Adding scrollbar to a Group in AX 2012 form - x++

I need to set scrollbar in a Group as shown below since there are many more vertical fast tabs are available which are getting hide when opening any tab as you can see below . I have used tab and selected style as Fasttab. I have tried to set Scrollbar property of tab and its tabpages to yes but for no result.
Any help would be great!!!

I have resolved the issue. by setting height and width properties correctly. properties are:
Height:column width
width :column width
Height:column width
width :column width
width :column width
That's it!!

I have perfect solution :)
Add a new Group in the from. Nothing in it.
Set HideEmpty=false.
Set Height=ColumnHeight, Width=ColumnWidth
Set forms Height=Auto, Width=Auto.
That is all.
Form can be Re-size, the scroll bar shows.


Swift - Why ScrollView not full screen?

I had inserted a ScrollView into UIViewController and dragged ScrollView to fill the space between the navigation bar and the RAM label below:
But when I run the app, the ScrollView does not fill the space:
Please help me! Thank you very much.
P/S: Sorry for my english is bad.
The scroll view is not covering up the whole thing because you are running the app on a much bigger phone. The simplest solution is to run the app on iPhone 5.
However, if you want to solve the problem on all sizes of iOS device, you need to add constraints.
Constraints are things that tells a view when and how much it should resize and where it should be positioned.
To add a constraint, just select the view you wish to add a constraint to and go to the bottom right corner. You will see 4 buttons:
The leftmost button is used to embedding views in stack views. This is a feature of iOS 9. If your deployment target is lower, just ignore it.
The second button to the left is for adding constraints related to alignment - where the edges of the views are, what its baseline is and where it is positioned in the X and Y axes:
The third button to the left is used to add constraint related to margins, width, height and how the width and height should change when it is asked to resize (keep the aspect ratio, for example):
The rightmost button is used to let Xcode decide what constraints you should add. And I think most of the times its choices are okay. Sometimes though, you still need to do some tweaking before it works.
"So... what constraints should I add?" you asked.
Well, I think I should teach you how to think when you want to add a constraint. This way, you can figure it out yourself in the future.
You should first let Xcode guess what constraints you want. Just click the rightmost button and click "Reset to Suggested Constraints". This can save a lot of work if Xcode can get it right. So remember to always do this first.
Then, run your app on various devices and see if the view's position, size, and alignment are as you expected. If it is not, you might have to add and/or remove some constraints.
For example, if you found that your view is always the same size on different devices, (that could be bad because it means that some content my go out of view on smaller devices) it's probably because Xcode added a width and/or height constraint to the view. You should delete that so that the view's width and/or height is not fixed.
You can find your view's constraints in the view hierarchy:
Just select the constraint and press delete.
Uncheck Adjust subview option and add
scrollview.view.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
You need to add constraints for your scrollView. Set the leading and trailing constraints to 0. Pin the height of your scrollView and also don't forget to set the top layout constraint. You can either pin the height or add bottom layout constraint to your page control.
Constraints are very important and its even more important to set it correctly. Check the Apple Documentation - Working with constraints in IB
Uncheck constrain to margins and add 0 every one of the four limits of spacing to nearest neighbour.
My guess (from the little information we have) is that you are creating a constraint from your scrollview to the top of your view with a value equal to the height of the navigation bar. Set the value of this constraint to 0.
Just set the 4 constraints to 0 to the area you need and then uncheck the "Content Layout Guides" checkbox in the constraints tab here. It will automatically adjust to the area you have specified.
The checkbox to uncheck

How to make a grid side to side uiview responsive on storyboard using auto layout

im trying to make a month calendar in swift, but im strugging with an auto layout issue.
I need 7 squares side to side, and i want to make them responsive. I have tryied to set every square trailling and leading based on the preview and next square, but it wont work without setting the width (what will make it go unresponsive). Can someone help me please?
If you know there's always 7 cells in a row (sounds like it, calendars are pretty stable that way), you want to set up a width relationship.
Set the width of the first cell to the width of the parent view ("Equal Widths"). Sounds strange at first
But then double-click on the resulting constraint in the Constraints Inspector to get the detailed constraint editor.
Set the Multiplier to "1:7"
Set the Constant to some small value to allow for inter-cell padding.
Set all the other cells to equal the width of the first cell.

Getting rid of whitespace inside a TextView in Interface Builder

I have an issue on iOS devices larger than 4 inches.
As you can see, there is a large gap of whitespace at the bottom of my Text View. I am wondering how to clean it up to remove this whitespace using Interface Builder.
Simply change your bottom constraint to >= current value instead of equal and the UITextView will start resizing provided scrolling enabled is unchecked.
You just need to uncheck
Scrolling Enabled
Got the answers from here
Auto - Resizing
If you are using the auto-resizing for the text view then remove set the following setting for the auto-resizing tab.
This might be your settings, for the text view
Change it to the following setting,
Do not stretch the content of the text view,
And if you are worried about the content not displaying in the set height then that is not an issue, there is a already a scroll in the text view controller, make sure that is enabled.
Auto - Layout
If You are using Auto Layout in your app then set the constraints as shown in the below image on your text view,
Add these four constraints,
Left, right, top and the height of the text view.

iOS - Different bounds.size value before and after setting autoresizing constraints

I'm building an app that has a UIImageView below the UINavigationBar as the following screenshot displays.
Before I set the autoresizing constraints, I logged the bounds size, and it says the size is 320x505 which is quite reasonable because the navigation bar and the status bar takes up 64 pts.
The constraints are like this before I set them up:
And later, I've added the "inner cross" part of the constraints like below, and this time, while logging the bounds size, it gave me 320x569, which takes status bar and navigation bar into account.
I'm pretty sure that the "real" size of UIImageView does not increase, because when I load a image, it simply displays the image just fine, there's no difference, but I'm not sure why this happens.
So my question is what leads to this and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
The first Autosizing mode sets (among others) Fixed Top Margin & Fixed Bottom Margin & Fixed Height. Basicly, you're telling the view to have the same margins to top and to bottom but not to modify its height, which is pretty impossible, so the interface builder will give priority to the bottom fixed spring.
The second case, having Fixed Top Margin & Fixed Bottom Margin & Flexible height, stretches your images on the whole content. If you haven't unchecked the view controller's option (Extend under top bars) the full content is 568(for 4inch device, which is your case) (on ios 7 if you have that option checked the viewcontroller's view's y origin is under the navigationbar & status bar , right in the very top corner).
If you uncheck the Extend under top bar option, the viewcontroller's view will begin from 64.

jQuery UI issues with tables in dialogs

I have a jQuery UI dialog to which I applied a padding, and inside the dialog I have a long table. I then configure the dialog to be of limited height in order to have a scrollbar.
It seems that whenever a nowrap is applied to the table cells, the padding to the right of the table is covered by the scrollbar. If I remove the nowrap, it works fine.
Here is an editable example:
It seems that it only happens when you set the dialog's width to auto.
One workaround is to set the table's width to 100% and reset the dialog's width to a fixed length. The length needs to add a padding equal or larger than the width of the scroll bar. For example:
var newWidth = $('.Dialog').width() + 50;
See this in action:
