Padding between Two UITextView in iOS - ios

I am working with the new constraints with iOS6. I have two UITextViews with a vertical spacing between them. Both UITextView's are dynamically populated the so the HEIGHT can be altered depending on the amount of content being populated.
What is happening is when to much data is loaded in the First UITextView it goes over the top of the second UITextView which is directly below it. I do have a constraint which is set between the two but it seems to ignore it. I have no code to show as it's on the storyboard.
Is there anyway to confine the vertical space between the to views no matter how much content is populated? Or has anyone come across this type of behaviour before?
Thanks in advance!


UITableViewContorller (Static) Size

I have two different problems with my Static UITableView.
1. The height of the table:
I have 4 cells in my table, the fourth one is going out from the screen size.
(the table are bigger than the screen).
how can i allow scrolling to the size of the table?
2. Scrolling Horizontal
I don't know why, but when I run the app, I can scroll horizontal the all table to the left side.
Why does it happen? how can I fix it?
thank you!
Set top,bottom,leading and trailing constraint from the interface builder (i.e. storyboard) to your tableview. Something like below screenshot,
In the screenshot constrains got setting for address label, you need to select your tableview and need to set four constraints.
If you totally unaware of autolayout then first learn it. refer some tutorial like : Raywenderlich's tutorial or Appcoda's tutorial.

Layout changing when running the app

I've been trying for days to make one layout of my app to work well, and after days of learning and mistakes I still can't get the table cell layout to look how I want it to be.
This is how my cell .xib looks like in the editor:
And this is how my app looks like when running with suggested constraints:
Why is that? How I can find my mistake and make the layout like it supposed to be, in the view?
Suggested constraints are rarely what I actually wanted to see.
For each label with fixed text, lock the horizontal and vertical positions either to the view or to the next adjacent item.
For imageViews, choose the size you want and lock the height and width.
For labels that you will be dynamically changing the text on, pick a size that will hold the longest string and lock the width. You'll need a vertical position constraint.
You have many options to simplify your layout.
you can use the stakview or create a static UITableView and insert your component inside the cells and enter the Constraint. excellent tutorial

Content hugging priority Dynamic Cell Size

Recently I've had a complex auto layout situation that has been solved (thanks to #Catalina T.). Currently I'm experiencing an issue with Content Hugging Priority. I have 4 dynamic labels that may contain huge texts so cells should fit the content. With the current constraints and priorities if I set huge texts to all dynamic labels it works perfectly (though one of them won't be displayed fully instead it will be clipped with dots). If I set the third label's text to a huge one auto layout goes crazy... I get something like this:
Whereas I want all the labels to be arranged consequently.
Demo project.
How to fix this issue?
Thank you in advance!
I managed to solve this issue.
AutoLayout should know leading, trailing, top and bottom constraints from all your dynamic views. Besides that it might happen that one view is huge and others are not, as a result you'll get the wrong arrangement. To solve this simply add Vertical Spacing for each dynamic views that are not yet connected with this constraint. Then you should change the constraint Relation to Greater Than Or Equal, so you'll simply notify the AutoLayout that you want these views to be arranged consequently.
Solved demo project.

Adding/removing views dynamically with autolayout

I have a pretty complex view and am trying to update it to work with autolayout (while I learn autolayout at the same time). Here is a screenshot of my view:
The only thing that you can't see is that all of these views are wrapped in a containerView and that container is sitting in a vertical scrolling UIScrollView.So if there was a really long description or something you would be able to scroll vertically.
My first problem is that I can't figure out how to get the descriptionView (red background) to adjust it's height dynamically (I have scrolling disabled in IB and again in code). I think it might be related to the bottom constraint to the imageScrollView.
The second problem is that the imageScrollView needs to be removed half the time. It holds multiple pictures of an item. But sometimes the item doesn't have pictures so I just want to remove the scrollView in that instance. I call removeSubview in code and want things to just readjust without having to set up a bunch of new constraints. So I added a top space constraint from the Question/Comments label to the bottom of the description and changed its priority to 900 instead of 1000. This seemed to solve my first problem and when I remove the imageScrollView the description view resized to the size of the content. However my scrollView that holds all of the content didn't scroll anymore, I am assuming that the containerView's height got screwed up or something.
Edit: the more I think about this the more I think that figuring out how to add a contraint for the size the descriptionView's height to match the content will solve the other problem as well. Here is another screenshot with the current constraints.
I don't feel it is fair to post my own solution as the accepted answer. So I am posting my solution within the question, and giving the accepted answer to Nikita for trolling all the questions related to textViews being sized to their content.
My first problem is solved by using this: Github - Resizable Text View
The second issue was just a matter of setting up the constraints correctly. The red textView had a constraint to the bottom of the superview(contentContainer) (the superview which sets the height of the the main scrollView.) So when I removed textView then the contentContainer view didn't have a height constraint. So I ended up removing the constraint from the textView to the superview (which is the contentContainer) and made a constraint from the bottom of the commentTextView to the contentContainer. This solved the problem. Whenever I remove the red textView everything shrinks up the way I desire.
I'm not sure, that my solution is the best one, but I've done it in the following manner (I think that will help you with red text view): How do I size a UITextView to its content?
Unfortunately, I didn't understand you about second problem. Please, provide more details. Thanks!
Don't remove the image view. Just give it a zero-height constraint. That way you don't have to mess with any of your other constraints.

Xcode 5 Auto Layout - Embedded Tables

I have a UIScrollView with several UITableViews embedded in it. I want to allow each table to expand its height as much as is needed to display all of its cells. The scroll view's frame takes up the whole screen, so its contentSize.height need to expand to fit the biggest table (which I think is the default behavior, but I mention it just in case I'm incorrect). Can this all be done on my storyboard? Or if I will need to add code to do it, I found this tutorial, but it's for iOS 6 - has any of the code for this constraint stuff changed for iOS 7?
If you know in advance how much room each table takes up you can do it purely in your storyboard, but because each UITableView is also a scrollview the default behavior of a UITableView is to fill the assigned size with content and scroll if there is overflow.
If you do not know the height of the tables at design time, you will need to set them at run time. See Autolayout a UIScrollView to fit content including subviews and grouped tables for an example, the short answer is to add a height constraint to your table, drag it into your controller as an outlet, and then set the height when you know it.
It can be done both ways.Manually moving UI elements through code(mentioning locations) and overriding it in did rotate or through mentioning constraints in auto layout.
This link provides details of ios7 auto layout .
