Github like routes in Rails - ruby-on-rails

Using github like chain routes in rails
I have URLs similar to this:
'localhost:3000/document_managers/[:module_name]/1/2/3/.' # can be any level deep
Here is the route definition for them:
map.connect '/document_managers/:module',
:controller => "document_managers",
:action => :new_tree,
:module => ["A","B","C"]
map.connect '/docuemnt_managers/:module/*path',
:controller => "document_managers",
:action => "new_tree",
:module => ["A","B","C"]
Here is the problem:
The idea that module name value can't be anything except from the
given above array i.e("A","B","C") like at any time the URL must be something like
localhost:3000/document_managers/A/1 or
localhost:3000/document_managers/B/221/1 or
but that not the case even though
localhost:3000/document_managers/D/121/1 is treated as valid url
and module is set to D even though the "D" is not in listed array
I want the the URL localhost:3000/document_managers/A to
also redirect to same action i.e new_tree if the extra parameter isn't
provided as in the URL contain extra parameters
localhost:3000/document_managers/C/121/1 then the URL is redirected
appropriately to the desired controller and action but if the URL only
contain the path until the module name the Rails return a routes
ActionController::UnknownAction I don't know why as I have already
defined the controller and action.

In Rails 3.1, you can do this in your routes file to get what you want:
match '/document_managers/:module',
:controller => "document_managers",
:action => :new_tree,
:constraints => {:module => /[ABC]/}


Rails url_for from string with parameters

I've got a site-local tinyurl I'm trying to make, so I need to show the full path of a URL that doesn't correspond to a controller action, and this doesn't work:
url_for("tiny/#{identifier}", :only_path => false)
because the url_for that takes a string doesn't then take any parameters.
How can I accomplish this?
Edit as per comment:
get 'tiny/:id' => "original_controller#show", :constraints => {:id => /\d+/}
get 'tiny/:name' => "original_controller#by_name"
GET /tiny/:id(.:format) original_controller#show {:id=>/\d+/}
GET /tiny/:name(.:format) original_controller#by_name

Escaping elements in a URI Ruby On Rails

I have a rails app that I am trying to do a get request with co-ordinates in...
I have a route in my routes.rb like this:
map.connect 'feeds/get/:location', :controller => "feeds", :action => "get"
I can send a string consisting of alphanumeric characters fine, but I need to send co-ordinates in a string in the URI as a get request:
So, I escaped the string like so, and append it to my URI.
however it looks like rails automatically unescapes the string before the controller and gives me this routing error in the log:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/feeds/get/51.896834,0.878906.xml" with {:method=>:get}):
How do I stop rails escaping this string (with routes?) so that it can be read in the controller?
I looked at using the match function in routes.rb with regex, but that is rails 3 only...
The only real way I can think of doing this would be as follows, give the route a name as follows:
map.connect 'feeds/get', :controller => "feeds", :action => "get", as: 'get_feeds'
Then you would have a named route helper get_feeds_path, which you could then pass in location and a format as follows:
get_feeds_path(:location => '51.896834,0.878906', :format => 'xml')
What might be an even better idea however, is if you passed in two params, one for each of the coordinates.
get_feeds_path(:x_location => '51.896834', :y_location => '0.878906', :format => 'xml')
Then, the params hash passed to the controller should have a params[:x_location] and a params[:y_location] which you can manipulate to your liking.

rails: avoid string escaping in route parameters

i have a route defined like this
map.search_by_key '/search/:search_key', :controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action'
the param :search_key is used such that the urls are like this:
where search_key would be "c_vehicles/c_cars/mk_suzuki" ..
problem is .. when creating this url with the named route
search_by_key_path("c_vehicles/c_cars/mk_suzuki") it escapes the string .. and creates something like:
this works fine but looks ugly in the address bar .. how do i avoid this ..
I'm using rails 2.2.2 with ruby 1.8.6 (ancient i know .. in process to upgrade) ..
You can use a globbed route for this and a bit of string wrangling in your controller:
Route globbing is a way to specify that a particular parameter should be matched to all the remaining parts of a route. For example
map.connect 'photo/*other', :controller => 'photos', :action => 'unknown'
This route would match photo/12 or /photo/long/path/to/12 equally well, creating an array of path segments as the value of params[:other].
Your route should look like this:
map.search_by_key '/search/*search_key', :controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action'
#--------------------------^ Change the colon to an asterisk
And then in your controller:
def my_action
search_for = params[:search_key].join('/')
# ...
The same globbing technique applies equally well in Rails-3 so upgrading this part of your application should be a simple matter switching to the new routes.rb methods.
This works with 2.3.8, I'm not sure about 2.2.2 though.

url_for generates a url with current path inserted

I am generating a url in my controller accessed from the relative path "/hangouts/test", for a url on an external site (facebook). I want to use url_for and pass in params using hashes so it can escape them. The URL I want is this:
Using this, however:
url_for(:host => "", :api_key => Facebooker.api_key, :next => test_hangouts_url, :cancel => root_url, :ext_perm => "publish_stream")
I instead get my current path of /hangouts/test thrown in there:
As you can see, I don't want "/hangouts/test" to be in there - played a bit with the options in the API docs but stumped, anybody know how to use url_for without it inserting the current path? Thanks!
You shouldn't be using the hash form of url_for to generate links outside of your application.
Instead you should just be using the string version form:
url_for "{test_hangouts_url}&cancel=#{root_url}&ext_perm=publish_stream"
url_for will use the current action controller/action/id unless the hash given to url_for contains one of those arguments. url_for will then generate a url from a route that matches the arguments given in the hash. The arguments to url_for used in the question generates a valid url, because it can match a route using the current controller/action. You will not be able to generate the url you want with the hash form of url for without matching a route. Providing a controller in the hash you give url_for should match the default routes that rails generates for you when you create an application, but that's not very DRY.
The better solution is to use a named route:
map.prompt_fb_permissions "/connect/prompt_permissions.php",
:host => "", :controller => nil, :action => nil
then you can use the following in place of url_for whenever you want to generate this this url.
prompt_fb_permissions(:api_key => Facebooker.api_key, :next => test_hangouts_url,
:cancel => root_url, :ext_perm => "publish_stream")
You left out the controller parameter, which is why it's automatically adding your controller path ("/hangouts/test"), to your base host.
Try this:
url_for(:host => "", :controller=> "/connect/prompt_permissions.php", :api_key => Facebooker.api_key, :next => test_hangouts_url, :cancel => root_url, :ext_perm => "publish_stream")

Ruby on Rails: Routing for a tree hierarchy of places

So we've got a legacy system that tracks places with IDs like "Europe/France/Paris", and I'm building a Rails facade to turn this into URLs like http:// foobar/places/Europe/France/Paris. This requirement is not negotiable, the number of possible levels in unlimited, and we can't escape the slashes.
Setting up routes.rb for http://foobar/places/Europe is trivial:
map.resources :places
...but http:// foobar/places/Europe/France complains "No action responded to Europe". I tried:
map.connect '/places/:id', :controller => 'places', :action => 'show'
...but this gives the same result, as apparently the :id ends at the first '/'. How do I make the ID cover anything and everything after the "places"?
Have a look at the Routing Guide for full documentation:
Specifically section "4.9 Route Globbing".
But I think what you really want to do is declare your route like:
map.connect '/places/*id', :controller => 'places', :action => 'index'
Called with a URL like
Yields a params[:id] => ["foo", "bar", "1"]
Which you could easily (re)join with "/" to yield the full string you want "foo/bar/1" (you will probably have to re-insert the leading slash manually.
That should get you going.
I tweaked Cody's answer above slightly to come up with this: '/places/*id', :controller => 'places', :action => 'show'
map.connect '/places/*id.:format', :controller => 'places', :action => 'show'
By using instead of map.connect, Rails knows what resource we're dealing with and generated place_url, place_path etc helpers correctly.
Now, the 2nd line should work but doesn't thanks to the bug above, so here's a workaround for places_controller.rb that manually splits the ID and sets the format, defaulting to XML:
id, suffix = params[:id].join('/').split('.')
params[:format] = suffix ? suffix : "xml"
