rails i18n, the best way to manage localization - ruby-on-rails

I'm using http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html for localization. Looks like that the only solution for updating localization is to update yml files. May be there are some solutions or gems which adds ability to update localization via application. For example we can include some gem and update localization files from our app. Is there some solutions for that?

Shameless plug for my own product here, but check out http://www.localeapp.com for a solution that works with YAML files out of the box.

Take a look at Globalize 3. It stores the translation/localization data in the database. There's also a gem to hook it up with ActiveAdmin.
Also, while you're at it, don't miss the rails-i18n gem mentioned in the guide. It translates Rails itself into many languages, so you don't have to do it yourself.

There is a great railscast to manage i18n through Redis.


Bad idea to alter external gem files in rails so I can use CSS in app?

Did some research on how to style the views of the devise gem, didn't really find much so added some html and a render partial to the external libray to assist with styleing and to continue to offer my users some links. I get this gut instinct that it isn't the right way to do things however. Any online references provided would be greatly appreciated!
It depends on how you did it.
If you just edited the installed gem source, then perhaps that wasn't ideal.
But if you forked the Devise github repo, like 1,270 people have done as of today, you could easily track changes to the source and merge them with your version, contribute your changes back if you wanted, and you could build a gem of your own that you could use in style.

Making my first gem - Where do I start?

So I have this idea for a RubyGem that I think would be an awesome experience to learn more about Ruby and Rails but...I have no idea where to start.
My idea is to generate a folder "articles" where you can put markdown files. From this folder the main blog page displays only the titles as links to the articles themselves.
It sounds simple but I honestly have no idea where to start. What articles do you recommend I read if I want to insert lines into routes.rb, generate a folder and display markdown in Rails?
I would recommend one of these tutorials for gem creation:
To modify the routes.rb file, you'll just need File.open to read lines in. Use regular expressions to determine where you want to insert your line, and write the file back out.
To create a folder, look at the documentation for Dir.new
For Markdown in Ruby/Rails, I like the rdiscount gem: https://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount
Railties provide a nice way to do certain things like this. You'll probably use http://api.rubyonrails.org quite a bit. There is some Railtie documentation on that site here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Rails/Railtie.html.
I recommend reading the RubyGems guides – especially What is a gem?, Make your own gem and Patterns.
Since you're likely already using Bundler, you can run bundle gem <name> to generate a gem project with stuff already in place. It does save work, but refer to the guides if there's something you don't understand.
Also, watch some open source projects on GitHub – observing other developers and taking note of how they do things certainly helps.
The simplest way is probably to read other gems that do anything similar to what you want to accomplish. Start with their .gemspec files that will list all the other files which are needed for the gem to work, and a list of gem dependencies.
Responding more to how to get started with creating gems, the following are 2 popular, documented gems that can help you.
Also, though it does more than you're trying to do with your gem (it's a static site generator), https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll is a very popular gem which you place .markdown files into a posts/ directory which are converted to static HTML pages via rake. I would imagine you could find at least some functionality you're after there.

How to implement i18n / translations for ActiveRecord models?

I am internationalizing my app, and after having translated the interface with the yml locale files, I now want to localize my models. I am using ActiveAdmin so the editors can update content and I would like the solution to be suitable for this.
Is there any way to define some of my model attributes as translatable, so rails generates a migration that creates an extra field for each locale / language? This, or something similar, would be my prefered solution, but I a open to other aproaches.
Check this discussion you'll find an approach for the same problem you have.
You can use globalize3 gem. It's great gem to manage model translations.

Best options for translating a rails app

Since there are so many options there available for internationalization of a rails app, which gems or plugins are the best (today) for adding i18n support to a rails app.
Im using I18n bundled with rails for the application messages, button labels, and model attribue names.
But I also need to let the users to input content and the translated version of the content, but there are so many options for this right now that I don't really know which one to use.
We at Mynewsdesk (the guys behind the translate plugin) has moved on, now we're using Web Translate It to manage our locales. We've bloged about our translation workflow.
I like this one:
because it has a nice webGUI for translating new/changed strings

Create plugins or gems for Rails 3?

I have features I would like to be portable between my own Rails applications.
I wonder if I should create a gem or a plugin for each feature I want to be portable (sharable).
They are just for Rails (for now) because they include css, html, js and image files.
But I have been wondering, the things provided with plugins could be provided with gems too but not the opposite? So maybe it's better to learn how to create gems, because then you I don't have to learn how to create both gems and plugins? And gems seem to be more popular these days.
But then, from what I can understand one gem is shared between all rails app in the OS. So that means I can not customize it for each Rails app right? In that case, maybe creating a plugin is better cause it should be allowed to customize (editing css, js etc) each feature and to have it stored inside the Rails app itself and not in the OS level.
Some advices would be appreciated!
So gem works great with css, html, js and image files? In a plugin I think you can have a MVC, your own models, views and controllers. Quoted from Rails guides "Storing models, views, controllers, helpers and even other plugins in your plugins". Is this possible too in a gem? Eg. I want to add a extension that gives me a nice Shopping cart (with own migrations, mvc, asset files) that will be hooked into the current Rails app. Is this possible as gem or only as plugin?
You're right that gems offer a little more than plugins. Versioning and dependencies on other gems being the main ones for me.
One gem needn't be shared across everything using ruby. You can install multiple versions of a single gem and specify in your environment.rb that a gem requires a specific version. E.g.
config.gem 'my-gem', :version => '1.2.3'
Also you can freeze gems into your rails application so that you know you are working with a specific version.
You might want to look at the jeweler gem which makes creating your own gems easier.
To include CSS, javascript etc I think you'll need to make an Rails engine which can then be bundled as a plugin or a gem. I've not done this but there's some coverage here and here.
The push with Rails 3 seems to be towards gems and away from plugins as a lot of support has been added to make gems work as well or better than plugins ever did. A well constructed gem is a great thing to have and share between different applications, and also reduces the amount of testing you will have to do since you can test the gem thoroughly before integration.
For extensions to Rails that use CSS, HTML and other assets, it might be that you need to build an engine to bundle this all up and allow it to fit neatly into an application.
As of Rails 4, plugins will no longer be supported.
Gems are the way forward.
