Revmob adds not recieving in iphone os 6.0 - ios

When I am integrating RevMob In my App With RevMob_ios-sdk-4. i am getting a console message "No Ads available for this device/country at this moment, or your App ID is paused. (204)".
But the RevMob is doing fine in testing mode. Previously it was working fine. The adds were showing but from couple of days there is a problem in my App and console message is being shown.

A new version of RevMob that is RevMob 5.2.7 has been released recently. Upgrading to this version might solve your problem.
RevMob is working absolutely fine in Testing mode but giving the same error as you mentioned above in production mode. I have tested it on device as well as on simulator.
EDIT2: I contacted to RevMob team regarding the issues and got the below reply:
This message is normal. Don't worry.
It either means that currently there are no apps to be promoted in your device or you have already downloaded all the available apps at the moment.
If you want to make sure integration was done properly, you can use our Testing Mode ( But make sure to turn it off before submitting the app ;)

The idea of testing mode is testing, so when start testing mode with ads it'll display ads no matter what.
This message usually reflect what it says, or your app is paused on RevMob Console, or there is no ads available for your device at the moment.
If you app is not paused, you can try in another device. It's also possible that they don't have ads for your device at your country.
EDIT: This usually is a temporary issue and there is nothing that you can do if this case, this also don't mean that your app won't show ads on premium markets like US.


Unity Admob Ads Showing in Editor but not in Xcode or published app

I am working in Unity 2020.3.13f1. Admob banner, interstitial, and rewarded ads work fine in the editor but do not show when I test in Xcode, nor do they show when my app is live on the App store (Even after the 24 hours or however long they sometimes take to start showing). However they work fine on Google Play. As far as I know I have followed Google's Unity implementation guide exactly. Is there something I could be messing up in the way of installing pods, or perhaps is there a framework I should manually link in Xcode that Unity does not automatically do for me? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are dozens of things that could be going on.
Are you manually integrating Admob or using a plugin? It's such a pain we eventually bought Easy Mobile Pro to do a lot of the integration for us.
Is your iOS app published in the app store? We had a similar issue but Admob ads won't show until your app is published in the app store.
Are you correctly handling Apples new App Transparency Tracking? Admob Guide This includes adding the proper SDAdNetworkItems to your info.plist file and several other steps.
We also had some other plugins interferring like Nice Vibrations.
Try building a release build in Xcode and view the console. We were seeing this error message which has numberous potential causes.[AVAudioSession setActive:withOptions:error:]: Deactivating an audio session that has running I/O. All I/O should be stopped or paused prior to deactivating the audio session.
First, is your admob app linked to the playstore app? Which google admob package are you using on unity? (which version).
Versions 6.0.0 and 6.0.1 are encountering quite a few problems apparently, including the fact that the app id disappears after you put it on unity (basically if you close and open the project, the app ids disappear), so I advise you at the moment to use version 5.4.0 to get started.
Then another thing I wonder is if you are integrating google packages into xcode manually (by downloading Google Mobile Ads iOS from the internet and then adding all the various packages to the project manually), or if you are doing it automatically with cocoapods (which is the recommended way)

Iphone App developed with KivyMD Crashing

I've created a game with KivyMD and currently I am testing it on iOS. I have tested the game on Android and it works flawlessly. The game builds successfully in XCode and once built, the game works fine on an iPhone. However, few days later, something seems to be going wrong and app starts to crash in iPhone. As soon as I launch the game, I see a black screen which appears to be a pre-splash. However, I haven't set a pre-splash for the game. If I rebuild the game in XCode again, it builds successfully with no errors and the app starts to work fine again for few more days and then it starts to crash. Can someone help me with the following?
Is there a way to look at the error message in some log file on iPhone when the app crashes?
Is there a debugging tool that I can use to troubleshoot when the app crashes?
Is there an iOS simulator app that I can use on my iMac to test the app?
XCode shows the build log as successful always. So, the app crashing appears to be a run-time error. Unfortunately, I am new to this and needs some help.
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: You'll probably want to find a solution that is specific to Kivy. This answer may help. In fact, your question may be considered a duplicate:
Generally, I recommend Firebase Crashlytics for crash logs. If a crash occurs in your app, the stack trace and other helpful info will be uploaded to your Firebase console the next time the app is started. You can see all your crashes in the console. You will need to follow the instructions to integrate crashlytics into your app and then release a new build, but it's well worth it. This will allow you to get crash logs from all devices (testers, users, etc).
For crashes you can reproduce on your dev device, you can also retrieve the log directly:

Will iAd test ads disappear in Xcode after app approval?

I'm updating my app and although iAds are still not being served to my app due to its recent approval, the test ads aren't showing anymore in xCode. Will the test advertisements disappear after approval even in the simulator?
Ok so i talked to developer support on the phone and got the answer and the problem has actually been solved today. Once your app is accepted, iAd most likely will not be implemented immediately; and contrary to popular belief this does effect how it shows on your xCode testing as well. Its been about 24 hours since it was accepted and iAd just appeared. So hopefully that can help someone in the future.
iAds are only shown if there are iAds available to be shown. Apple has to sell ads to make them available. I rarely see iAds in my apps. My guess is that there are more people displaying iAds than have been sold.
I use ad AdMob aggregator to show both iAds and Google Ads. Makes beer money that way at least.
He has a thread going in the Apple developer forums as well:
iAds will show test ads in a debug build on occasion (based on a setting). In the simulator or a test device, you can go into Settings - Developer - and change the Fill Rate or other settings as appropriate if you want to test always or never getting an ad. By default, it's around 50% or so.
Having your app released in the store has nothing to do with the test ads that get displayed in the debug builds not from the store.
So, the issue is most likely a bug in the code if ads, not even test ones, never appear.

iAd ads not appearing regardless of app used

Recently I no longer receive test ads on both the simulator and devices and I can't figure out why. To test I've used Apple's iAd suite and it does not appear on there either. I've changed the fill rate to 100% and yet didFailToReceiveAdWithError is called 100% of the time so I'm starting to think it's a problem with Xcode, bearing in mind these same apps were working absolutely fine last week. I downloaded a fresh set from Apple just in case I inadvertently tweaked something.
The only change I can think of is I've set up provisioning profiles but I should think that has nothing to do with it?
Any one have any ideas?
I've run Apple sample code (both on simulator and device) and ad doesn't appear too (I got the error code 3).
I've also tried to run the app with a AppID and mobile provision for an app on which I've enable iAD Network on itunesconnect, it didn't change anything.
Seems to be an Apple's server problem, the server is unable to send ads.

In App purchase in iOS suddenly stop working ( Error code=5002 occurred )

I have integrated in-App purchase in my application successfully. I tested it properly by making test user account in itunes. My in-app purchase worked fine. But suddenly my IAP stopped working.
App can load all of the products but after entering my account credentials then transection queue undergoes state SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed and gives an error
Error Domain=SSServerErrorDomain Code=5002 "An unknown error has occurred"
It seems that the storekit does not work in the simulator any longer. I quote from storekit docs:
Note: Store Kit does not operate in iOS Simulator. When running your
application in iOS Simulator, Store Kit logs a warning if your
application attempts to retrieve the payment queue. Testing the store
must be done on actual devices.
Store Kit Docs
If you are testing on real device, make sure it is not JB.
If you are testing on simulator, make sure you are running iOS 6.0 or above, lower version of simulator doesn't work, I wasted a whole day to figure this out...
It has been stopped working on simulator. try to use it on real device. It will work fine.
I've run into the same error on iOS Simulator, but it works on my device(iPhone 3G).
The error is returned from Apple's Server, it's not under control by us.
Facing the same problem in ios 5.1 the store kit dosent work on simulator anymore you need to check it in the device.
And even after connecting to the device say you get an error code "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"
then that means that your device cannot contact the apple store and that is something which is not your fault.
To fix this, sign out of any existing account in the Settings app on your device.
