Add form in sidebar - ruby-on-rails

In my ActiveAdmin app, I need to have a form in the sidebar (only for the show method) that will show a single (for the moment) datepicker. Once user click on the datepicker, the whole page should reload taking into account the date selected (within the show controller).
Any idea on how to add this simple form in a sidebar ?
I tried the following but I'm not sure how the form can target a dedicated controller other than the current model.
sidebar :history, :only => :show do
form do |f|
f.input :start_date, :as => :datepicker
How can a form in a sidebar can target another controller than the one of the current model ?

I presume you have a show controller and don't mean the show action.
make the view into a partial called "whatever" (I call it this)
So, your whatever.erb.html looks like this
<%= render "whatever" %>
If you use Jquery Ui datepicker, you can add a onSelect function
dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
onSelect: function() {
}).attr( 'readOnly' , 'true' )
If you want a range add a form tag in your view with two date fields, else you just add one
<%= form_tag('/range', :id => "range_form", :remote => true) do -%>
<%= text_field_tag 'from',"%Y-%m-%d"),:class => "date"%>
<%= text_field_tag 'to',"%Y-%m-%d"), :class => "date"%>
<% end %>
For this you'll have to add a route in your routes.rb
match "/range/" => "show#todo_range", :as => :range
In your show controller
def range
time_range = ((Date.parse(params[:from]).midnight..Date.parse(params[:to]).midnight)
#whatever = Whatever.where(:date => time_range)
Then add a js view to handle the callback
$(".maindiv").empty().append(<%=j(render #whatever)%>)
I have not tested this exact code, so watch out for typos.
Good luck and comment if I need to edit


Adding a value-dependent data attribute to a simple_form checkbox collection

I'm generating a list of checkboxes for a single collection like so:
= f.input :parts, as:check_boxes, collection: #parts_list
I want some checkboxes in the collection to disappear/reappear depending on the value of a select widget higher up in the form. (e.g. choosing "Tracker Robot" from the Robot select means that the "Legs" part checkbox disappears and the "Wheels" checkbox appears, etc.)
What I'd like to do is attach a computed data attribute to each individual Part checkbox, with the attribute value listing the Robots that can use that Part; then some JS will do the work of hiding/showing the checkboxes. However, I don't know how I can generate those data attributes using simple_form.
I would normally create a custom "parts" input, but there seems to be a problem with making custom collection inputs; it looks for a named method (collection_parts) inside form_builder.rb, which won't exist, and if I try and extend the FormBuilder it sends me down a major rabbit hole.
I could write some JS to load the data attrs into the generated HTML, but then I have to generate custom JS based on my Rails data, and that feels like the wrong way to do it.
Let's assume that the form is for Order model and you are changing the parts collection based on the value of a field called region.
Update the form view. Specify the id for form, region field and parts field.
= simple_form_for(#order, :html => { :id => "order-form"}) do |f|
= f.input :region, :wrapper_html => { :id => "order-form-region", |
"data-parts-url" => parts_orders_path(:id =>, :region => #order.region)} |
= f.input :parts, as: check_boxes, collection: #parts_list, |
:wrapper_html => { id' => 'parts-check-box-list'} |
Add a new action called parts in the route.rb file.
resources :orders do
collection do
get :parts
Add the new action to your controller
class OrdersController < ApplicationController
# expects id and region as parameters
def parts
#order = params[:id].present? ? Order.find(params[:id]) :
#parts_list = Part.where(:region => params[:region])
Add a helper
def parts_collection(order, parts_list)
"".tap do |pc|
# to generate the markup for collection we need a dummy form
simple_form_for(order) do |f|
pc << f.input(:parts, as: check_boxes, collection: parts_list,
:wrapper_html => {:id => 'parts-check-box-list'})
Add a js view for the action (orders/parts.js.erb)
$('#parts-check-box-list').replaceWith('<%= j(parts_collection(#order, #parts_list)) %>');
Register data change event handlers for region field in your application.js
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#order-form').on("change", "#order-form-region", function () {
// Access the data-parts-url set in the region field to submit JS request
I think you can do it like this:
= f.input :parts do
= f.collection_check_boxes :parts, #parts_list, :id, :to_s, item_wrapper_tag: :label, item_wrapper_class: :checkbox do |b|
- b.check_box(data: { YOUR DATA ATTRIBUTES HERE }) + b.text
this may be simpler.
#robots - an array containing the list of robots
#parts - a hash containing a list of parts for each robot
Sample Code
# controller
#robots = %w[tracker nontracker]
#parts = { tracker: %w[wheels lcd resistor], nontracker: %w[lcd resistor] }
# view
= f.input :robots, as: :select, collection: #robots, input_html: { id: 'robot-select' }
var parts = #{#parts.to_json};
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#robot-select').change(function() {
$(parts[$(this).val()]).each(function(index, text) {
$('#parts-list').append('<input type="checkbox" value=' + text + '>' + text + '</input>')
you can see this working if you clone and go to /robots
Some input options in SimpleForm accept a lambda that gets called for every item in a collection:
f.input :role_ids, :collection => (1..10).to_a,
:label_method => :to_i, :value_method => :to_i,
:as => :check_boxes, :required=> true,
:disabled => ->(item){ item.even? }
but input_html doesn't seem to be one of them.
The solution is probably to create a custom SimpleForm collection input that applies the data attributes itself. Not as flexible perhaps, but I think this is the only way to go for now.
There's a tutorial page on GitHub that should get you started.

Rails Parse Form Input

I'm using a form to transfer some data from one part of a controller to another (new to create), but I'm having some trouble with it. When I try to get the data after submitting the form, it just gives me a nil value.
Here's the form code:
<%= f.hidden_field :owner_id, :value => #tool.user_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :tool_id, :value => %>
<%= f.hidden_field :borrower_id, :value => %>
And this is the create action in the controller:
def create
render text: params[:rental_agreement].inspect
#rental_agreement = RentalAgreement.create
#rental_agreement.owner_id = params[:owner_id]
# render text: #rental_agreement.inspect
When I hit the "Submit" button on the form, I see this:
{"owner_id"=>"3", "tool_id"=>"1", "borrower_id"=>"4"}
That's fine, but when I change which inspection renders (comment out the top line, uncomment the bottom), all it displays is:
And if I look in the Rails console at this object, all of the fields in it are nil (except the id and created_at fields).
I'm just trying to figure out how to assign the variables from the form (owner_id, tool_id, and borrower_id) to the rental_agreement variable. Any help is much appreciated!
Your create method seems wrong. Try this.
def create
#rental_agreement =[:rental_agreement])

What is the Rails convention for sending form data to a URL dependent on form value?

I would like a form submitted at the url
to submit the form data to
where :identifier is determined by a value of the form
What is the rails convention in this instance?
Is there a way to achieve this without a controller level redirect or javascript-updating the submit URL?
match 'smasher(/:action(/:id))', :controller => "customcontroller", :as => :smasher, :defaults => { :action => :index, :id => :fruit }
<%= semantic_form_for :d, :url => smasher_path, :html => { :method => :get } do |f| %>
... form data ...
<%= f.input :identifier, :as => :hidden %>
<% end %>
My current implementation is similar to this answer
There's isn't really a "convention" for this, but rather one of those things where there's more than one way to do it.
One way that you could do it is still send the form to one and only one action within the controller, but then delegate in the controller which action to go to, like this:
def smasher
if params[:identifier] == 'this'
def smash_this!
# code goes here
def smash_that!
# code goes here
Heres the javascript version (though technically its all on an erb html template), if you're feeling up to it.
<%= f.input :identifier, :as => :hidden, :onchange => "$(this).setAction()" %>
// While you can this script block here within your erb template
// but best practice says you should have it included somehow within `<head></head>`
$(function() {
//create a method on the Jquery Object to adjust the action of the form
$.fn.setAction = function() {
var form = $(this).parents('form').first();
var action = form.attr('action')
form.attr('action', action.substr( 0, action.lastIndexOf('/')+1 ) + $(this).val());
Heres the pure javascript version:
$(function() {
//create a method on the Jquery Object to adjust the action of the form
$.fn.setAction = function() {
var form = $(this).parents('form').first();
var action = form.attr('action')
form.attr('action', action.substr( 0, action.lastIndexOf('/')+1 ) + $(this).val());
//we gotta bind the onchange here

Make a Select Box that Calls a Method

I have a rails app with working reports that have tags. In the Report/Index.html.erb I want the user to be able to sort the reports by selecting a tag. They may only select one tag at a time so I feel that a select box would work best. I currently have this:
<%= select("preferences", :tag_with,
["Politics", "Technology", "Entertainment", "Sports", "Science", "Crime",
"Business", "Social", "Nature", "Other"], :prompt => "Filter Feed by:" )%>
I have a working preferences controller with a method call tag_with that updates the current tag. This code, however, only generates the select box. I want it to be that when the user selects one of the tags, it calls the tag_with method from the preferences controller.
I generated a series of link_to lines that complete the task, however I would really like a select box.
<%= link_to "Politics", :action => "tag_with", :tag => "Politics", :controller =>"preferences" %>
<%= link_to "Entertainment", :action => "tag_with", :tag => "Entertainment", :controller =>"preferences" %>
<%= link_to "Science", :action => "tag_with", :tag => "Science", :controller =>"preferences" %>
<%= link_to "Technology", :action => "tag_with", :tag => "Technology", :controller =>"preferences" %>
And so on for each tag. This works fine but is bulky and undesirable. Is there a way to do the same thing through a select box?
In your file, or whatever other js file you want.
jQuery ->
$('select#preferences').change ->
$.get 'preferences/tag_with',{ term: $('option:selected', this). val() }
Or, if you want to use regular javascript:
$('select#preferences').change( function() {
$.get('preferences/tag_with',{term: $('option:selected',this).val()});
A link is a GET request. The jQuery .change() method fires whenever someone makes a change. The $.get method sends a GET request to a URL and can pass data (the second argument). This data becomes your params hash, so in the example above you would get:
params[:term] #=> the value attribute of whatever option was selected by the user
See the jQuery docs on .change() and $.get() for more help.
For this to refresh the page, the easiest thing would be to extract the table that you want changed into a partial, let's assume it's called _report.html.erb. The partial should look something like this:
<div id="report">
<%= render #report %>
*Note: render #report is just short for render :partial => 'report'. See*
In your preferences controller, tag_with option you should be sure to set the #report object (or whatever else is delivering the data to your partial).
Then you should make a file called views/preferences/tag_with.js.erb and put something like this in it:
$('div#report').html('<%= escape_javascript( render #report ) %>');
This will update the report container with the new content.

Using sortable_element in Rails on a list generated by a find()

I'm trying to use the scriptaculous helper method sortable_element to implement a drag-and-drop sortable list in my Rails application. While the code for the view looks pretty simple, I'm really not quite sure what to write in the controller to update the "position" column.
Here's what I've got in my view, "_show_related_pgs.erb":
<ul id = "interest_<>_siblings_list">
<%= render :partial => "/interests/peer_group_map", :collection => #maps, :as => :related_pg %>
<%= sortable_element("interest_""_siblings_list", :url => {:action => :resort_related_pgs}, :handle => "drag" ) %>
And here's the relevant line from the partial, "interests/peer_group_map.erb"
<li class = "interest_<>_siblings_list"
id = "interest_<%=related_pg.interest_id.to_s%>_siblings_list_<>">
The Scriptaculous UI magic works fine with these, but I am unsure as to how to change the "position" column in the db to reflect this. Should I be passing the collection #maps back to the controller and tell it to iterate through that and increment/decrement the attribute "position" in each? If so, how can I tell which item was moved up, and which down? I couldn't find anything specific using Chrome dev-tools in the generated html.
After each reordering, I also need to re-render the collection #maps since the position is being printed out next to the name of each interest (I'm using it as the "handle" specified in my call to sortable_element() above) - though this should be trivial.
Any thoughts?
I typically create a sort action in my controller that looks like this:
def sort
order = params[:my_ordered_set]
render :nothing => true
Don't forget to add a route:
map.resources :my_model, :collection => { :sort => :put }
Now, on MyModel I add a class method that updates all of the sorted records with one query (this only works in mysql, I think..):
def self.order(ids)
['ordinal = FIND_IN_SET(id, ?)', ids.join(',')],
{ :id => ids }
The single query method comes from Henrik Nyh.
