Universal app - how to? - ios

I'm using Xcode 4.2 and in the process of writing a universal app. I selected SingleView Application template when starting with a new project. XCode added ViewController1.h, ViewController1.m, ViewController1_iphone.xib and ViewController1_iPad.xib. I need to add more UIs and clicked on the File...New...New File and selected UIViewController subClass template and seeing two checkboxes (Targeted for iPad, With Xib for User Interface).
What should I do here to support both iPad and iPhone while at the same time have a common .h and .m files that share the same code. Do I need to add code to check whether it is a iPad or iPhone by doing this in my view controllers?
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
} else {
Also, I have seen people talking about ~iPad and ~iPhone. What is this all about?
If I understand correctly, do I have to design the UI separately both for iPad and iPhone due to different screen sizes?
I'm totally confused here.
Please help.

You can either add two nibs (one for ipad and one for iphone), or you can add one nib that will properly scale for either interface. Normally you'd add two nibs if you're making a view that will cover all or most of the screen, and you'd add one nib if you're making something small that will, perhaps, be fullscreen on iphone but displayed in a popover on ipad.
The tilde suffixes ~ipad and ~iphone are described under the heading “iOS Supports Device-Specific Resources” in the Resource Programming Guide. Notice that the suffixes are entirely lower-case, not camel-case as you wrote in your question. This matters because iOS uses a case-sensitive filesystem.
When you get a path for a resource using an NSBundle message like -[NSBundle pathForResource:ofType:] or -[NSBundle URLForResource:withExtension:], iOS will first look for the resource file with a suffix of ~ipad or ~iphone, depending on the current device. For example, suppose you do this:
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"setup" ofType:#"plist"];
If you run this on an iPhone-type device (including an iPod touch), or on the simulator in iPhone mode, iOS will first look in your app bundle for a file named setup~iphone.plist. If it finds such a file, it will return the path of that file. If it doesn't find that file, it will instead return the path to setup.plist.
If you this on an iPad-type device, or on the simulator in iPad mode, iOS will first look in your app bundle for a file named setup~ipad.plist. If it finds such a file, it will return the path of that file. If it doesn't find that file, it will instead return the path to setup.plist.
All of the other APIs that get resources from bundles are built on top of NSBundle, so they all benefit from this device-specific lookup. That means if you use +[UIImage imageNamed:], it will automatically use a device-specific image, if you have one in your bundle. And if you use -[NSBundle loadNibNamed:owner:options:], it will automatically load a device-specific nib (.xib) file, if you have one in your bundle.
This simplifies your code, if you use the suffixes. If you create MyViewController~ipad.xib and MyViewController~iphone.xib, your app will automatically load the correct one for the current device. You don't have to check the user interface idiom; NSBundle checks it for you. (You could also use the names MyViewController~ipad.xib and MyViewController.xib and get the same effect.)
Now, you may have noticed that when you created your “universal” project, Xcode gave your project files named ViewController1_iPhone.xib and ViewController1_iPad.xib, which do not use the tilde suffixes, and it included code to look at the user interface idiom and choose a filename accordingly. Why does the universal project template do this? I don't know, but it is stupid. I suggest you fix the filenames to use the tilde suffixes and rip out the code that checks the user interface idiom.

I would recommend moving your .xib files to Storyboards, one for iPhone and one for iPad. They put a lot of joy back into development and are easy to learn.
Then, assign your custom class to your view controllers and link your UI elements to your code. If you do this for both storyboards, then they can both share the same code by referencing a common .h/.m file.
In the project settings, you then assign the appropriate storyboards to the iPhone/iPad deployment info once the app has been configured for universal development.

It's more or less up to you how you choose to implement things and structure things, but I tend to work with the following idea :
Ignore the 'Target for iPad' and 'With Xib' options (unless not using storyboards. See later)
Create a parent view controller that holds all shared code. E.G. MainViewController
Create 2 subclasses of this for both iPad and iPhone. E.G. MainViewController_iPhone and MainViewController_iPad (you could use MainViewController~iPhone which you mentioned. Simply a matter of naming preference here)
Any code that you want shared between iPhone and iPad, stick in the MainViewController parent class, and anything specific to each device place in the appropriate subclass
Generally you shouldn't really need to test if you're running on an iPhone or iPad. That's not to say that it's wrong and you shouldn't do it, but by separating the classes like this, you shouldn't really need to. But what I like to do is check what device I'm running on when I handle what orientations the device can handle, and put this in the shared parent view controller.
As for your UI, you've got 3 options.
- Use storyboards (I'd recommend this)
- Use separate XIB files
- Code everything manually
Depending on how much you now about iOS, coding everything manually can be more efficient, but will most likely take you longer. Using interface builder is nice and simple, although any customisations you want to make you'll still need to do in code but that's fine.
I'd suggest using storyboards so that you don't have loads of different XIB files. It also simplifies the split between iPhones and iPads, as you simply have 2 files for your interface. One will have all of your screens for the iPhone, and one will have all the screens for the iPad. iOS will automatically load the right storyboard at startup so you don't have to do anything. Then, to get your view controller and view, you can do something like :
MainViewController *vc = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"MainViewControllerIdentifier"];
Note that the identifier is specified inside the storyboard.
Hopefully this helps slightly, but if you have more questions just fire away :)

Here is what you want:
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"ViewController1_iphone" bundle:nil];
else if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"ViewController1_ipad" bundle:nil];

If you name your nib files MyNib.xib and MyNib~ipad.xib, the required nib will be automatically loaded, depending on the device your app is running on. However, it is not always necessary to create different nibs. If you don't require much customization, and it can be solved with the autoresizingMasks or you are setting some frames programmatically, it can be solved with only one nib. If you check the "targeted for ipad" part, your view in the nib will be larger, and the grouped tables look a little differently, but I don't know of any other difference in the outcome.
Hope this helps!


How to change the Storyboard entry point for varying size classes

I have an iPhone application (using a Storyboard) and want to add a iPad version. The iPad version should have a different entry point since the it has a different hierarchy and workflow.
Is it possible to change the storyboard entry point for different size classes? Or would it be better to use a separate Storyboard for the iPad version in this case?
In your case, you can define a different xib for only the Initial ViewController and in the code, you can check the device type in the - application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, you can use
[[InitialViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"YourNibNameAccordingToScreen" bundle:nil];
After this, as you mentioned in the comments, your other screens are adaptive to different screen sizes.So, this approach would solve your problem.

Some time App take iphone XIB to load controller

I am creating an application using Apple's new swift language.
Application is universal, so that I created XIB with '~' operator. Like "MyView~iphone.xib" and MyView~ipad.xib" . But sometimes, even when my application is running in iPad it loads iPhone nib.
I have tried lots of option but still facing the same issue.
People may think this never happens but I am facing this issue.
It would be better to see the code but i guess your solution is like this
BOOL isPad = (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad);
UIViewController *myViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:isPad?#"MyView~ipad.xib":#"MyView~iphone.xib" bundle:nil];
Hey try using size classes in Interface Builder and you won't need different xibs for both iPhone and iPad. You can take advantage of size classes and setting constraints in storyboard for each of the size class. I recommend you watching WWDC 2014: Session 216.
I have had an issue like this objective C but that was way back in iOS 6, I don't know whether this could fix your issue but
Try renaming the files as
MyView~iphone.xib for iPhone
MyView.xib for iPad
Instead of
I would advise you to use Size classes since it is future proof.

Base Internalization without storyboard in XCode 5.0

I prefer not to work with Storyboard, so my projects start from an empty project, then in the appDelegate I write code like this:
MyViewController *VC = [[MyViewController alloc]init];
self.window.rootViewController = VC;
This intro just to tell you that if I try to activate Base Internationalization and I load the controller in that way I obtain just an empty controller. The xib seems not to be loaded.
Let's say that I want just to setup my project to be multi-language in the next future. So I don't add further languages, I keep only English.
These are the steps that I do to activate the Base Internat.
Selecting the xib file and pushing "Localize"
Localize it for the only Language available, English
From "Project" -> tab "info" I select "Use base Internationalization", selecting the only xib available.
Back to the xib, I activate the localizable string for English language (at the moment in the "Localization Box" of the xib I see "base" and "english". Eventually I add a Label to the xib.. just to be sure that the strings file will be created correctly.
Now, if I launch the App.... the xib isn't correctly loaded!
I hate this situation because it would be great to have this project setup for future translations... but it seems to work only if I work with a Storyboard.
Do you have some suggestions or have you experienced something similar with your projects?

Naming Convention For Images in XCode 5

i am using XCode 5 when i am naming the images like that :
Xib is getting the image
but when i am using this Convention
although tha naming convention is
xib is not picking the images in that case.
Dont Know Why?
Migrate to use the assets catalogue. You just drag your images into the image wells and interface builder picks them up.
If the catalogue doesn't show the iPad iphone specific wells, open up the properties right side bar and tick the appropriate boxes.
assets catalogue
This is happening since you are using XIB.
When used with XIB, for images to be used on iPhone one must use the convention "image~iphone" and for iPad you have to use "image~ipad". #2x is automatically appended based on which version (retina/non-retina) of the image is needed. That's why the first convention works for you.
In case of getting images from the code, e.g. if you have following versions of the "image"-
You just call-
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image"]
In this case, the second convention that you mentioned works- as detailed in the Apple doc-
So, nothing really wrong here as I see. For XIBs, the first convention is correct. For using with code, second convention is correct.

renaming .xib file in Xcode 4.3.3 is this the right way?

I wanted to rename the files .h, .m. .xib into my own name.
I have created a tabbed application, and I did single click on the source browser, and changed
FirstViewController.h to FVC.h
FirstViewController.m to FVC.m
and changed respective places to include FVC.h.
It works for me. But what i would like to know is that is this the right approach that i can go ahead with?.. will there be any hidden issues with this approach?
The only "gotcha" is that if you are using the nibName in your code (ie initWithNibName:), you obviously need to change that too. I personally have gotten bit with that problem - the app launches then crashes when it tries to push that broken object.
