Manage YouTube annotations through YouTube API - youtube

Is there a way to manage (create, update) annotations using the YouTube API?
I have a few hundred videos on YouTube that I would like to add annotations to.

There's an existing feature request for API access to annotations tracked at
I'd recommend "star"ing that feature request to be notified of any updates.
Update: It is possible to update InVideo programming annotations, but only those types. See

No, this is not supported.
The YouTube Data API v3 does allow you to create Invideo programming annotations and watermarks.

Unless it's just come out, there isn't a documented way of doing anything with annotations via the API yet. I'd be surprised if that kind of support doesn't appear soon, though.

Some time Annotation makes irritate users but sometimes useful to instruct redirect to other topics.
Note: YouTube Discontinued Annotations because it's not working on mobile & second reason is that 70 % user watch YouTube videos on mobile so for better serve youtube took this type of decision.
Please Watch This Video for full clarity:


Is there any form of youtube-startup partnership?

Is there any youtube-startup partnership that may offer a customized youtube API to startups?
Youtube API is open to all. There is currently no customized Youtube API for certain group of people. If certain features are not existing, you can either file a feature request or create your own implementation.

Youtube kids api

Do youtube-kids provides search api that will only return you-tube kids video?
Can I use existing you-tube api to list/search the you-tube kids video? Youtube-kids app only provides content that is child-friendliness. Can I use existing api to list/search these content?
Googled around for quite a while and found nothing specific as to a filter or Search API that is for Youtube Kids only. In regards to the Youtube Search: list API, there is the safeSearch optional parameter that I think you can use instead. As per the docs:
The safeSearch parameter indicates whether the search results should include restricted content as well as standard content.
There are 3 possible values: moderate, none, and strict. I'd suggest the Education Feed but it's already been deprecated, and I think safeSearch is the one they use to replace it.
Try using the safeSearch parameter as 'strict'. This is most likely what YouTube Kids uses.

Programatically adding annotations to YouTube videos

I have a project which is using the YouTube API to upload videos to YouTube.
One of the requirements is to be able to add annotations to the video, either at the time of upload, or afterwards. The annotation will contain some text to display, and a link to a URL.
Does anybody know if this is possible using the YouTube API, or some other method.
If it is possible, please provide links with details of how to do this.
No, this was answered already here:
Manage YouTube annotations through YouTube API
If you want to do it, you'd have to do it via a browser plug-in or other tricky way such as how does it.

Is it possible to apply videoStabilize to YouTube videos through the V3 API?

I noticed in the V3 API under Parameters there is a parameter called: suggestions.editorSuggestions[].
One of the items it takes is videoStabilize – The video appears shaky and could be stabilized.
Would this actually stabilize the video through the API or just offer it as a suggestion to the video owner? If the latter is there a way to stabilize through the API?
At the moment, the API response will offer that suggestion, but not let you act on it.
That being said... this upcoming Google I/O session is relevant to your question.

Listing all comments for a video in YouTube API 3.0

Is it possible to get all comments for a video with the new (experimental) YouTube API v 3.0?
I only found how to get "activities" (in their terminology comment is a kind of activity) originating from a given account.
The api page says the api is not feature complete, so it is quite possible that functionality is not yet made available. Although I might've just missed it.
There's no support for retrieving comments using v3 of the API. We can't make any commitments to add in support for reading/writing comments at this time, so if your application depends on them, using v2 is required.
