Open GLES 2.0 draw in texture - ios

I'm trying to load an image into a texture, then draw into the texture.
Am I right in thinking that to display a texture you always need an array of vertices and texture coordinates? So, to draw a square texture I would need to draw 2 triangles to make a square and attach the texture to them?

Yes, that's right. For a square texture, the alternative is to use point sprites with GL_POINTS.


How to draw a textured rectangle with Metal

I'm looking for a most efficient way of drawing a 2-dimensional background in metal. This requires rendering a textured rectangle.
The basic geometry example shows an example on how to draw a triangle. Is there an easy and non-bloated way to draw a rectangle (a polygon with 4 corners)?
The Basic Texturing sample draws a textured rectangle

Metal. Why does setting MTLCullMode to none turn off depth comparison?

I an rendering a simple box:
MDLMesh(boxWithExtent: ...)
In my draw loop when I turn off back-face culling:
All depth comparison is disabled and sides of the box are drawn completely wrong with back-facing quads in front of front-facing.
My intent is to include back-facing surfaces in the depth comparison not ignore them. This is important for when I have, for example, a shape with semi-transparent textures that reveal the shape's internals which have a different shading style. How to I force depth comparison?
So Warren's suggestion is an improvement but it is still not correct.
My depthStencilDescriptor:
let depthStencilDescriptor = MTLDepthStencilDescriptor()
depthStencilDescriptor.depthCompareFunction = .less
depthStencilDescriptor.isDepthWriteEnabled = true
depthStencilState = device.makeDepthStencilState(descriptor: depthStencilDescriptor)
Within my draw loop I set depth stencil state:
The resultant rendering
Description. This is a box mesh. Each box face uses a shader the paints a disk texture. The texture is transparent outside the body of the disk. The shader paints a red/white spiral texture on front-facings quads and a blue/black spiral texture on back-facing quads. The box sits in front of a camera aligned quad textured with a mobil image.
Notice how one of the textures paints over the rear back-facing quad with the background texture color. Notice also that the rear-most back-facing quad is not drawn at all.
Actually it is not possible to achieve the effect I am after. I basically want to do a simple composite - Porter/Duff - here but that is order dependent. Order cannot be guaranteed here so I am basically hosed.

GL_LINE_STRIP - Using Textures ? iOS GLKit

Is it possible in OpenGL ES 2.0 to use GL_LINE_STRIP to draw a shape and then apply a texture to that shape ?
E.g if I draw a triangle can I then apply a triangle texture ?
GL_LINE_STRIP draws only lines. If you want polygons filled in (whether with color, lighting, or texturing), you need one of the solid polygon modes: GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, or GL_TRIANGLE_FAN.
If you want to both fill and stroke your polygons, you'll need two draw calls, one with each mode. And if you're using depth testing, you'll probably want to look into glPolygonOffset to avoid z-fighting.

OpenGL point sprites with depth testing - a blending issue?

I am rendering point sprites (using OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS) as a user's drawing strokes. I am storing these points in vertex buffer objects such that I need to perform depth testing in order for the sprites to appear in the correct order when they're submitted for drawing.
I'm seeing an odd effect when rendering these drawing strokes, as shown by the following screenshot:
Note the background-coloured 'border' around the edge of the blue stroke, where it is drawn over the green. The user drew the blue stroke after the green stroke, but when the VBOs are redrawn the blue stroke gets drawn first. When it comes to draw the green stroke, depth testing kicks in and sees that it should be behind the blue stroke, and so does this, with some success. It appears to me to be some kind of blending issue, or to do with incorrectly calculating the colour in the fragment shader? The edges of all strokes should be transparent, however it appears that the fragment shader combines it with the background texture when processing those fragments.
In my app I have created a depth renderbuffer and called glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) using glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL). I have experimented with glDepthMask() to no avail. Blending is set to glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), and the point sprite colour uses premultiplied alpha values. The drawing routine is very simple:
Bind render-to-texture FBO.
Draw background texture.
Draw point sprites (from a number of VBOs).
Draw this FBO's texture to the main framebuffer.
Present the main framebuffer.
Here is some code from the drawing routine.
Setup state prior to drawing:
Drawing routine:
[drawingView setFramebuffer:drawingView.scratchFramebuffer andClear:YES];
[self drawTexture:[self textureForBackgroundType:self.backgroundType]];
// ...
// Draw all VBOs containing point sprite data
// ...
[drawingView setFramebuffer:drawingView.defaultFramebuffer andClear:YES];
[self drawTexture:drawingView.scratchTexture];
[drawingView presentFramebuffer:drawingView.defaultFramebuffer];
Thanks for any help.
If you want to draw non opaque geometries you have to z-sort them from back to front. This has been the only way to get a proper blending for many years. These days there are some algorithms for order independent transparency like Dual Depth Peeling but they are not applicable to iOS.

what is source rectangle in spritebatch.draw in xna

What is the purpose of the source rectangle parameter in the SpriteBatch.Draw() method?
MSDN says: A rectangle that specifies (in texels) the source texels from a texture. Use null to draw the entire texture.
What does that mean?
The idea of the sourceRectangle is to allow you to implement what is both a performance optimisation and an artist convenience by arranging multiple sprites into a single texture. This is known as a "Texture Atlas" or a "Sprite Sheet".
I explain why it is a performance optimisation in this answer. Basically it lets you reduce the number of texture-swaps. (So in the case of my illustration, if you're only drawing an animated character once, using a sprite-sheet will not improve performance.)
It also lets you implement tacky 2D special effects, like having a sprite "wipe" in:
A texel is more-or-less the same thing as a pixel in the texture (a "texture pixel", if you will). So, when you draw your sprite, you specify the top-left corner of your sprite within the texture, along with its width and height. (The same as if you selected it in an image editor.)
If you pass in null for your source rectangle, XNA will assume a source rectangle that covers the entire texture.
The origin you specify to Draw is also measured in texels from the upper-left corner of the source rectangle.
In a situation where you have a single texture that contains different frames (animated textures), you will want to specify the source rectangle, so that you can draw a single frame from a texture.
Look at this spritesheet here
The source rectangle defines the area of the texture that will be displayed. So if you have a 40x40 texture, and your rectangle is (0, 0, 20, 20), only the top left corner of the texture will be displayed. If you specify null for the rectangle, you will draw the entire texture.
This can be helpful when drawing from a spritesheet (a collection of textures that are all put into one bigger texture), and also in image manipulation programs.
