Implementing a chat application in Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

Basically, the app has to support sign up/sign in functionality and allow user to add friends and allow friends to chat.Since, I am just starting? with rails it's a bit overwhelming. How should I go about it
Also, the aim is not an application for production.
It'll be great if you could link to some working demos of the same.

If you are learning rails there are lots of great resources online. Try googling for a few.
I would suggest Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial - - it includes bits of what you want.

You would need ofcourse to read tutorials for rails beginners, I recommend the official rails guide.
For sign up/sign in, you could use the devise gem, and for chat push you could take a look at private_pub gem.

You can also check out a tutorial I did on how to achieve the same using devise and private_pub gem. I believe this should get you started


Can I use "gem devise" and Michael Hartl rails tutorial authentication system together?

I have already finished Michael Hartl's rails tutorial and now I have a rails app which users can sign up with their information.
I want to add "Sign up with Facebook and Twitter" feature to my app. But when I tried it just usage of omniauth, I have got some problems.
Now I want to try it with using gem devise and gem omniauth together for adding "Sign up with Facebook and Twitter" feature, without changing my authentication system.
Is it possible? I will be also grateful if you advice different methods for adding omniauth.
Thanks for your attention
Yes you could use Devise and a custom authentication system together.
However I don't recommend you to implement two different authentication systems. It makes your app only unnecessarily complicated.
Here is a great Tutorial on how to use Omniauth together with Devise.
Hope this helps!
Happy coding :)

Which is the best way to create a login in Rails for a starter?

I've seen there're several engines and tutorials about it, but I couldn't figure out which one could help me out in short terms. I'm just learning Rails and Ruby and my aim is to understand how it works while it can be useful in a real life event.
Any link or explanation about this will be kindly appreciated!
Other answers are recommending Devise. Devise's own documentation says:
If you are building your first Rails application, we recommend you to not use Devise. Devise requires a good understanding of the Rails Framework. In such cases, we advise you to start a simple authentication system from scratch.
I'm inclined to agree. Devise is a great engine that can create a powerful login system for you in minimal time, but if you're building an app for the purpose of learning Rails, I'd recommend following a tutorial to build your own login system so you get a deeper understanding of what's actually going on beneath the hood. You can always come back and use Devise later.
For a tutorial, I'd recommend the same book that Devise recommend, Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial - specifically chapters 6, 7, 8. (Well, I'd recommend the whole book, but those are the chapters that pertain to building a login system.)
If screencasts are more your thing, Ryan Bates's Railscast on the subject
is supposed to be good although I haven't watched it myself.
a gem called devise, as simple as install it and minimal configuration
add it to gem file:
gem 'devise'
install :
rails generate devise:install
create User model:
rails generate devise user
and here are the commands you can use:

Rails 3 Authlogic Tutorial

What are some good rails 3 tutorials for implementing Authlogic? The example listed on github is quite outdated and while the Railscast example does a great job of explaining everything it is beginning to show its age.
I've heard mixed reviews about devise but after installing it, watching several railscasts on its capabilities, and going through the tutorials I've decided to stick with it.
Try devise, its a lot simpler :)

Ruby On Rails Twitter Application

I am new to Ruby On Rails. I want to create a simple application which has a home page with a search box and a submit button. The search box is used for searching keywords on twitter dynamically. The application connects to twitter, takes all the feeds containing the keyword searched and displays back on the home page of my application. Can anyone please guide me how should i go about it ? I want to create an application from scratch. Please site any example for the same. Any suggestions would be helpful.
If you really want to start from scratch and not use any gems for it, you should go to the Twitter API reference, and start from there
I would recomend you use the twitter gem
RailsCasts has a nice episode on it, but the episode for Twitter Integration is not for free.
If you are looking into use Rails for a long time, a subscription is well worth it though.
Hope this helps
I recently wrote a small Twitter app from scratch (without the Twitter gem), maybe it is helpful:
There's an instance running on Heroku:
You should probably use the twitter gem:

How connect authlogic and facebook in rails 3.0.9?

in my app i'm using authlogic for user logging, cart-buying etc on my shop. But how can i introduce facebook login, and goods commenting using my authlogic gem? I reed about but as i think it is for rails <3 ? is it any solution to integrate facebook first commenting, and then regestiring and loging?
I think the omniauth gem in combination with authlogic will help you do what you're trying to do. Take a look at this example app. This walkthrough of how to incorporate it also looks pretty thorough.
