looping on flattened fortran matrices - vectorization

I have a bit of code that looks like this:
DO I=0,500
arg1((I*54+1):(I*54+54)) = premultz*sinphi(I+1)
In short, I have an array premultz of dimension 54. I have an array sinphi of dimension 501. I want to take the first value of of sinphi times all the entries of premultz and store it in the first 54 entries of arg1, then the second value of of sinphi times all the entries of premultz and store it in the second54 entries of arg1, and so on.
These are flattened matrices. I have flattened them in the interest of speed, as one of the primary goals of this project is very fast code.
My question is this: is there a more efficient way of coding this sort of calculation in Fortran90? I know that Fortran has a lot of nifty array operations that can be done that I'm not fully aware of.
Thanks in advance.

This expression, if I've got things right, ought to create arg1 in one statement
arg1 = reshape(spread(premultz,dim=2,ncopies=501)*&
I've hardwired the dimensions here, that may or may not suit your purposes. The inner expression generates the outer product of premultz and sinphi, which is then reshaped into a vector. You may find you need to reshape the transpose of the outer product, I haven't checked things very carefully.
However, based on my experience with this sort of clever use of Fortran's array intrinsics I doubt that this, or most other clever uses of Fortran's array intrinsics, will outperform the straightforward loop implementation you already have. For many of these operations the compiler is going to generate copies of arrays, and copying data is relatively expensive. Of course, this is an assertion you may want to test.
I'll leave it to you to decide if the one-liner is more comprehensible than the loops. Sometimes the expressivity of the array syntax comes at an acceptable cost in performance, sometimes it doesn't.


Neo4j floating point sum different results

I am using neo4j to calculate some statistics on a data set. For that I am often using sum on a floating point value. I am getting different results depending on the circumstances. For example, a query that does this:
WITH foo
ORDER BY foo.fooId
RETURN SUM(foo.Weight)
Returns different result than the query that simply does the sum:
RETURN SUM(foo.Weight)
The differences are miniscule (293.07724195098984 vs 293.07724195099007). But it is enough to make simple equality checks fail. Another example would be a different instance of the database, loaded with the same data using the same loading process can produce the same issue (the dbs might not be 1:1, the load order of some relations might be different). I took the raw values that neo4j sums (by simply removing the SUM()) and verified that they are the same in all cases (different dbs and ordered/not ordered).
What are my options here? I don't mind losing some precision (I already tried to cut down the precision from 15 to 12 decimal places but that did not seem to work), but I need the results to match up.
Because of rounding errors, floats are not associative. (a+b)+c!=a+(b+c).
The result of every operation is rounded to fit the floats coding constraints and (a+b)+c is implemented as round(round(a+b) +c) while a+(b+c) as round(a+round(b+c)).
As an obvious illustration, consider the operation (2^-100 + 1 -1). If interpreted as a (2^-100 + 1)-1, it will return 0, as 1+2^-100 would require a precision too large for floats or double coding in IEEE754 and can only be coded as 1.0. While (2^-100 +(1-1)) correctly returns 2^-100 that can be coded by either floats or doubles.
This is a trivial example, but these rounding errors may exist after every operation and explain why floating point operations are not associative.
Databases generally do not return data in a garanteed order and depending on the actual order, operations will be done differently and that explains the behaviour that you have.
In general, for this reason, it not a good idea to do equality comparison on floats. Generally, it is advised to replace a==b by abs(a-b) is "sufficiently" small.
"sufficiently" may depend on your algorithm. float are equivalent to ~6-7 decimals and doubles to 15-16 decimals (and I think that it is what is used on your DB). Depending on the number of computations, you may have the last 1--3 decimals affected.
The best is probably to use
where relative-error must be adjusted to your problem. Probably something around 10^-13 can be correct, but you must experiment, as rounding errors depends on the number of computations, on the dispersion of the values and on what you may consider as "equal" for you problem.
Look at this site for a discussion on comparison methods. And read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic by David Goldberg that discusses, among others, these problems.

How do I speedup adding two big vectors of tuples?

Recently, I am implementing an algorithm from a paper that I will be using in my master's work, but I've come across some problems regarding the time it is taking to perform some operations.
Before I get into details, I just want to add that my data set comprehends roughly 4kk entries of data points.
I have two lists of tuples that I've get from a framework (annoy) that calculates cosine similarity between a vector and every other vector in the dataset. The final format is like this:
[(name1, cosine), (name2, cosine), ...]
Because of the algorithm, I have two of that lists with the same names (first value of the tuple) in it, but two different cosine similarities. What I have to do is to sum the cosines from both lists, and then order the array and get the top-N highest cosine values.
My issue is: is taking too long. My actual code for this implementation is as following:
def topN(self, user, session):
upref = self.m2vTN.get_user_preference(user)
spref = self.sm2vTN.get_user_preference(session)
# list of tuples 1
most_su = self.indexer.most_similar(upref, len(self.m2v.wv.vocab))
# list of tuples 2
most_ss = self.indexer.most_similar(spref, len(self.m2v.wv.vocab))
# concat both lists and add into a dict
d = defaultdict(int)
for l, v in (most_ss + most_su):
d[l] += v
# convert the dict into a list, and then sort it
_list = list(d.items())
_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return [x[0] for x in _list[:self.N]]
How do I make this code faster? I've tried using threads but I'm not sure if it will make it faster. Getting the lists is not the problem here, but the concatenation and sorting is.
Thanks! English is not my native language, so sorry for any misspelling.
What do you mean by "too long"? How large are the two lists? Is there a chance your model, and interim results, are larger than RAM and thus forcing virtual-memory paging (which would create frustrating slowness)?
If you are in fact getting the cosine-similarity with all vectors in the model, the annoy-indexer isn't helping any. (Its purpose is to get a small subset of nearest-neighbors much faster, at the expense of perfect accuracy. But if you're calculating the similarity to every candidate, there's no speedup or advantage to using ANNOY.
Further, if you're going to combine all of the distances from two such calculation, there's no need for the sorting that most_similar() usually does - it just makes combining the values more complex later. For the gensim vector-models, you can supply a False-ish topn value to just get the unsorted distances to all model vectors, in order. Then you'd have two large arrays of the distances, in the model's same native order, which are easy to add together elementwise. For example:
udists = self.m2v.most_similar(positive=[upref], topn=False)
sdists = self.m2v.most_similar(positive=[spref], topn=False)
combined_dists = udists + sdists
The combined_dists aren't labeled, but will be in the same order as self.m2v.index2entity. You could then sort them, in a manner similar to what the most_similar() method itself does, to find the ranked closest. See for example the gensim source code for that part of most_similar():
Finally, you might not need to be doing this calculation yourself at all. You can provide more-than-one vector to most_similar() as the positive target, and then it will return the vectors closest to the average of both vectors. For example:
sims = self.m2v.most_similar(positive=[upref, spref], topn=len(self.m2v))
This won't be the same value/ranking as your other sum, but may behave very similarly. (If you wanted less-than-all of the similarities, then it might make sense to use the ANNOY indexer this way, as well.)

Why is splitting a Rust's std::collections::LinkedList O(n)?

The .split_off method on std::collections::LinkedList is described as having a O(n) time complexity. From the (docs):
pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> LinkedList<T>
Splits the list into two at the given index. Returns everything after the given index, including the index.
This operation should compute in O(n) time.
Why not O(1)?
I know that linked lists are not trivial in Rust. There are several resources going into the how's and why's like this book and this article among several others, but I haven't got the chance to dive into those or the standard library's source code yet.
Is there a concise explanation about the extra work needed when splitting a linked list in (safe) Rust?
Is this the only way? And if not why was this implementation chosen?
The method LinkedList::split_off(&mut self, at: usize) first has to traverse the list from the start (or the end) to the position at, which takes O(min(at, n - at)) time. The actual split off is a constant time operation (as you said). And since this min() expression is confusing, we just replace it by n which is legal. Thus: O(n).
Why was the method designed like that? The problem goes deeper than this particular method: most of the LinkedList API in the standard library is not really useful.
Due to its cache unfriendliness, a linked list is often a bad choice to store sequential data. But linked lists have a few nice properties which make them the best data structure for a few, rare situations. These nice properties include:
Inserting an element in the middle in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Removing an element from the middle in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Splitting the list into two lists at an arbitrary position in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Notice anything? The linked list is designed for situations where you already have a pointer to the position that you want to do stuff at.
Rust's LinkedList, like many others, just store a pointer to the start and end. To have a pointer to an element inside the linked list, you need something like an Iterator. In our case, that's IterMut. An iterator over a collection can function like a pointer to a specific element and can be advanced carefully (i.e. not with a for loop). And in fact, there is IterMut::insert_next which allows you to insert an element in the middle of the list in O(1). Hurray!
But this method is unstable. And methods to remove the current element or to split the list off at that position are missing. Why? Because of the vicious circle that is:
LinkedList lacks almost all features that make linked lists useful at all
Thus (nearly) everyone recommends not to use it
Thus (nearly) no one uses LinkedList
Thus (nearly) no one cares about improving it
Goto 1
Please note that are a few brave souls occasionally trying to improve the situations. There is the tracking issue about insert_next, where people argue that Iterator might be the wrong concept to perform these O(1) operations and that we want something like a "cursor" instead. And here someone suggested a bunch of methods to be added to IterMut (including cut!).
Now someone just has to write a nice RFC and someone needs to implement it. Maybe then LinkedList won't be nearly useless anymore.
Edit 2018-10-25: someone did write an RFC. Let's hope for the best!
Edit 2019-02-21: the RFC was accepted! Tracking issue.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but in a linked list, the links of each node have to be followed to proceed to the next node. If you want to get to the third node, you start at the first, follow its link to the second, then finally arrive at the third.
This traversal's complexity is proportional to the target node index n because n nodes are processed/traversed, so it's a linear O(n) operation, not a constant time O(1) operation. The part where the list is "split off" is of course constant time, but the overall split operation's complexity is dominated by the dominant term O(n) incurred by getting to the split-off point node before the split can even be made.
One way in which it could be O(1) would be if a pointer existed to the node after which the list is split off, but that is different from specifying a target node index. Alternatively, an index could be kept mapping the node index to the corresponding node pointer, but it would be extra space and processing overhead in keeping the index updated in sync with list operations.
pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> LinkedList<T>
Splits the list into two at the given index. Returns everything after the given index, including the index.
This operation should compute in O(n) time.
The documentation is either:
unclear, if n is supposed to be the index,
pessimistic, if n is supposed to be the length of the list (the usual meaning).
The proper complexity, as can be seen in the implementation, is O(min(at, n - at)) (whichever is smaller). Since at must be smaller than n, the documentation is correct that O(n) is a bound on the complexity (reached for at = n / 2), however such a large bound is unhelpful.
That is, the fact that list.split_off(5) takes the same time if list.len() is 10 or 1,000,000 is quite important!
As to why this complexity, this is an inherent consequence of the structure of doubly-linked list. There is no O(1) indexing operation in a linked-list, after all. The operation implemented in C, C++, C#, D, F#, ... would have the exact same complexity.
Note: I encourage you to write a pseudo-code implementation of a linked-list with the split_off operation; you'll realize this is the best you can get without altering the data-structure to be something else.

Using something other than a Swift array for mutable fixed-size thread-safe data passed to OpenGL buffer

I am trying to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of my application I am working on.
I have a couple arrays that follow the following conditions:
They are NEVER appended to, I always calculate the index myself
The are allocated once and never change size
It would be nice if they were thread safe as long as it doesn't cost performance
Some hold primitives like floats, or unsigned ints. One of them does hold a class.
Most of these arrays at some point are passed into a glBuffer
Never cleared just overwritten
Some of the arrays individual elements are changed entirely by = others are changed by +=
I currently am using swift native arrays and am allocating them like var arr = [GLfloat](count: 999, repeatedValue: 0) however I have been reading a lot of documentation and it sounds like Swift arrays are much more abstract then a traditional C-style array. I am not even sure if they are allocated in a block or more like a linked list with bits and pieces thrown all over the place. I believe by doing the code above you cause it to allocate in a continuous block but i'm not sure.
I worry that the abstract nature of Swift arrays is something that is wasting a lot of precious processing time. As you can see by my above conditions I dont need any of the fancy appending, or safety features of Swift arrays. I just need it simple and fast.
My question is: In this scenario should I be using some other form of array? NSArray, somehow get a C-style array going, create my own data type?
Im looking into thread safety, would a different array type that was more thread safe such as NSArray be any slower?
Note that your requirements are contradictory, particularly #2 and #7. You can't operate on them with += and also say they will never change size. "I always calculate the index myself" also doesn't make sense. What else would calculate it? The requirements for things you will hand to glBuffer are radically different than the requirements for things that will hold objects.
If you construct the Array the way you say, you'll get contiguous memory. If you want to be absolutely certain that you have contiguous memory, use a ContiguousArray (but in the vast majority of cases this will give you little to no benefit while costing you complexity; there appear to be some corner cases in the current compiler that give a small advantage to ContinguousArray, but you must benchmark before assuming that's true). It's not clear what kind of "abstractness" you have in mind, but there's no secrets about how Array works. All of stdlib is open source. Go look and see if it does things you want to avoid.
For certain kinds of operations, it is possible for other types of data structures to be faster. For instance, there are cases where a dispatch_data is better and cases where a regular Data would be better and cases where you should use a ManagedBuffer to gain more control. But in general, unless you deeply know what you're doing, you can easily make things dramatically worse. There is no "is always faster" data structure that works correctly for all the kinds of uses you describe. If there were, that would just be the implementation of Array.
None of this makes sense to pursue until you've built some code and started profiling it in optimized builds to understand what's going on. It is very likely that different uses would be optimized by different kinds of data structures.
It's very strange that you ask whether you should use NSArray, since that would be wildly (orders of magnitude) slower than Array for dealing with very large collections of numbers. You definitely need to experiment with these types a bit to get a sense of their characteristics. NSArray is brilliant and extremely fast for certain problems, but not for that one.
But again, write a little code. Profile it. Look at the generated assembler. See what's happening. Watch particularly for any undesired copying or retain counting. If you see that in a specific case, then you have something to think about changing data structures over. But there's no "use this to go fast." All the trade-offs to achieve that in the general case are already in Array.

What are the advantages of the "apply" functions? When are they better to use than "for" loops, and when are they not? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is R's apply family more than syntactic sugar
Just what the title says. Stupid question, perhaps, but my understanding has been that when using an "apply" function, the iteration is performed in compiled code rather than in the R parser. This would seem to imply that lapply, for instance, is only faster than a "for" loop if there are a great many iterations and each operation is relatively simple. For instance, if a single call to a function wrapped up in lapply takes 10 seconds, and there are only, say, 12 iterations of it, I would imagine that there's virtually no difference at all between using "for" and "lapply".
Now that I think of it, if the function inside the "lapply" has to be parsed anyway, why should there be ANY performance benefit from using "lapply" instead of "for" unless you're doing something that there are compiled functions for (like summing or multiplying, etc)?
Thanks in advance!
There are several reasons why one might prefer an apply family function over a for loop, or vice-versa.
Firstly, for() and apply(), sapply() will generally be just as quick as each other if executed correctly. lapply() does more of it's operating in compiled code within the R internals than the others, so can be faster than those functions. It appears the speed advantage is greatest when the act of "looping" over the data is a significant part of the compute time; in many general day-to-day uses you are unlikely to gain much from the inherently quicker lapply(). In the end, these all will be calling R functions so they need to be interpreted and then run.
for() loops can often be easier to implement, especially if you come from a programming background where loops are prevalent. Working in a loop may be more natural than forcing the iterative computation into one of the apply family functions. However, to use for() loops properly, you need to do some extra work to set-up storage and manage plugging the output of the loop back together again. The apply functions do this for you automagically. E.g.:
IN <- runif(10)
OUT <- logical(length = length(IN))
for(i in IN) {
OUT[i] <- IN > 0.5
that is a silly example as > is a vectorised operator but I wanted something to make a point, namely that you have to manage the output. The main thing is that with for() loops, you always allocate sufficient storage to hold the outputs before you start the loop. If you don't know how much storage you will need, then allocate a reasonable chunk of storage, and then in the loop check if you have exhausted that storage, and bolt on another big chunk of storage.
The main reason, in my mind, for using one of the apply family of functions is for more elegant, readable code. Rather than managing the output storage and setting up the loop (as shown above) we can let R handle that and succinctly ask R to run a function on subsets of our data. Speed usually does not enter into the decision, for me at least. I use the function that suits the situation best and will result in simple, easy to understand code, because I'm far more likely to waste more time than I save by always choosing the fastest function if I can't remember what the code is doing a day or a week or more later!
The apply family lend themselves to scalar or vector operations. A for() loop will often lend itself to doing multiple iterated operations using the same index i. For example, I have written code that uses for() loops to do k-fold or bootstrap cross-validation on objects. I probably would never entertain doing that with one of the apply family as each CV iteration needs multiple operations, access to lots of objects in the current frame, and fills in several output objects that hold the output of the iterations.
As to the last point, about why lapply() can possibly be faster that for() or apply(), you need to realise that the "loop" can be performed in interpreted R code or in compiled code. Yes, both will still be calling R functions that need to be interpreted, but if you are doing the looping and calling directly from compiled C code (e.g. lapply()) then that is where the performance gain can come from over apply() say which boils down to a for() loop in actual R code. See the source for apply() to see that it is a wrapper around a for() loop, and then look at the code for lapply(), which is:
> lapply
function (X, FUN, ...)
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X))
X <- as.list(X)
.Internal(lapply(X, FUN))
<environment: namespace:base>
and you should see why there can be a difference in speed between lapply() and for() and the other apply family functions. The .Internal() is one of R's ways of calling compiled C code used by R itself. Apart from a manipulation, and a sanity check on FUN, the entire computation is done in C, calling the R function FUN. Compare that with the source for apply().
From Burns' R Inferno (pdf), p25:
Use an explicit for loop when each
iteration is a non-trivial task. But a
simple loop can be more clearly and
compactly expressed using an apply
function. There is at least one
exception to this rule ... if the result will
be a list and some of the components
can be NULL, then a for loop is
trouble (big trouble) and lapply gives
the expected answer.
