Getting Authentication working on Mono for Android with servicestack -

I've got ServiceStack working nicely on the server and with a Windows test client, and now need to get it working in my Mono For Android application.
I've downloaded the following:
from the github tip, and added references to these in my Mono for Android project.
However, we need to use authentication, so need the ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Web namespace to be available for the client, so I can do the following:
var c = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:53434");
var authResponse = c.Get(new Auth { UserName = "myusername", Password = "password", RememberMe = true });
Looking at my working test client, Auth is defined in ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.dll, so presumably I need to get hold of this DLL, or its source and compile it in my project.
Am I on the right lines here, or is there a simpler way to set things up? I've searched around but can't find a good resource on how to use ServiceStack with Mono For Android - if there is one, please feel free to point me to it!
I note this StackOverflow indicates I'm on the right lines - all I might need is ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.dll compiled for Mono For Android.

You shouldn't have to compile the server ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.dll for use in any client library as there is a copy of the Auth DTOs is also available in the ServiceStack.Common.dll client library at ServiceStack.Common.ServiceClient.Web.AuthDtos.cs.
This is possible since both server and client DTOs generate the same wireformat.


Get specific release from github releases for electron-updater

I'm building an electron application that will be distributed to different clients. Currently, I'm testing how to update the application.
To describe my problem:
In order for this application to work client must buy a licens. And based on this licens I know who the client is and what features does he need. On star I must call my API endpoint that checks clients licens and returns where electron-updater should go and check for updates (not all clients get the same version; it's even possible that one client has a completely different version of the application from others).
Currently, I'm testing with local http-server and my URL look something like this: http://localhost:8080/v0.0.3 (inside this map I have the installer, latest.yml and blockmap files) and in main.js I use it like this:
provider: 'generic',
url: ret.url // <- http://localhost:8080/v0.0.3
So far this approach works fine, but I'm testing now if it would be possible to use GitHub repository and through my API return URL to specific version, because all I could achieve from using GitHub was getting the latest version (it would be great if repository could be private).
So if it is could it be done something like this:<user>/<repo>/releases/tag/v0.0.3

Getting token from a windows form app get stuck when trying to get a secret form Key Vault

I am trying to read key vault keys from a windows form app. When I call following:
var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(""), new InteractiveBrowserCredential());
var test = client.GetSecret("Test");
It just get stuck. I would expect a browser to popup. Any pointers?
OK found a solution. If i took a .Core Console Application it worked. I then tried using the .NET Windows Forms (and not the .NET Framework version) and added the code to an event from a button. Still same. I then added the code in the Form_Load event. Then it worked. So there is something in the event model that requires it to be in the start-up of the application. If I add it in the Form_Load of the .NET Framework version it does still not work.

How to solve exception error when consuming Microsoft Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2005 from Delphi XE7

I am trying to create a sample Delphi XE7 desktop app that will connect to SSRS 2005 web service but every time I try to call LoadReport web method, the following error is shown:
This is what I have done so far:
Create a desktop app.
Import WSDL for ReportExecution2005 and ReportService2005.
Create a button that call the web service based on the code shown
here. The web service locations as well as report are hardcoded for
simplicity purposes.
This is the code snippet from the link:
HTExec := tHttpRio.Create(nil);
rsExec := GetReportExecutionServiceSoap(False, ExecURL, HTExec);
// Load the selected report.
LRParams.Report := 'ReportName';
LoadParamsResponse := rsExec.LoadReport(LRParams); //here it fails
Note: I have already created a .NET win form app (VS2010 and VS2013) that consumes this web service without any issues, thus I know the web service and report to render are working OK. Sadly our requirements is for a Delphi solution, My educated guess is that the WSDL importer generated code is not correct and somebody out there may have come across with this issue before and know how to solve it.
I did a quick search for ""
and found this.
If it applies to you as well, it may be the case you're calling the service on an incorrect URL, use the one with ReportExecution2005.asmxin it, not ReportService2005.asmx
(There's a lot more here)
To find out differences between the Delphi version and the working version, use a HTTP proxy (Fiddler2) to capture the SOAP HTTP traffic in both setups.
If you have no access to the working environment, use SoapUI to create SOAP requests.

F# web service data provider with local wsdl file

I am trying to write F# client for our web services. The example here looks very good except it uses the server url in the code.
type TerraService = WsdlService<"">
This prevents me from reading service url from configuration file at run time, and make deployment from dev server to production server difficult.
I am wondering if there is any WSDL provider that works similar to Dbml Provider
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're looking for, but note that the URL provided as a static parameter is used to generate types, but if desired a different URL can be provided at runtime by using a different overload of the Get...Soap method. This URL can come from wherever you want (e.g. you can read it from a config file if that's your scenario). E.g.:
type TerraService = WsdlService<"">
let terraClient = TerraService.GetTerraServiceSoap(EndpointAddress(myRuntimeUrl))
Nothing currently exists that does that but the code is open source so you could make a version of it that work's in the mode that you desire:1 2.

How to pass data in body of a HttpConnection in blackberry

Actually I want to pass data in body of a httpconnection.
Using apache httpclient library in blackberry, integrated jar file in my project but getting compilation error while running my project.
Kindly updated me on the same.
I have not tried using Apache HttpClient lib in a BB project before, because I did not for a moment think it would work...
In short, you need the code to be compatible with J2ME, and compilable using the RIM tool chain. And then we get into other problems....
First of, be aware that networking in BlackBerry is NOT as straightforward as one might wish.
Have a look at this video for the back ground theory: Networking Transports on the BB Platform
Ok, then for some code (I assume here you already went through the trouble of obtaining an HttpConnection):
byte [] bodyBytes = getBodyBytesFromSomewhere();
OutputStream out = httpConnection.openOutputStream();
out.close();//If you are done, which I'm guessing you are
The above code is of course very simplistic, and completely ignores all the many, many errors that will occur during network IO.
I would suggest you also look at this API,this forum entry,and this one. OS6.0 also introduced a new HTTP Connection API - can't find a link for that right now (sorry!)
