXPLORE or CMF_CANRENAME);
CM.QueryInterface(IID_IContextMenu2, ICM2); //To handle submenus.
TPM_RETURNCMD, p.X, p.Y, 0, HND, nil);
ICM2 := nil;
if Command then
ICmd := LongInt(Command) - 1;
FillChar(ICI, SizeOf(ICI), #0);
with ICI do
cbSize := SizeOf(ICI);
hWND := 0;
lpVerb := MakeIntResourceA(ICmd);
modify/add the initialization, finalization section like this
and here how you can use this procedure:
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ShowSysPopup(Edit1.Text,Edit1.Left,Edit1.Top, Handle);
I hope this will work for you.
if you want to show context menu for more than one file check this article in my blog
Are you sure that's what you want to do? Because if you do, you are effectively going to have to reproduce all of the code in the Windows Shell and all of it's behaviour and interactions with a whole host of code.
The context menu is basically constructed by "shell extensions". These are COM DLL's registered with the system. When the context menu is invoked, the shell follows a set of rules that determine where it should look (in the registry) for extension DLL's.
I found this to be a useful guide to these rules.
But finding the extension DLL's is not even half the story. For each DLL the shell then instantiates the COM object(s) registered by that DLL and makes calls to those objects which the DLL's respond to by either configuring or invoking menu commands.
The shell itself does not build the menu, nor is the information required to build the menu available to be queried or read directly from anywhere - the menu is constructed entirely dynamically by the shell extensions.
The shell passes a handle to the menu to each extension, along with some information telling the extension what command ID's it should use for any items it adds to that menu. The extension can add pretty much whatever it likes to the menu handle it is given, including sub-menus etc, and it may well add different items depending on properties of the current file select, not just file extensions (e.g. the Tortoise SVN client adds different menu items according to what is relevant to the current SVN status of those files).
So if you want to build such a menu yourself, as I say, you will have to replicate the entire shell extension framework (or at least those parts of it that initialize the menu's, assuming for some reason you don't then want or need to invoke the menu commands themselves) in your own code.
Perhaps it might help if you explain why you wish to do this and what you are trying to achieve. There might be an easier way to go about it.
Although I agree with Deltics that it is a lot of work, the information required for most (if not all) of the items is freely available in the registry. The guide listed in Deltics answer look good and will give you most of the items. A lot can be looked up form basic entries in the registry whereas others need calls to COM objects.
