changing a variable using gets.chomp() - ruby-on-rails

im trying to write to a file using this code:
puts "-------------------- TEXT-EDITOR --------------------"
def tor(old_text)
old_text = gets.chomp #
def torr(input)
tore= $epic += input + ", ""tor.txt", "w") do |write|
write.puts tore
loop do
output = tor(output)
i have read the ultimate guide to ruby programming
and it says if i want to make a new line using in the file im writing to using
i must use "line one", "line two
how can i make this happend using gets.chomp()? try my code and you will see what i mean
thank you.

The gets method will bring in any amount of text but it will terminate when you hit 'Enter' (or once the STDIN receives \n). This input record separator is stored in the global variable $/. If you change the input separator in your script, the gets method will actually trade the 'Enter' key for whatever you changed the global variable to.
$/ = 'EOF' # Or any other string
lines = gets.chomp
> This is
> multilined
> textEOF
lines #=> 'This is\nmultilined\ntext'
Enter whatever you want and then type 'EOF' at the end. Once it 'sees' EOF, it'll terminate the gets method. The chomp method will actually strip off the string 'EOF' from the end.
Then write this to your text file and the \n will translate into new lines.'newlines.txt', 'w') {|f| f.puts lines}
This is

If you dont use .chomp() the \n character will be added whenever you write a new line, if you save this to the file it also will have a new line. .chomp() removes those escape characters from the end of the input.
If this doesnt answer your question, i am sorry i dont understand it.


How to detect if a field contains a character in Lua

I'm trying to modify an existing lua script that cleans up subtitle data in Aegisub.
I want to add the ability to delete lines that contain the symbol "♪"
Here is the code I want to modify:
-- delete commented or empty lines
function noemptycom(subs,sel)
progress("Deleting commented/empty lines")
for s=#sel,1,-1 do
if line.comment or line.text=="" then
for z,i in ipairs(noecom_sel) do noecom_sel[z]=i-1 end
return noecom_sel
I really have no idea what I'm doing here, but I know a little SQL and LUA apparently uses the IN keyword as well, so I tried modifying the IF line to this
if line.text in (♪) then
Needless to say, it didn't work. Is there a simple way to do this in LUA? I've seen some threads about the string.match() & string.find() functions, but I wouldn't know where to start trying to put that code together. What's the easiest way for someone with zero knowledge of Lua?
in is only used in the generic for loop. Your if line.text in (♪) then is no valid Lua syntax.
Something like
if line.comment or line.text == "" or line.text:find("\u{266A}") then
Should work.
In Lua every string have the string functions as methods attached.
So use gsub() on your string variable in loop like...
('Text with ♪ sign in text'):gsub('(♪)','note')
...thats replace the sign and output is...
Text with note sign in text
...instead of replacing it with 'note' an empty '' deletes it.
gsub() is returning 2 values.
First: The string with or without changes
Second: A number that tells how often the pattern matches
So second return value can be used for conditions or success.
( 0 stands for "pattern not found" )
So lets check above with...
local str,rc=('Text with strange ♪ sign in text'):gsub('(♪)','notation')
if rc~=0 then
print('Replaced ',rc,'times, changed to: ',str)
-- output
-- Replaced 1 times, changed to: Text with strange notation sign in text
And finally only detect, no change made...
local str,rc=('Text with strange ♪ sign in text'):gsub('(♪)','%1')
if rc~=0 then
print('Found ',rc,'times, Text is: ',str)
-- output is...
-- Found 1 times, Text is: Text with strange ♪ sign in text
The %1 holds what '(♪)' found.
So ♪ is replaced with ♪.
And only rc is used as a condition for further handling.

How to find a specific word in string with Ruby/Rails

I got a few string like so:
I need to check whether the strings above has one of the widesky_light, sky_light, widesky_dark and sky_dark with exactitude so I wrote this:
if my_string.match("widesky_light")
For each variant, but the problem I'm having is because sky_light and widesky_light are similar, my code is not working properly. I believe the solution to the above would be a regex, but I've spend the afternoon yesterday trying to get it to work without much success.
Any suggestions?
A caveat: in this string (as example): TFjyg9780878_867978-DGB097908-78679iuhi698_widesky_light_87689uiyhk, the part after widesky_light, which is _87689uiyhk is optional, meaning that sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't, so a solution would not be able to count on _string_.
Looks like you just need to reorder your if statements
if my_string.match(/widesky_light/)
return 'something'
if my_string.match(/sky_light/)
return 'something'
1st regex : extract word for further checking
Here's a regex which only matches the interesting part :
It means lowercase word with possible underscore inside, between 2 underscores or after 1 underscore and before a word boundary.
If you need some logic depending on the case (widesky, sky, light or dark), you could use this solution.
Here in action.
2nd regex : direct check if one of 4 words is present
If you just want to know if any of the 4 cases is present :
Here in action, with either _something_after or nothing.
Case statement
list = %w(
list.each do |string|
case string
when /widesky_light/ then puts "widesky light found!"
when /sky_light/ then puts "sky light found!"
when /widesky_dark/ then puts "widesky dark found!"
when /sky_dark/ then puts "sky dark found!"
else puts "Nothing found!"
In this order, the case statement should be fine. widesky_dark won't match twice, for example.
Maybe something like this:
case my_string
when /_(sky_light)/
# just sky_light
when /sky_light/
# widesky_light
when /_(sky_dark)/
# just sky_dark
when /sky_dark/
# widesky_dark
puts "I don't like"

What does f.write << TEMPLATE mean in the below code snippet"db/quotes/#{id}.json", "w") do |f|
f.write <<TEMPLATE
"submitter": "{hash["submitter"]}",
"quote": "{hash["quote"]}",
"attribution": "{hash["attribution"]}"
I understand what this method is doing. I read this code snippet out of a book. It is trying to write to a json to a file with whatever name #{id}.json is. I have never seen it before. Is "<<" an operator? What is "TEMPLATE"? Btw, this it out of the book rebuilding ruby on rails. In the section of rebuilding the Model layer is where i found the code snippet. It could have something to do with the Gem "erubis".
f.write expects a string as an argument and writes that string to the file f.
<<TEMPLATE starts a string that ends at the next occurrence of TEMPLATE. This kind of strings are called heredocs.
It's here-document syntax for string. It's a way to represent a string spanning multiple lines and the indentation will be preserved.
str = <<EOF
this will be the content
of your string
You can choose whatever word you want where I put EOF.
The other answers point you in the right direction of heredocs.
Technically this is syntax error with the string never terminating.
str = <<EOS
This is my string
Because the EOS at the beginning of the line. The below example works:
str = <<EOS
This is my string
To have correctly indented code you would do the following:
str = <<-EOS
This is my string

Stop parsing when hitting an empty line

I have a Rails app parsing incoming e-mails on Heroku using the Cloud-mailin add-on. The app recieves a list of prices in an e-mail and inserts them into the database.
This works fine, but if the e-mail contains for instance a signature in the bottom the code fails because it's also trying to parse that text.
Therefor I would like to rewrite the below parsing code to stop when it hits an empty line in the e-mail. All the price data is always at the top of the e-mail.
email_text = params[:plain]
email_text_array = []
email_text.split("\n").each do |email_line|
email_text_array << email_line.split(" ")
How do I change the above to stop when it hits an empty line in the email_taxt variable?
You can add a break :
email_text.split("\n").each do |email_line|
break if email_line.blank? # ends loop on first empty line
email_text_array << email_line.split(" ")
Does this question help: Is there a "do ... while" loop in Ruby?
Edit 1:
From the above article I think something like this would work:
email_text.split("\n").each do |email_line|
break if email_line.length < 1
email_text_array << email_line.split(" ")

Truncate Markdown?

I have a Rails site, where the content is written in markdown. I wish to display a snippet of each, with a "Read more.." link.
How do I go about this? Simple truncating the raw text will not work, for example..
>> "This is an [example]("[0..25]
=> "This is an [example](http:"
Ideally I want to allow the author to (optionally) insert a marker to specify what to use as the "snippet", if not it would take 250 words, and append "..." - for example..
This article is an example of something or other.
This segment will be used as the snippet on the index page.
This text will be visible once clicking the "Read more.." link
The marker could be thought of like an EOF marker (which can be ignored when displaying the full document)
I am using maruku for the Markdown processing (RedCloth is very biased towards Textile, BlueCloth is extremely buggy, and I wanted a native-Ruby parser which ruled out peg-markdown and RDiscount)
Alternatively (since the Markdown is translated to HTML anyway) truncating the HTML correctly would be an option - although it would be preferable to not markdown() the entire document, just to get the first few lines.
So, the options I can think of are (in order of preference)..
Add a "truncate" option to the maruku parser, which will only parse the first x words, or till the "excerpt" marker.
Write/find a parser-agnostic Markdown truncate'r
Write/find an intelligent HTML truncating function
Write/find an intelligent HTML truncating function
The following from, with some modifications will correctly truncate HTML, and easily allow appending a string before the closing tags.
>> puts "<p><b>Something</p>".truncate_html(5, at_end = "...")
=> <p><b>Someth...</b></p>
The modified code:
require 'rexml/parsers/pullparser'
class String
def truncate_html(len = 30, at_end = nil)
p =
tags = []
new_len = len
results = ''
while p.has_next? && new_len > 0
p_e = p.pull
case p_e.event_type
when :start_element
tags.push p_e[0]
results << "<#{tags.last}#{attrs_to_s(p_e[1])}>"
when :end_element
results << "</#{tags.pop}>"
when :text
results << p_e[0][0..new_len]
new_len -= p_e[0].length
results << "<!-- #{p_e.inspect} -->"
if at_end
results << "..."
tags.reverse.each do |tag|
results << "</#{tag}>"
def attrs_to_s(attrs)
if attrs.empty?
' ' + { |attr| %{#{attr[0]}="#{attr[1]}"} }.join(' ')
Here's a solution that works for me with Textile.
Convert it to HTML
Truncate it.
Remove any HTML tags that got cut in half with
html_string.gsub(/<[^>]*$/, "")
Then, uses Hpricot to clean it up and close unclosed tags
html_string = Hpricot( html_string ).to_s
I do this in a helper, and with caching there's no performance issue.
You could use a regular expression to find a line consisting of nothing but "^" characters:
markdown_string = <<-eos
This article is an example of something or other.
This segment will be used as the snippet on the index page.
This text will be visible once clicking the "Read more.." link
preview = markdown_string[0...(markdown_string =~ /^\^+$/)]
puts preview
Rather than trying to truncate the text, why not have 2 input boxes, one for the "opening blurb" and one for the main "guts". That way your authors will know exactly what is being show when without having to rely on some sort of funkly EOF marker.
I will have to agree with the "two inputs" approach, and the content writer would need not to worry, since you can modify the background logic to mix the two inputs in one when showing the full content.
full_content = input1 + input2 // perhaps with some complementary html, for a better formatting
Not sure if it applies to this case, but adding the solution below for the sake of completeness. You can use strip_tags method if you are truncating Markdown-rendered contents:
truncate(strip_tags(markdown(article.contents)), length: 50)
Sourced from:
A simpler option that just works:
truncate(markdown(item.description), length: 100, escape: false)
