"Uncompiled actionscript" error - ios

I'm having the tittle error when I try to load a local swf file in the documents directory of my iPad. Web it works ok. the swf files have ABC code.
I'm using Air 3.7, which supposedly added a feature to allow this, however, I'm still having this error.
Maybe I'm not using the Air 3.7?, I'm using Flash Builder 4.7, and I overlaid the Air SDK following the Adobe site instructions.
I've set the swf version to 20 and I'm pointing to the new SDK folder.
Don't know what else to do.. is there a way to be sure of what version of Air is the app installed with?.

External SWFs must be specified in the AIR Application Descriptor elements.
AIR Application Descriptor XML:
From External hosting of secondary SWFs for AIR apps on iOS:
To use this feature, developer needs to specify a text file containing
details of the SWF files to be stripped & externally hosted. This text
file contains line separated paths of SWFs, which are to be externally


Dropbox UIDocumentPicker plugin cannot open OS X file packages

On my OS X machine I have placed a document which actually is a file package (aka document bundle) into my dropbox. When I try to open that file package on my iOS device using the UIDpocumentPicker plugin the file package appears as a folder. On the other hand it appears as a file package in the iOS DropBox App itself. It also appears as a file in iCloud drive.
Why is there a different behavior? I would expect both dropbox interfaces to display the file package as a file and be able to open it like I can open out from iCloud drive.
(Dropbox App-Version 4.2.5 on iOS 9.2)
Anyone else having this issue and any idea on what one could do?
Packages are effectively folders, not files. Different interfaces may not display them the same way though. E.g., sometimes you'll see a special icon indicating it's a package, and sometimes just the normal folder icon will be used.
In any case, packages/folders aren't currently supported in the Dropbox iOS app UIDocumentPicker. We'll consider this a feature request though.

Starling for IOS - Can't load files packaged in ipa when packaging for app store

I have an app for iphone created that I created using Starling.
At runtime, from my main SWF, I'm loading external SWFs which were packaged in the ipa.
Whenever I package the app for testing / debuging, it works great, the SWFs are loaded with no problems.
However, whenever I package it for App Store, suddenly trying to load external SWFs results in an error.
I compared the contents of the testing / debugging and app store ipas (opened as zips), both contain the external SWFs I'm trying to load in the exact same path.
Any idea what's going on?
An error was thrown on IOS because the SWFs contained code, which is unacceptable according to IOS' policy.

How to open an IOS project with no ".xcodeproject" file?

I recently received an application developed by a third party which was packaged in a ".jpa" archive. I changed the file extension to ".zip" and was able to extract the contents.
There are a lot of iOS app type files in the extracted folder (plists, nibs, including "MainController.nib", a bunch of .png files - and one "mom" file.
I'm used to seeing an "xcodeproj" file somewhere, but it's been a few years since I developed an iPhone app. I don't really see any code or delegates or header files etc.
I'm currently running Xcode 6.11. How do I open this app?

iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement (using Adobe AIR)

I keep receiving the following message from Apple when submitting my app for approval:
"iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5. New iPhone apps and app updates submitted targeting iOS 6 and above must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image with the -568h size modifier immediately following the portion of the launch image's filename. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images."
I'm using AIR SDK 3.9 (and I checked to make sure by tracing NativeApplication.nativeApplication.runtimeVersion).
I have a Default-568h#2x.png image in the src folder, and I checked the Project/Properties/ActionScript Build Settings/Package content (I'm using Flash Builder 4.6). It is definitely checked off to be included in the build. In "Export Release Build", I don't see it in the Package Contents there, but I don't see any of the other Default png's either, so I don't think that's the problem.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Be sure that the launch images also located in the folder "bin-release-temp"... I have to put them manually into that folder...
The launch images cannot be referenced anywhere in the project. You cannot embed them. You cannot use them. If you do, they are not packaged as launch images, but as images used at runtime. I was having the same problem when I was referencing the images as a SplashScreenImage source. It's an unfortunate way for it to be handled, basically requiring you to include the same image twice, but it is what it is.
This link might help. It describes what and where to keep default images in air application for iPhone deployment.

Knowing if an iOS application has been converted from flash

Is there a way to figure out if an iOS application (ipa file) has been converted from Flash (swf) by Adobe Air Packaging?
Is there any clue if I check its binaries, etc.?
If you unzip an IPA created with AIR and look at its Info.plist, you'll see a key named CTNamespaceURI with a string value of http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.2 (or /3.3, /3.4...)
