Is it possible to express something like this:
type id = int > 0
I know its not possible to do statically, since this would mean F# has dependent types. In C# I'm used to do this sort of thing with code contracts and get a runtime enforcement. I'm looking for something similiar here.
Thank you for all the answers which have various pros and cons. At the monent I'm only using a small subset of F#, a subset of the ocaml core that lends itself easily to program proofs. So no classes.
Contrary to what others said, I would suggest not using classes here, if I understood your problem correctly.
Since the value is immutable, we need applying constraint only once. Any wrapper classes would be an overhead and load GC. Instead, a simple function will do the job:
let inline constrained predicate errormessage value =
if not (predicate value)
then invalidArg "value" errormessage
else value
let positive =
constrained (fun x -> x > 0) "Value must be positive"
let int1 = positive 5 // OK
let int2 = positive -3 // ArgumentException
You can do the same for other types:
let mustBeLong =
constrained (fun (x:string) -> x.Length > 3) "String must be long"
let str1 = mustBeLong "foobar" // OK
let str2 = mustBeLong "baz" // ArgumentException
Using the same within a struct:
type Point2D =
val X: int
val Y: int
new(x: int, y: int) = { X = positive x; Y = positive y }
let point1 = Point2D(5, 3) // OK
let point2 = Point2D(5, -2) // ArgumentException
Define it as a union type:
type Id = Id of int
and shadow the constructor with another function:
let Id n =
assert(n > 0)
Id n
In F#, you have to resort to classes and check arguments inside constructors. Other types such as discriminated unions, records and structs have implicit constructors which you can't easily alter.
type Id(i: int) =
do if i <= 0 then
invalidArg "i" "the argument has to be a positive integer"
member x.Value = i
Pattern matching doesn't play nicely with classes. You can remedy the problem using active patterns:
let (|Id|) (id: Id) = id.Value
let id = Id(1)
match id with
| Id 1 -> printfn "matched"
| _ -> printfn "unmatched"
You could create a generic class like so:
type verify<'t>(t:'t,cond) =
let mutable tval = t
let _verify v = if not (cond v) then failwith "bad argument"
do _verify tval
member x.get() = tval
member x.set v =
_verify v
tval <- v
then you can use it with
verify(1,fun t -> t>0)
using .set will recheck the condition.
I want to create a function that check if the passed value is greater than zero.
The passed value can be an int or a decimal (ideally a "numeric value").
In the immediate I just started with this:
type number =
| I of int
| D of decimal
type Checker () =
member this.Validate value =
match value with
| I x when x > 0 -> "ok"
| D x when x > 0m -> "ok"
| _ -> "error"
let a = 1f
let b = 1m
//let a_IsValid = Checker().Validate(a) // does not compile, expect number (not int)
//let b_IsValid = Checker().Validate(b) // does not compile, expect number (not decimal)
Found not immediate to pass a "number" so tried something different...
I found this article ( and I thought
"static member constraint" is the perfect solution for me.
A basic example works as expected:
let inline divideByTwo value =
LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt value 2
divideByTwo 1f |> ignore
divideByTwo 1m |> ignore
but a different scenario found me very surprised:
type Calculator () =
let divideByTwo value =
LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt value 2
member this.DivideByTwo value =
LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt value 2
member this.ValidateGeneric value =
match LanguagePrimitives.GenericGreaterThan value 0m with
| true -> "ok"
| _ -> "error"
//let half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1) // DivideByInt does not support int !!
// cannot use both the following, the first one will "force" the type, and the other will not work
let a_half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1f) // ok if used before the "decimal" version
let b_half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1m) // ok only if comment the previous one
It seems not to work when I want to use more than one type for the passing value.
More than that, the function I need (GenericGreaterThan) seems to have another "limitation", explained below.
The example in the article use DivideByInt and, as the name said, it divide the passed value by an int, a well defined type.
LanguagePrimitives.GenericGreaterThan needs 2 parameters, a passed value and a fixed one to compare to. The signature of the function as only one generic type for both, so if you pass a type 'T it expect the second one to be 'T too.
I just wants to compare with zero without passing it, but using "0" forced my value
to be an int and using "0m" force the value to be a decimal.
There is a simple way to have a function that check if a "numeric" value is greater than "zero" ?
Should I use obj and box it .... or use cast ... or stop trying and just use a different function for every type I need ?
I tried to use the LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero as suggested but still not able to have a working solution for my particular scenario.
I created a new issue here: F# - Compare LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero with a value passed on the class contructor .
Comparing against zero generically is actually quite simple. The following function should work for any numeric type:
let inline isPositive x =
x > LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
isPositive 1.0 |> printfn "%A" // true
isPositive 1m |> printfn "%A" // true
Dividing by two generically is also pretty easy. You just have to define your own generic two, since it's not a built-in primitive:
let inline divideByTwo x =
let two =
+ LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
x / two
divideByTwo 5.0 |> printfn "%A" // 2.5
divideByTwo 4m |> printfn "%A" // 2
there lots of things here.
your first example didn't work because you needed to wrap your number inside the type number (I assume you realise this? but didnt want it to work like that?)
type Checker () =
member this.Validate value =
match value with
| I x when x > 0 -> "ok"
| D x when x > 0m -> "ok"
| _ -> "error"
let a = I 1
let b = D 1m
let a_IsValid = Checker().Validate(a)
let b_IsValid = Checker().Validate(b)
your second example is that in doesnt support divide by int?
yes what is the value of 1/2? its not an int, so thats correct by design.
the third question seems to be that this code doesnt compile and run?
type Calculator () =
member inline _.DivideByTwo value =
LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt value 2
let b_half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1m) // ok for me
let a_half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1f) // ok for me
but this works for me.
The fourth question appears to be the need to use static constraints to test if something is > 0?
but 0 (as in mathematics) is a different thing in different number systems, its generic too so you need LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero. putting that all together we get
type Calculator () =
member inline _.DivideByTwo value =
LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt value 2
member inline _.ValidateGeneric value =
match LanguagePrimitives.GenericGreaterThan
LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero with
| true -> "ok"
| _ -> "error"
let b_half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1m)
let a_half = Calculator().DivideByTwo(1f)
let y = Calculator().ValidateGeneric(1m)
let z = Calculator().ValidateGeneric(1f)
as for the divide by 1/2 question, you may need to think what you want it to do? really the input type is defined by what output type you want? decimal? float? etc
Given an F# record:
type R = { X : string ; Y : string }
and two objects:
let a = { X = null ; Y = "##" }
let b = { X = "##" ; Y = null }
and a predicate on strings:
let (!?) : string -> bool = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace
and a function:
let (-?>) : string -> string -> string = fun x y -> if !? x then y else x
is there a way to use F# quotations to define:
let (><) : R -> R -> R
with behaviour:
let c = a >< b // = { X = a.X -?> b.X ; Y = a.Y -?> b.Y }
in a way that somehow lets (><) work for any arbitrary F# record type, not just for R.
Short: Can quotations be used to generate F# code for a definition of (><) on the fly given an arbitrary record type and a complement function (-?>) applicable to its fields?
If quotations cannot be used, what can?
You could use F# quotations to construct a function for every specific record and then compile it using the quotation compiler available in F# PowerPack. However, as mentioned in the comments, it is definitely easier to use F# reflection:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let applyOnFields (recd1:'T) (recd2:'T) f =
let flds1 = FSharpValue.GetRecordFields(recd1)
let flds2 = FSharpValue.GetRecordFields(recd2)
let flds = flds1 flds2 |> f
FSharpValue.MakeRecord(typeof<'T>, flds)
This function takes records, gets their fields dynamically and then applies f to the fields. You can use it to imiplement your operator like this (I'm using a function with a readable name instead):
type R = { X : string ; Y : string }
let a = { X = null ; Y = "##" }
let b = { X = "##" ; Y = null }
let selectNotNull (x:obj, y) =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (unbox x) then y else x
let c = applyOnFields a b selectNotNull
The solution using Reflection is quite easy to write, but it might be less efficient. It requires running .NET Reflection each time the function applyOnFields is called. You could use quotations to build an AST that represents the function that you could write by hand if you knew the record type. Something like:
let applyOnFields (a:R) (b:R) f = { X = f (a.X, b.X); Y = f (a.Y, b.Y) }
Generating the function using quotations is more difficult, so I won't post a complete sample, but the following example shows at least a part of it:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
// Get information about fields
let flds = FSharpType.GetRecordFields(typeof<R>) |> List.ofSeq
// Generate two variables to represent the arguments
let aVar = Var.Global("a", typeof<R>)
let bVar = Var.Global("b", typeof<R>)
// For all fields, we want to generate 'f (a.Field, b.Field)` expression
let args = flds |> (fun fld ->
// Create tuple to be used as an argument of 'f'
let arg = Expr.NewTuple [ Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var(aVar), fld)
Expr.PropertyGet(Expr.Var(bVar), fld) ]
// Call the function 'f' (which needs to be passed as an input somehow)
Expr.App(???, args)
// Create an expression that builds new record
let body = Expr.NewRecord(typeof<R>, args)
Once you build the right quotation, you can compile it using F# PowerPack. See for example this snippet.
I have a function that takes a parameter of type object and needs to downcast it to an option<obj>.
member s.Bind(x : obj, rest) =
let x = x :?> Option<obj>
If I pass (for example) an Option<string> as x, the last line throws the exception: Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption'1[System.String]' to type 'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption'1[System.Object]'.
Or, if I try a type test:
member s.Bind(x : obj, rest) =
match x with
| :? option<obj> as x1 -> ... // Do stuff with x1
| _ -> failwith "Invalid type"
then x never matches option<obj>.
In order to make this work, I currently have to specify the type the option contains (e.g. if the function is passed an option<string>, and I downcast the parameter to that rather than option<obj>, the function works.
Is there a way I can downcast the parameter to option<obj> without specifying what type the option contains? I've tried option<_>, option<#obj>, and option<'a> with the same results.
By way of background, the parameter needs to be of type obj because I'm writing an interface for a monad, so Bind needs to bind values of different types depending on the monad that implements the interface. This particular monad is a continuation monad, so it just wants to make sure the parameter is Some(x) and not None, then pass x on to rest. (The reason I need the interface is because I'm writing a monad transformer and I need a way to tell it that its parameter monads implement bind and return.)
Update: I managed to get around this by upcasting the contents of the option before it becomes a parameter to this function, but I'm still curious to know if I can type-test or cast an object (or generic parameter) to an option without worrying about what type the option contains (assuming of course the cast is valid, i.e. the object really is an option).
There isn't any nice way to solve this problem currently.
The issue is that you'd need to introduce a new generic type parameter in the pattern matching (when matching against option<'a>), but F# only allows you to define generic type parameters in function declarations. So, your only solution is to use some Reflection tricks. For example, you can define an active pattern that hides this:
let (|SomeObj|_|) =
let ty = typedefof<option<_>>
fun (a:obj) ->
let aty = a.GetType()
let v = aty.GetProperty("Value")
if aty.IsGenericType && aty.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = ty then
if a = null then None
else Some(v.GetValue(a, [| |]))
else None
This will give you None or Some containing obj for any option type:
let bind (x : obj) rest =
match x with
| SomeObj(x1) -> rest x1
| _ -> failwith "Invalid type"
bind(Some 1) (fun n -> 10 * (n :?> int))
I am not certain why you need to get your input as obj, but if your input is an Option<_>, then it is easy:
member t.Bind (x : 'a option, rest : obj option -> 'b) =
let x = // val x : obj option
|> Option.bind (box >> Some)
rest x
To answer your last question: you can use a slight variation of Tomas' code if you need a general-purpose way to check for options without boxing values beforehand:
let (|Option|_|) value =
if obj.ReferenceEquals(value, null) then None
let typ = value.GetType()
if typ.IsGenericType && typ.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>> then
let opt : option<_> = (box >> unbox) value
Some opt.Value
else None
//val ( |Option|_| ) : 'a -> 'b option
let getValue = function
| Option x -> x
| _ -> failwith "Not an option"
let a1 : int = getValue (Some 42)
let a2 : string = getValue (Some "foo")
let a3 : string = getValue (Some 42) //InvalidCastException
let a4 : int = getValue 42 //Failure("Not an option")
Is there a way to have mutable function arguments in F#, that would allow something like
let mutable i = 9
let somefun n = n <- 12; ()
somefun i
(* *not* a real-world example *)
I do understand that this can be made to work by wrapping it into a record type
type SomeRec = { mutable i: int }
let ri = { i = 9 }
let someotherfun r = r.i <- 12; ()
and that this can be done in a similar fashion for class members. However, even after browsing through the whole F# Language Specification (yes, I did!), there seems to be no syntax to allow the first case, and the compiler appears to be quite unhappy about my trying this. I was hoping there would be some sort of type annotation, but mutable cannot be used in such.
I also know that I should not be doing this sort of thing in the first place, but the first case (int binding) and the second (record type) are semantically identical, and any such objection would hold for both cases equally.
So I think that I am missing something here.
You can use ref as arguments
let v = ref 0
let mutate r =
r := 100
mutate v
printfn "%d" !v
Or byref keyword
let mutable v = 0
let mutate (r : byref<_>) =
r <- 100
mutate &v
printfn "%d" v
Use byref keyword which is equivalent to C# ref.
See Passing by reference.
I have a custom class in F# and I want to implement the [] list operator such that
let myClass = new myClassObj()
let someVal = myClass.[2]
I can't seem to find this on the web - I probably don't know the right term to search for... thanks in advance
You just need to implement an Item indexed property. E.g.
type MyClass() =
member x.Item with get(i:int) = (* some logic involving i here *)
If you start at the F# language reference, and go to members, one of the topics is indexed properties.
It is worth adding that F# also supports slicing syntax (which isn't mentioned on the indexed properites MSDN page). It means that you can index not only a single element such as m.[0] but also a slice such as m.[0..5] or an unbounded range m.[5..]. This is quite useful for various numerical data types (such as matrices).
To support this feature, the type must define GetSlice method. The following example demonstrates this using a 2D scenario:
type Foo() =
member x.GetSlice(start1, finish1, start2, finish2) =
let s1, f1 = defaultArg start1 0, defaultArg finish1 0
let s2, f2 = defaultArg start2 0, defaultArg finish2 0
sprintf "%A, %A -> %A, %A" s1 s2 f1 f2
> let f = new Foo()
f.[1.., 1..10];;
val it : string = "1, 1 -> 0, 10"
The arguments are of type int option and here we use defaultArg to specify 0 as the default value.