Knowing if an iOS application has been converted from flash - ios

Is there a way to figure out if an iOS application (ipa file) has been converted from Flash (swf) by Adobe Air Packaging?
Is there any clue if I check its binaries, etc.?

If you unzip an IPA created with AIR and look at its Info.plist, you'll see a key named CTNamespaceURI with a string value of (or /3.3, /3.4...)


Apple Application Loader + Adobe AIR: Cannot proceed with delivery

When trying to upload new iOS app version from Apple Application Loader it says:
Cannot proceed with delivery: an existing transporter is currently
uploading this package
I see this has solution if I was using Xcode for native iOS project. But I'm using Adobe AIR + Flex compiler. Flex SDK 4.13.0, FlashPlayer16
Using the same configuration before I did not have any problems.
Targeting swf 27.
Any ideas ?
It seems the problem does not have anything to do with Adobe AIR.
You have to delete one hidden file that is located in the Mac OS X from which you upload the app.
First unhide the hidden files by typing in the terminal
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
Then delete the .token file from:
Perhaps try increasing the version number in your app and iTunes connect and try uploading the new binary.

AppStore Push issue with appcelerator

I was developed an application using titanium-Appcelerator. I was stuck with
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format
Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format
error while submitting titanium application to AppStore. I developed this application in "CLASSIC'' framework in Titanium. I had referred to many docs and forums regards this issue.
I had tried by setting appicon names as " appicon-60#2x.png,appicon-76#2x.png,appicon-76.png, etc as per guidelines in Project-Name/Resources/iPhone even it was showing the above issue repeatedly while submitting.
What is the list of .png filenames you have in Resources/iphone?
The files you need for the sizes you list are:
appicon-60#2x.png (120x120)
appicon-76.png (76x76)
appicon-76#2x.png (152x152)
You could use the TiCons CLI to generate all the icons using a single 2048x2048 file.
I had this exact issue even though I had all the files correctly named and in the right directory.
I was able to validate my app successfully after cleaning the project in Appcelerator Studio (Project -> Clean), and re-running the distribution build. Subsequent builds would not pass validation (same error) unless I cleaned again in between builds.
(I am using Titanium 7.1.0.GA, Appcelerator Studio, and Xcode 9.3)

Blackberry Application and Signing key

i am Android developer, i just started to learn about Blackberry Application Development. i want to ask you something about Application and Signing keys.
I have downloaded 3 signed keys (*.csi) files. and i have installed it and added in first demo application to run app on real device. it is working and running fine in real device.
now i have created second demo application, it is also working well in simulator. but when i am trying to launch it in real device. it is loaded/installed successfully but when i am tapping on icon or trying to open application. it is not opening/running on device.
in second project, i tried by right click on project > Blackberry > Sign With Signature Tool. but it is signing only two files while in my first demo application it is signing 3 files.
also it is not generating .csl file in second application.
Please help me.. Thanks in Advance..
Ajay, will you describe your exect problem actually no of signing the file depends how many .cod file are there in your build ( You can check it by rename your .cod file and change its extension by zip and then extract it)
for more detail regarding the BlackBerry app signing process you can follow these steps.
There are cod files which require signing and some others are optional. Once all the signatures are correctly added, then the *.cod and *.jad can be copied.
Now *.cod can be extracted by renaming the same to *.zip. By extracting the zip file along with the *.jad the same can be used to download to blackberry devices. If this is directly uploaded to blackberry device through USB, then *.cod, *.jad and *.alx can be copied and used , no need to extract the *.cod

Invalid binary - missing 568h file

I am trying to submit my app to Apple Store but I am receiving the "invalid binary" message, informing that is missing the launch image for -568h modifier. But the file is in the package. I checked. Some details:
The launch image are localized but not for all languages. They are present for English and some other languages.
In the simulator and in the testing devices the launch image is displayed correctly.
I checked the sizes and are correct
I am using XCode 4.6.3
I recently installed XCode 5 preview but I am using 4.6.3 command line tools.
There is no UILaunchImageFile entry in the plist file (I am using the Default name).
The images do not appear in the Launch Images panel (after I localized them).
What is going on? I don't have any clue.
Check your file names are like above displayed image.
Found the reason. If the launch image is localized it is necessary to provide the set of images for all languages the app supports. I tried that and Apple accepted my binary.
Looks like you have to ensure there are also default startup images in Base.lproj. I'm guessing they are used if you are running on a device that has a language not directly supported by the app in the other *.lproj folders.
Can anyone clarify this.
Works for me now anyway.

"Uncompiled actionscript" error

I'm having the tittle error when I try to load a local swf file in the documents directory of my iPad. Web it works ok. the swf files have ABC code.
I'm using Air 3.7, which supposedly added a feature to allow this, however, I'm still having this error.
Maybe I'm not using the Air 3.7?, I'm using Flash Builder 4.7, and I overlaid the Air SDK following the Adobe site instructions.
I've set the swf version to 20 and I'm pointing to the new SDK folder.
Don't know what else to do.. is there a way to be sure of what version of Air is the app installed with?.
External SWFs must be specified in the AIR Application Descriptor elements.
AIR Application Descriptor XML:
From External hosting of secondary SWFs for AIR apps on iOS:
To use this feature, developer needs to specify a text file containing
details of the SWF files to be stripped & externally hosted. This text
file contains line separated paths of SWFs, which are to be externally
