iOS Apps & Subscriptions? [closed] - ios

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Am I required to use Apple's In-App Purchase support if I wish to allow for subscriptions in my app? I'm currently working on an app that will be free to download and use. It will be ad-supported, but I will also offer a premium version of the service that won't display ads. Can I implement the subscription functionality myself within the app/backend service (Registration, credit card processing, etc.)? Or, am I required to use Apple's In-App Purchase support (thereby also giving up 30% of my subscription fee)

Yes you are required. Apple will reject anything that tries to work around their 30% cut

Actually... there is a workaround where you may keep 100% of the revenue:
"If you would like to make a subscription offer outside of the app, the same (or better) subscription price must be offered inside the app for users who wish to subscribe from within the app."
Not sure if this speaks directly to your question of making an app ad free, but it is possible to keep 100% of the revenue IF you make the same offer as an in app purchase.
Apple reversed these guidelines a while ago, allowing devs to mark up in-app purchases, but I am not sure if this is still relevant.

As it was already said you are required to use original Apple APIs. Moreover, according to Apple’s policy a developer can not choose which type of In-App-Purchases to use for their apps. You can read more about it in a dev's post
iOS In-App Purchase Overview: Our Hands-On Experience
In brief there are 3 types of subscriptions:
free -- are used by applications that offer issues for free
auto-renewable -- after the first successful purchase, they are
prolonging themselves automatically if users’ credit card is valid
and if he hasn't stopped it manually
non-renewing -- subscription is initiated by users, lasts a certain
period of time and stops when the period ends, to subscribe again, a
user should initiate the subscription manually.
The use of auto-renewable subscription is limited only to Mass Media category applications. Free subscription can't be used for demo versions distributed with commercial purposes. And certainly, if an app violates Apple's requirements on In-App Purchase use and limitations, it will be banned from AppStore.


Apple IAP & Third Part Subscriptions [closed]

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Closed 2 months ago.
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I know this has been asked so many times. But I don't really got an answer as this is not very clear.
I'm developing a web platform and an iOS app (linked together).
I have my own users base, and I don't rely on Apple IDs. So I can't use In-App Purchases because subscriptions would be linked to a given Apple ID and not my own IDs. Which can be confusing because a same user ID can run on devices with different Apple IDs, and vice-versa.
Moreover my users must be able to use the web platform with the same subscriptions/permissions online.
So I need to use a third-part service like Stripe to handle subscriptions.
If I do well understand the new Apple Guidelines, I can't put the Stripe form into the App. I can't neither put a link to make the payment on Safari, for example.
But what if I just put a label saying "Manage your subscription on"?
Will my app be rejected by Apple?
This is not very clear as Apple says that "Developers can send communications outside of the app to their user base about purchasing methods other than in-app purchase."so we should be able to use third-part tools, without referring to them into the app..
The canonical answer to your question is in the Business section of the App Store Review Guidelines. Of particular note:
3.1.1 In-App Purchase:
If you want to unlock features or functionality within your app, (by way of example: subscriptions, in-game currencies, game levels, access to premium content, or unlocking a full version), you must use in-app purchase. Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency wallets, etc. Apps and their metadata may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms other than in-app purchase, except as set forth in 3.1.3(a).
3.1.3(a) “Reader” Apps: Apps may allow a user to access previously purchased content or content subscriptions (specifically: magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, and video). Reader apps may offer account creation for free tiers, and account management functionality for existing customers. Reader app developers may apply for the External Link Account Entitlement to provide an informational link in their app to a web site the developer owns or maintains responsibility for in order to create or manage an account. Learn more about the External Link Account Entitlement.
In short, if your subscription unlocks features or functionality in your app you have to use in-app purchases unless you have a "reader" app, in which case you can apply for an entitlement to add an external link to subscribe. You will not be able to use Stripe to accept payment inside your app unless you're selling something like physical goods:
3.1.3(e) Goods and Services Outside of the App: If your app enables people to purchase physical goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry.
Ultimately it's up to Apple when it comes to what will pass review and what won't. No one can predict what will happen ahead of time.

Do I need to use Apple In-App Purchase when digital goods are also made available outside of the app? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a website which is an exam question bank for a variety of topics. A user can purchase a topic and unlock questions for the specific topic.
I'm currently writing an app which provides the same functionality as the website. Users can create an account on either the website or app, and anything purchased through the website will appear on the app.
I understand that Apple state that you must use their In-App purchase kit for digital goods, however because the purchase unlocks the same content not just in the app, but on the website, am I able to redirect users who wish to purchase a topic via the app to the website, sidestepping Apple's In-App Purchase?
The rules are very simple:
Any digital goods or services purchased on the device must go through an In-App Purchase.
Any physical goods or services must not go through an In-App Purchase (like eBay, Uber etc. )
Any digital goods or services purchased elsewhere do not go through an In-App Purchase.
You are not allowed to direct the users from your app to a website where they can purchase digital goods or services to use on their iOS device.
So selling things through your website is fine. Directing users from the app to your website will get your app not allowed on the store.
I able to redirect users who wish to purchase a topic via the app to the website, sidestepping Apple's In-App Purchase?
This reason would cause your app to be rejected by the App Store review team and you'd be asked to integrate In-App purchases within the app.
Also note that Apple receives takes a fixed 30% of commission from all the sales made via app and In-App purchases.
From the App Store Review Guidelines - Apple Developer:
3.1.1 In-App Purchase:
If you want to unlock features or functionality within your app, (by way of example: subscriptions, in-game currencies, game levels, access to premium content, or unlocking a full version), you must use in-app purchase. Apps may not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functionality, such as license keys, augmented reality markers, QR codes, etc. Apps and their metadata may not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms other than in-app purchase.
Regarding the Apple's commission:
App Store - Principles and Practises
Developers earn 70% of sales from in-app purchases and Apple collects a 30% commission.
Pay attention to the highlighted.

Are apps built only for existing customers not required to use IAP? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I’ve created an app using Ionic and Cordova. It runs on iOS, Android, and the web. The app helps streamline most tasks that small business owners face. It’s basically a CRM. In order to use the app a monthly subscription is required after 30 days. I’ve integrated Stripe as my payment processor and works well on every platform. However my app has been rejected twice now by Apple for not using their in-app purchaser which is required according to guideline 3.1.1. I just submitted the app a third time and this time I’ve structured my app exactly the same way as apps such as Salesforce and Insightly. When you download the app all you see is a login page. There is no option to create an account or a link/information pointing the user to a website where they can subscribe. All payment processing is handled outside of the app in the web browser. Im really hoping this change does the trick because I want the mobile versions of my app to act as simply companion apps after they subscribe on my website. I want to see if others could shed some light on this for me. I believe setting it up this way allows your app to fall under guideline 3.1.3(b). If I get rejected again for not using in-app purchases when my app is structured the exact same way as others currently on the App Store what can I do?
According to Apple:
3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services: Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or
features they have acquired elsewhere, including consumable items in
multi-platform games, provided those items are also available as
in-app purchases within the app. You must not directly or indirectly
target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app
purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing
methods must not discourage use of in-app purchase.
I think the important point here is you CANNOT advertise anywhere in an app that you are selling something outside of iOS. So your example of Salesforce displaying nothing but a login screen does not violate these terms. Including even a link to your homepage will get you rejected by Apple.
The key point that Apple generally looks for is whether or not the purchase is being made to unlock in-app functionality. If users are paying for goods or services outside of the app, then Apple doesn't make you use their in-app purchases. (see 3.1.5 (a)).
Evaluate your application to see if it is clear that users are paying for out-of-app or multi-platform functionality.

iOS app is rejected because of user buy subscription without IAP [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I build a tool app on iOS platform. I want create three level for users. basic, pro and premium. each level provide different functions. So user need pay for pro and premium subscription plan. the difference between level is pro user can create more document than basic user.
The thing is I don't want use IAP, I don't want apple share the 30% revenue, so I created a website to let user pay the subscription through web.
I got the app approved 3 times before, without any rejection.
but recently, Apple review team reject my app with follow info
From Apple
11.13 - Apps that link to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the App, such as a "buy" button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected
11.13 Details
We noticed that your app provides access to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines.
I am very sure that I didn't have any button or link inside of app to navigate user to website for payment.
My app do grab the subscription level from website by API to restrict user function by level. I am not very sure if this is not allowed by apple.
I check apple review guideline again and find
11.14 Apps can read or play approved content (specifically magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video and cloud storage) that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the App, as long as there is no button or external link in the App to purchase the approved content. Apple will only receive a portion of revenues for content purchased inside the App
Kindle and dropbox are following 11.14. they removed IAP from app and let user buy content from website. I can tell they are following 11.14. so apple approve that.
But 11.14 only works for magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video and cloud storage. while I am not sure whether my app belongs one of them. But my app is very similar with Evernote. Evernote provide payment both on website and IAP.
So my question is If Evernote remove IAP from app and only let user buy from website. will apple reject that? If not, then my app should not be rejected.
Ultimately this is a question that you should be asking Apple. Different reviews catch different things. Although you may not have a button to send people to your website to pay for the subscription, it kind of sounds like the only purpose of the website is to buy a subscription for the app (if i'm wrong feel free to correct me). If thats the case i can completely understand the rejection. Apple wants purchases made for subscriptions for the app to be made in the app which means going through Apple and dealing with them taking %30. If you make a website with the sole purpose of bypassing Apples guidelines then they are going to notice eventually.
Also the difference between your app and Evernote from the sounds of it, is that Evernote has other platforms that the subscription relates too. The app just happens to be another place the user can benefit from the subscription.
At the end of the day i would mostly recommend that you think about the user experience first. I get not wanting to shave off %30, but you may end up gaining more subscriptions by having IAP in your app and giving away the %30 then by not having an in app subscription mechanism at all.

In-App Purchase For $0.00 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to set up an in-app purchase for $0.00?
Let's say you have a variety of non-consumable items that your users can download. Some of them should cost money, and some should be free. By putting all of these items as In-App Purchases, you can centralize their metadata and reduce the code for handling the downloads.
Would there be a problem with making an in-app purchase free?
Edit for Clarification:
My idea here is centralizing metadata. You have 10 items, 5 are free. You need to make a call via StoreKit to the App Store to retrieve the names, descriptions and prices of the 5 paid items--this is required per the docs. You also need to make a call to your own server to retrieve the same information for the 5 free ones, if these downloadable items are not in the App Store. Then you need to combine this information into one list of downloadable content.
By putting the free items into the App Store as $0.00 In-App purchases, you centralize the information about your downloadable content.
Is this desirable? If it is, is it possible?
As it currently stands it appears that it is not available (here):
no free In-App Purchases are available
But Apple is going to implement this feature for developers with iOS7! (source1, source2)
I am sure that there are better documentation in the member center but I am currently locked out waiting for my boss to approve a new license agreement. This is a wonderful idea besides just the metadata reasons. It would allow the developer to offer free in-app purchases for special offers or periods of time too.
Apple doesn't allow you to set up in App purchases for $0. So there is no way of even thinking about this.
