I am using YouTube API to fetch user feed and all video details.
Eg : Number of likes,number of dislikes.etc. Number of comments on video is correct but while I am fetching all the comments data found nothing.
The correct URL to request is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/VIDEO_ID/comments?v=2 (with any other parameters you want).
E.g. http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/fhWaJi1Hsfo/comments?v=2&alt=json&prettyprint=true returns the comments feed for video id fhWaJi1Hsfo, and I do see the content of the actual comments in that feed.
If you're not able to successfully reproduce that with a specific video id, could you let us know which video you're having trouble with?
I'm trying to use the YouTube Data API to get a channel's Trailer and Featured Video but can't find anything in the [API docs][1] or responses that might provide it. Ideally, there'd be something that would return the ID of whichever videos had been selected here: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/[CHANNEL_ID]/editing/sections
Maybe it's buried in an obscure endpoint. Maybe the API simply doesn't include this anywhere. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Update: I've found the channel trailer as unsubscribedTrailer under the channels:list endpoint with the brandingSettings part. However, for some reason Google has decided not to include the featured video with it.
One more time YouTube Data API v3 doesn't provide a basic feature.
As Video spotlight you can have:
Featured video for returning subscribers
Highlight a video for your subscribers to watch. This video won’t be shown again at the top of your page for subscribers who have watched it. Learn more
Source: https://studio.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_ID/editing/sections
For the featured video:
you first need to subscribe to the give YouTube channel. To do so in an automatic way, use YouTube Data API v3 Subscriptions: insert endpoint.
then open your web-browser Network developer tool tab (Ctrl + Shift + E on FireFox) and filter HTML requests, then visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/CHANNEL_ID and copy the initial request to CHANNEL_ID as cURL, that way you can re-execute this cURL request for any channel you are subscribed to by changing the URL in the cURL request to https://www.youtube.com/channel/ANOTHER_CHANNEL_ID. Furthermore you'll find the featured video id in the JavaScript variable ytInitialData in the JSON entry
The channel with id UCv_LqFI-0vMVYgNR3TeB3zQ have both a channel trailer (1RHxvM8mQS4) and a featured video (rFuip5CSWcA).
I want to get metrics (such as likes, views and subscribers gained) for every video in my youtube channel (or about 10 latest video) , how can I do it correctly?
I'm using such API call from Youtube Analytics API, but it turns out that it returns total views and total likes from all videos, not individually about every video.
I read documentation of YouTube Analytics API and I can't find this information there.
If you want the response to be grouped by video your have to specify the dimension parameter to video.
Here is a sample request from the documentation (Basic stats/Top 10 – Most watched videos for a channel):
Although the note does not specify it, the sort parameter must be the first metric that you declared.
If want to get information on more that 10 videos or to pull information for the latest videos, you can specify the dimension as video and you must specify the video ids in the filter parameter as video==VIDEO1_id,VIDEO2_id....
The videos in a channel can be retrieved through the YouTube Data API from the search endpoint.
You will get a list of videos with their details as a response, among others the videoId and publishedAt values.
I have a large array of video id's. (Over 100) I need to determine which videos belong to the oauth'd user. Looking through the Youtube API docs it doesn't look like they have a way to get videos by ID for a channel. I see how to get all videos for a channel but that looks like it limits the results. Is there an efficient way to do this that I'm missing?
Ideally I'd like to say grab all videos with this id that belong to this channel. I'd accept a way to just get all videos for the users channel so I can compare the array of videos with my array of id's.
Using Laravel socialite and the PHP google api client.
You can either
Get videos by IDs using the videos:list API endpoint. The id parameter takes up to 50 comma-separated videoIDs.
Get all videos in a channel using the channels:list API endpoint. The id parameter takes up to 50 comma-separated channelIDs. Each page of results has up to 50 videos.
If you already have the videoIDs, option 1 would be best.
I have figured it out if you want to get the video with particular video id
if you want the thumbnails for the particular video
put the video id you will get the details you can use google api like this
Using the YouTube Data API v3, is there a way to know if a video has been seen or hidden?
Reading through the docs, I didn't see anything on the Video resource that could match what I'm looking for.
Logically, “Watched” videos are just videos which have entries on your “Watch History” on Youtube.
You can get your “Watched” videos list through the API by getting your Watch History list from your channel. You can do that by using obtaining your Watch History ID which at the same time is also treated as playlistId.
Referring through the Channel API, make a GET HTTP request to
This should return a JSON which should contain an object with “watchHistory” key. The value paired with it is your playlistId which you can now use to make a request using the PlaylistItems API
This should return a list of videos that your account has already watched.
As for getting the list of “Hidden” videos on your subscription feed. I think it's not achievable through the API. Checked on different responses of subscription and video resources but to no avail. No responses containing "watched" or "hidden" related.
I'm looking to get the title and duration of a YouTube video and display it within my app. I want to do this dynamically since there will be several videos and they will change. I've looked for a URL that provides this information, but I've had no luck. Does anyone know a way to do this?
You need to use the Youtube API, details on how to do this for a single video are here:
Here's the URL to get the API data for Friday: