SharePoint search not finding someone and job title displaying incorrectly for one person - sharepoint-2007

I am the SharePoint administrator for a company. Usually I can find how to fix problems rather easily but this time I am stumped. I have two problems. One of them is there is a person who has a MySite but when you use the people search she does not show up. The second problem is there is another whose job does not show correctly and when you search by job it doesn't show correctly. Its missing one word in the job title. To update profiles we use a data base that stores there information and sends it to a intermediate database when a specific job is run. We use AD groups to determine who gets a MySite.


Trying to create a custom process that shares specific information

I work for a high school that has a regular four day school week and calls students in for "Reteach and Enrichment" on Fridays. To help organize the schedule for this, the school has created a Google Sheet that lists all of the student names and allows the teachers to fill in what time they would like any particular student to come to their class that Friday. This is working fine for the school's organizational side, but informing students of their assignments is currently a bit of a nightmare.
Because students will try to get out of anything, we have to have documentation indicating that we "told the students they need to come to our classroom on Friday". This is currently done in the form of giving a student a slip of carbon copy paper informing them of the time they are called in. As you can imagine, this is extremely time-consuming and full of holes since the students can throw the paper away or claim "they never got the paper" even though we've got a second copy of that paper indicating that it was filled out. But I digress.
The reason I'm writing to you fellow internet people is that I've taken on the task of trying to streamline the process of notifying the students of their schedules for Fridays. Because of privacy issues, we cannot give the students read-only access to the master list for Fridays, but I'm looking for a way to inform them of their specific information. My first thought was to write a program that would make a google sheet of each line on the master sheet, and share that sheet with the student whose information was on that line. This seems painful to set up and manage though and will lead to a lot of documents in google drives that are only needed for a week. The second problem is that I'm not sure what type of application I could use to run a program that would need to be able to access one google sheet, copy information from it, create a new google sheet, paste the copied information, gather the correct account the information needs to be shared with, and share read access to the new sheet that was created. I was thinking of using Auto Hotkey, but I know there's got to be a better solution to this problem.
If you have any suggestions for a different approach, please let me know. I believe that I can get an automated process to do what I described above if I can get the process down to a rote set of steps to take for each line on the original google sheet. But I'm hoping there's a way to do like an XLookup or Vlookup from a new sheet that references the original or something.

how to identify user who created a specific job on jenkins?

In jenkins, I cannot find the job creator for a specific task.
I tried looking in the changes log, do not display creation. Looked up in the user profiles and there is no such properties. Been fooling aroung for a while now trying to find it. Also most research on google with keyword "creator" will fetch results about how to create a job or other questions of people who searched things relative to this topic.
The JobConfigHistory Plugin is ought to display a column User. And so does it in my Jenkins (v1.609.1) when I select a job's Job Config History at the bottom of the sidebar menu immediately after creating a job.
(Though I agree: There's no Created there, just Changed. But, changing from non-existence to existence is a change, isn't it? ;-)

Is there a way to setup permissions so that a viewer can only view issues he is monitoring

I have been given a requirement to allow our sales team to view all of the issues that we are in the process of investigating/fixing that their customers are experiencing.
We've added a custom column that contains a list of all of our customers so that we can filter by customer.
We are going to add viewer accounts for everyone on our sales team.
On every issue we were going to add the relevant sales guy as a viewer. That way the sales guy will get an email whenever a customer's issue is resolved, moved to feedback, etc.
Here is the question:
We want the sales guy to be able to log into Mantis and on his "View Issues" page have a filter already setup that displays all of the issues he is monitoring, and only his issues (to avoid confusion). Is that possible?
We don't really care if he can see all of the resolved issues, unassigned issues, recently modified, etc on the "my view" page. This isn't really a security thing, it is a usability thing. I want to be able to send a link to the sales guy and tell him to bookmark it and it will contain a continually updating list of the issues that pertain to him.
This may be a workable solution, but it is still a little clunky.
If I send out a URL like this:
<SERVER ADDRESS>/print_all_bug_page.php?filter=<XX>
Where the XX is the corresponds to the value of "myself" on the monitored by box. For me it is 52, not sure if that will change as I play with the columns.
Therefore the link right now is:
<SERVER ADDRESS>print_all_bug_page.php?filter=52
What's clunky is: If the user clicks any of the column headings on this page for sorting the query string isn't included in the new URL and all of the issues are then displayed again.

Is it possible to write a TFS Shared Query with a parameter on a custom field?

I have a set of queries on the Team home page that use the standard #Me, for example to let different users quickly get to bugs they have personally raised, PBIs they created that are now in a certain state.
The users are in customer groups and I'd like to have a similar set of queries showing as tiles on the home page, e.g. "Team Open Bugs", "Team PBIs for review".
Is it possible to write a query that does this -
Select all [work item type] from [team project] where [state] and [#myCustomerTeam] ?
From what I have read so far I believe this is not possible, and certainly not possible through the UI. I'm curious to find out if anyone has solved a problem like this - having different customer groups see different Team Favorites tiles on the Home page of Team Web Access - in some other way. I'm going to try making three sets of queries and putting different permissions on them (there are TFS groups that correspond to the Customer Group field) but I'm not confident that Denying even Read permission on the query itself will stop the tile showing on everyone's homepage.
Edited to say that solution worked for my purposes, as per comment.
Still interested to know if anyone has managed something like this more cleanly. In this case the field I would have liked to parameterise happened to be something I could map to a completely different type of thing, thus shifting the problem. I can imagine wanting to parameterise a field that didn't have that characteristic though.

Importing custom data into Jira issue

I am looking for a simple way to get data displayed in an issue as just plain text. Basically, I want to be able to type in a lookup id in the issue creation and then once the issue is created, it would call one of our web services to retrieve data connected with that ID.
This wouldn't be coming from another issue tracker, but rather straight from one of my databases.
What would be the easiest way of accomplishing this? I would like the workflow to be: Enter id #, hit save, see the data with that ID displayed in the ticket (Doesn't need to be editable, just displayed in the ticket view).
The easiest way is to create a workflow function that is triggered at Create transition to do the job. There your code can query information from the database and replicate them into JIRA standard and custom fields of the issue itself.
Then you can prevent edition of replicated fields by tuning Edit screen for your issues.
You can also use your function to update field content from time to time, either at transition or in a trigger.
An option is to create some read-only custom fields than query each piece information from the database. It will prevent data replication but it will be probably slow and it does not apply to default fields.
