Using jQuery selectable within an iFrame - jquery-ui

Im developing an HTML generator using jQuery through a drag & drop interface. Currently the user drags "block" elements onto an invisible div overlaying an iFrame (so that it appears to be dropping onto the iframe). When the element is dropped on this invisible div, the corresponding HTML is appended to the iFrame body.
Next, i want to give the user the ability to select an element in the iFrame, and change the properties of the selected element.
I have appended CSS imports and the jQuery/jQueryUI scripts into the iFrame head.
The issue I am facing is when the appended iFrame element is clicked, the jQuery select lasso only appears when the mouse leaves the iFrame, and on it appears outside of the iframe.
The reason I am using the iFrame is so when the code is "generated" for the user, i can just append the iFrame body content to a dialog box.
Has anyone faced issues with the iFrame and jQuery before? and is there any documentation/javaScript library that can assist me in this process?

The "fix" around this issue is convoluted, but works in my situation.
I created a click event on each added element in the iframe like so:
$('iframe').contents().find('.elem'+blockVal).on('click', function(){
//alert('you have selected the block with class element'+ blockVal);
blockVal is a variable passed in from the function that appends the html to the iframe. The above function just adds a click listener to each element appended to the iframe. When any of the elements are clicked, they are given a class of 'selected', and any other element that already has that class, loses it.
Im sorry if that doesn't make any sense.
My advice to anyone doing something similar: Don't use an iframe.


jquery mobile + knockout hide issue

I am stuck on this, I am trying to unhide / hide jquery mobile flip switches using knockout. When knockout action is applied the jquery mobile controls stopped working. Could you please help me on this
here is the code
return target;
and jsFiddle where the third control would hide if female selected but when male selected again the control disabled and not working
When inspecting the rendered DOM of the following element:
<div data-bind="if: isMale">...</div>
you can see that after the radio button is changed to female, then the entire rendered HTML of that DIV is removed. Then, when switching back to the male, the content of that DIV is rendered back, but is this means that events are still attached to those slider HTML elements? I'm not sure how the way jQuery mobile attached the events, but it seems to me that this is the problem, cause you are clicking on the slider, but no action is taken. You can workaround this by recreating the Slider again:
Eventually this can be a bug in jQuery mobile. Sorry for suggesting this as an answer, but I don't have enough points, just to comment on your question.

Blank page on back-button (jQuery Mobile)

I have the following problem: When I use either the jQuery Mobile back-button or the changePage function of jQuery Mobile to return to the previous page it doesn't show any data on the page. All javascript gets executed but page remains empty..
Any ideas?
This was a problem I faced when I was removing pages from the DOM via javascript to prevent the first page from sticking into the DOM. All it would show was a blank page when clicking the back button.
Are you removing previous pages from the DOM in your javascript?
And when you say the page "remains empty", is it just the data within the content tags, or is nothing appearing on the page at all (including jquery mobile enhancement markup)?
You should post your changePage function here so that I and others can help you out.

jQuery mobile is messing with my links

I'm using using jQuery mobile. Testing my web page on iPhone.
Here is the issue:
I am on and I have an anchor on that page that points to
href="", I'm navigated to
If I remove jQuery mobile js file, everything works as expected. So it looks like jQuery mobile is intercepting my 'tap' event and modifies url to the link. Weird. Why is it doing that?
Looks like this is done on purpose to help you with animated page transitions and such.
I can turn it off by adding this attribute to the anchor data-ajax="false"

is it possible to use jQuery Mobile Forms in my webpage

I love the way jquery mobile renders a form, is it possible to embedded a jquery-mobile-form in a table, div or any container in my webpage?, to be clear: I have a html5 webpage anf the layout is done by divs and css, is it possible to include a jquery-mobile-form in one of the divs.
I have been tried to do that but jquery-mobile-form always takes the 100% of the page, I want to use the form in an specific high/with div container, is that possible?
Yes, you can adjust the size of this forms like any other div elements.
Just wrap the form in a block element and apply the css "width"-attribute on it.
I created a Fiddle for that:
adjust jQueryMobile form size fiddle

jQuery UI dialog box appears at top of page while page is loading

I have a jQuery dialog box on my website. I give a div on the page the "dialog" id it's contents become the contents of the dialog box. However, when the page is loading, this div appears at the top of the page and looks bad. Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Just hide your div via your CSS file:
#dialog {display: none}
This will not affect its actual display when the dialog is opened.
I tested to be sure, and this method worked with jQuery UI 1.7.2
Assuming that the dialog is changing the 'display' style [eg using .show() and .hide()] then all jQueryUI is doing is setting the display style. thus, you can set the div with the display:none by default, and that way it won't show when you load.
