Ruby On Rails Twitter Application - ruby-on-rails

I am new to Ruby On Rails. I want to create a simple application which has a home page with a search box and a submit button. The search box is used for searching keywords on twitter dynamically. The application connects to twitter, takes all the feeds containing the keyword searched and displays back on the home page of my application. Can anyone please guide me how should i go about it ? I want to create an application from scratch. Please site any example for the same. Any suggestions would be helpful.

If you really want to start from scratch and not use any gems for it, you should go to the Twitter API reference, and start from there
I would recomend you use the twitter gem
RailsCasts has a nice episode on it, but the episode for Twitter Integration is not for free.
If you are looking into use Rails for a long time, a subscription is well worth it though.
Hope this helps

I recently wrote a small Twitter app from scratch (without the Twitter gem), maybe it is helpful:
There's an instance running on Heroku:

You should probably use the twitter gem:


Is the gem 'thredded' compatible with rails 5 api?

I am currently developing a social media-ish app, and it needs a forum. I wanted to use a gem for the forum side of the app. We are using Rails as a backend API serving json responses to the frontend using Angular.
With that, I've seen the thredded readme, and it seems that it has a view side to it which Rails 5 api clearly lacks. With that, will it still smoothly work with Rails 5 api? Just checking out if someone has tried this out already. Thanks a bunch.
if you go there home page on github you will see a message that reads
#glebm glebm Bump Rails to 5.0.1 in spec/gemfiles/rails_5_0.gemfile
enter image description here
that message will change on the next commit
now if what you are asking if they are using action cable. I did not find anything to say that they were.
but they are rails 5 compatible
I hope that this helps

Implementing a chat application in Ruby on Rails

Basically, the app has to support sign up/sign in functionality and allow user to add friends and allow friends to chat.Since, I am just starting? with rails it's a bit overwhelming. How should I go about it
Also, the aim is not an application for production.
It'll be great if you could link to some working demos of the same.
If you are learning rails there are lots of great resources online. Try googling for a few.
I would suggest Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial - - it includes bits of what you want.
You would need ofcourse to read tutorials for rails beginners, I recommend the official rails guide.
For sign up/sign in, you could use the devise gem, and for chat push you could take a look at private_pub gem.
You can also check out a tutorial I did on how to achieve the same using devise and private_pub gem. I believe this should get you started

Twitter bot with Rails

I am trying to create a Twitter bot with Ruby on Rails but I just dont find any useful information on this manner...
Is it posible?
I tried with the GEM twibot but it is deprecated it is not longer useful.
Does Rails have a method for trigger events when (for example) a twit is posted?
Anyone have worked with something like this?
Any tutorial?
Any information at all that is in current use, I mean that does work today with the Twitter API (Many of the stuff I googled does not work now)?
Thank you very much.
Twitter itself is running on Rails, and it has a REST API. You could easily write your own solution with ActiveResource
You can get started with the ActiveResource videos on Railscasts
rails per se does not have any support for twitter. it's just an mvc-web-framework. but there are a lot of ruby gems for twitter. my favorite is this but you can find a lot more here

Facebook Canvas App on Rails 3.1

I'm trying to create a Facebook canvas app that allow users to write a custom Wall post and tag some friends. I'm familiar with stand alone rails apps, but I'm having a hard time grasping API interactions.
I've came across with a few gems (Facebooker2, Koala and fb_graph) and the Heroku integration that provide a easier way to use the GraphAPI, but I wasn't able to find updated examples on how to integrate them with a rails app from scratch. So far, the only one that I've found was this sample from fb_graph.
It seems that this type of application is pretty common of Facebook, so I was expecting to find more info on the community. Is there a better way to start developing for Facebook using Rails or should I just pick one of those gems and stick with it until I grasp the concepts?
I was able to create an Facebook canvas app using the fb_graph sample. Probably there are better solutions to handle Facebook authorization inside canvas, but the sample is a great start. Here is my project, a Music Quiz inside Facebook:
I built my first Facebook app from scratch using Koala. Their wiki on Github is absolutely fantastic and everything is well explained.

RoR && "coming soon" page

I am looking for a simple way to implement simple "coming soon" (pre-launch) page for my project on Ruby on Rails.
User should be able to leave an email in order to be notified when project is launched.
Is there such a plugin\gem? Or I should do it myself...
Launching Soon is a rails plugin. It also integrates with MailChimp or Campaign monitor.
I hope people don't interpret this as shameless self-promotion but I've just implemented exactly that functionality in a web service. It's called ComingSoonApp Besides capturing the email addresses, it also embeds your google analytics code so that you can see how traffic is building to your site.
Here is a Ruby on Rails tutorial showing how to create a “beta launching soon” application for a startup prelaunch site with a signup page. You can clone the rails-prelaunch-signup repository for the complete example application on github. It uses Devise gem for authentication and user management, and you will learn a lot from following the tutorial.
Similar to Coming Soon like the other answer, I use a product (I don't work for them) called Prefinery. It lets you put up a form on your site (you just include some javascript) and beta testers can sign up.
