Rails url_for from string with parameters - ruby-on-rails

I've got a site-local tinyurl I'm trying to make, so I need to show the full path of a URL that doesn't correspond to a controller action, and this doesn't work:
url_for("tiny/#{identifier}", :only_path => false)
because the url_for that takes a string doesn't then take any parameters.
How can I accomplish this?
Edit as per comment:
get 'tiny/:id' => "original_controller#show", :constraints => {:id => /\d+/}
get 'tiny/:name' => "original_controller#by_name"
GET /tiny/:id(.:format) original_controller#show {:id=>/\d+/}
GET /tiny/:name(.:format) original_controller#by_name


params.merge instead of :overwrite_params gives different URLs

In my old Rails 2.3 application I had something like:
link_to 'Portuguese', url_for(:overwrite_params => { :lang => 'pt' })
which was returning me URLs formatted as:
Now that I've upgraded to Rails 3.0 :overwrite_params doesn't work any more, they say params.merge can be used instead to have the same result.
This is true, the page I land to is the same, yet
link_to 'Portuguese', params.merge(:lang => 'pt')
gives me URLs the kind of:
How could I maintain the same URLs as before?
you can use a match statement. In routes.rb file you need to mention something like
get "sign_up/:lang" => "users#new"
I tried this in console
1.9.3-p429 :001 > include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
1.9.3-p429 :011 > url_for(:only_path => true, :controller => 'users', :action = 'new' , :lang=>'pt')
=> "/sign_up/pt"
In this manner you will pass the parameter lang as '/pt' and not '/?lang=pt'
I had this horrible-looking workaround working:
after defining a matching route
match '(/:lang)', to: 'home#index', as: :home
I create the link to it as:
link_to "Portuguese", URI(request.referer).path + "pt"

Rails custom routes with params

I am trying to display params in my url so i have added
patient_record_path(:limit => 10)
I am now trying to correctly route this.
Currently i am getting the error
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"patient_record", :limit=>10}
I am currently using the route
match 'patient_record/show&limit', :to => 'patient_record#show'
You should not add the limit to your route. Just simple define your route like this:
match 'patient_record/show', :to => 'patient_record#show', :as => 'patient_record_show'
A better solution however would be
resources :patient_records
This would create the following path helpers:
patient_records_path => "/patient_records" => 'patient_record#index'
new_patient_record_path => "/patient_records/new" => 'patient_record#new'
edit_patient_record_path(:id) => /patient_records/:id/edit => 'patient_record#edit'
patient_record_path(:id) => "/patient_records/:id" => 'patient_record#show'
Update: wrong use of path helper
I have looked at your question again and found another bug: the path helper for show needs a record. The correct use is:
# path to show
patient_record_path(#patient_record, :limit => 10)
# path to index
patient_records_path(:limit => 10)

rails sunspot gem friendly SEO url's?

How does one get SEO friendly url's in sunspot?,
The method of search form is GET as suggested from the rails docs, but now i have a very long query string that looks terrible, is it possible to have it something like
instead of the long
You could modify your search route to include the params. Something like this within your routes.rb:
match '/search/:param1/:param2' => 'search_controller#search_action', :as => :search_with_params, :via => :get
Then a user would visit:
Which gives you params[:param1] and params[:param2] to access the values from the url.
If those 2 params are not required for all searches I believe you would also need a route just for the search action:
match '/search' => 'search_controller#search_aciton', :as => :search, :via => :get

Github like routes in Rails

Using github like chain routes in rails
I have URLs similar to this:
'localhost:3000/document_managers/[:module_name]/1/2/3/.' # can be any level deep
Here is the route definition for them:
map.connect '/document_managers/:module',
:controller => "document_managers",
:action => :new_tree,
:module => ["A","B","C"]
map.connect '/docuemnt_managers/:module/*path',
:controller => "document_managers",
:action => "new_tree",
:module => ["A","B","C"]
Here is the problem:
The idea that module name value can't be anything except from the
given above array i.e("A","B","C") like at any time the URL must be something like
localhost:3000/document_managers/A/1 or
localhost:3000/document_managers/B/221/1 or
but that not the case even though
localhost:3000/document_managers/D/121/1 is treated as valid url
and module is set to D even though the "D" is not in listed array
I want the the URL localhost:3000/document_managers/A to
also redirect to same action i.e new_tree if the extra parameter isn't
provided as in the URL contain extra parameters
localhost:3000/document_managers/C/121/1 then the URL is redirected
appropriately to the desired controller and action but if the URL only
contain the path until the module name the Rails return a routes
ActionController::UnknownAction I don't know why as I have already
defined the controller and action.
In Rails 3.1, you can do this in your routes file to get what you want:
match '/document_managers/:module',
:controller => "document_managers",
:action => :new_tree,
:constraints => {:module => /[ABC]/}

url_for generates a url with current path inserted

I am generating a url in my controller accessed from the relative path "/hangouts/test", for a url on an external site (facebook). I want to use url_for and pass in params using hashes so it can escape them. The URL I want is this:
Using this, however:
url_for(:host => "www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_permissions.php?", :api_key => Facebooker.api_key, :next => test_hangouts_url, :cancel => root_url, :ext_perm => "publish_stream")
I instead get my current path of /hangouts/test thrown in there:
As you can see, I don't want "/hangouts/test" to be in there - played a bit with the options in the API docs but stumped, anybody know how to use url_for without it inserting the current path? Thanks!
You shouldn't be using the hash form of url_for to generate links outside of your application.
Instead you should just be using the string version form:
url_for "http://www.facebook.com/connect/prompt_permissions.php?api_key=6aca22e72866c7eaaedfb15be69c4b93&next=#{test_hangouts_url}&cancel=#{root_url}&ext_perm=publish_stream"
url_for will use the current action controller/action/id unless the hash given to url_for contains one of those arguments. url_for will then generate a url from a route that matches the arguments given in the hash. The arguments to url_for used in the question generates a valid url, because it can match a route using the current controller/action. You will not be able to generate the url you want with the hash form of url for without matching a route. Providing a controller in the hash you give url_for should match the default routes that rails generates for you when you create an application, but that's not very DRY.
The better solution is to use a named route:
map.prompt_fb_permissions "/connect/prompt_permissions.php",
:host => "www.facebook.com", :controller => nil, :action => nil
then you can use the following in place of url_for whenever you want to generate this this url.
prompt_fb_permissions(:api_key => Facebooker.api_key, :next => test_hangouts_url,
:cancel => root_url, :ext_perm => "publish_stream")
You left out the controller parameter, which is why it's automatically adding your controller path ("/hangouts/test"), to your base host.
Try this:
url_for(:host => "www.facebook.com", :controller=> "/connect/prompt_permissions.php", :api_key => Facebooker.api_key, :next => test_hangouts_url, :cancel => root_url, :ext_perm => "publish_stream")
