is it possible to use jQuery Mobile Forms in my webpage - jquery-mobile

I love the way jquery mobile renders a form, is it possible to embedded a jquery-mobile-form in a table, div or any container in my webpage?, to be clear: I have a html5 webpage anf the layout is done by divs and css, is it possible to include a jquery-mobile-form in one of the divs.
I have been tried to do that but jquery-mobile-form always takes the 100% of the page, I want to use the form in an specific high/with div container, is that possible?

Yes, you can adjust the size of this forms like any other div elements.
Just wrap the form in a block element and apply the css "width"-attribute on it.
I created a Fiddle for that:
adjust jQueryMobile form size fiddle


jQuery UI & Content Editable in Modal dialogs

Are there any issues surrounding the use of contenteditable div elements in jQuery UI that lead to the caret not appearing. Here is a bit of code to show what I mean
<div id='diaHTMLEd' style='display:none'>
<div id='divRTE'></div>
<!--iframe src='xrte.html' height='300' width='500'></iframe-->
function openHTMLEditor( {
function addRTE() {
$('#divRTE').html("<div contenteditable='true'>Testing</div>");
Explanation - I am opening up a modal jqUI dialog and in its :open event am adding a contenteditable div element to an inner div in the dialog. The text shows up but it does not become editable when clicked. If I replace that code and use the commented out iframe instead which contains an contenteditable drive everything works just fine.
It looks like there is something that stops content from becoming editable inside the dialog.
This question may be lacking in some detail but given the complexity of my application I am not really in a position to provide more representative code. Any help would be much appreciated.
A note for anyone running into this thread. After much work I eventually discovered the issue. Using contenteditable with jQuery UI dialogs is not by itself a problem. The problem in my case came down to some sort of conflict with the excellent jstree plugin which I am using.
As a general rule - in complex applications that use multiple plugins you are probably better off sandboxing contenteditable content inside an iframe

jQuery mobile 1.2: Override opacity of .ui-disabled

i am trying to override the opacity of ui-disabled in my app to have a not focusable textfield with white text that i can change per js (<disabled="true">).
i don't know if it will work on all browsers with the opacity set to 1
or how to use the suggestion on this page exactly (on mobileinit or as a css-file and how about the semantics):
You can override jQuery Mobile's CSS with your own. Include a stylesheet after jqm's in your html, or use a style=... attribute on your html tag — either will override the default. Hence the Cascading in Cascading Style Sheets.
I highly recommend using the developer tools built into most browsers. In Chrome, for example, right-click anything in a web page and select Inspect Element. It will show you the computed CSS for the element, including which styles came from which CSS file, which were overridden by other stylesheets, etc. You can even edit the styles in the tool and see what changes would look like.
Here you can see the stylesheet f.css overrides several properties from the jqm stylesheet, which sets them in several places and overrides itself with various classes:

Using jQuery selectable within an iFrame

Im developing an HTML generator using jQuery through a drag & drop interface. Currently the user drags "block" elements onto an invisible div overlaying an iFrame (so that it appears to be dropping onto the iframe). When the element is dropped on this invisible div, the corresponding HTML is appended to the iFrame body.
Next, i want to give the user the ability to select an element in the iFrame, and change the properties of the selected element.
I have appended CSS imports and the jQuery/jQueryUI scripts into the iFrame head.
The issue I am facing is when the appended iFrame element is clicked, the jQuery select lasso only appears when the mouse leaves the iFrame, and on it appears outside of the iframe.
The reason I am using the iFrame is so when the code is "generated" for the user, i can just append the iFrame body content to a dialog box.
Has anyone faced issues with the iFrame and jQuery before? and is there any documentation/javaScript library that can assist me in this process?
The "fix" around this issue is convoluted, but works in my situation.
I created a click event on each added element in the iframe like so:
$('iframe').contents().find('.elem'+blockVal).on('click', function(){
//alert('you have selected the block with class element'+ blockVal);
blockVal is a variable passed in from the function that appends the html to the iframe. The above function just adds a click listener to each element appended to the iframe. When any of the elements are clicked, they are given a class of 'selected', and any other element that already has that class, loses it.
Im sorry if that doesn't make any sense.
My advice to anyone doing something similar: Don't use an iframe.

Jquery UI Resizable with helper adds positioning in firefox

I'm using jquery UI to resize a div vertically(I.E. using the n handle). I'm using a helper so it only resizes after the user stops dragging. After a resize is done I call a function which sets dimensions on surrounding elements so they all fit within a container.
This works in both chrome and IE, but in firefox a css property of top is added which blows the div out of the container.
I've tried removing the top value after the fact, which works, but this is kind of a hack and also causes the div to 'jump'.
Is this a bug? Is there a workaround using jquery css html, etc?
To see what I mean check this fiddle and resize the element, if you inspect it in firefox there will a top css property but not in chrome.
In my opinion it is a bug.
Workaround: if you add a top: 0; to the css rule for #resizable IE, chrome and firefox have the same behavior. Also see the updated example.
=== UPDATE ===
It's a firefox bug. I walked from the jQuery UI resizable method code until the css method of jQuery (main) code to find an answer. At the end of my search I could found that firefox returns for css top value auto for not/static positioned elements, but returns 0px if relative position is set; in both cases top is not defined (they could be set to auto with no difference - it's the default value).
Also see this example.
In the resizable method this result makes the difference (jQuery UI sets the relative position to the DOM element by adding a class). If the bug (which I have reported to mozilla) will be fixed, the behavior of your example in the firefox should be the same as in chrome.
I'll report here if there is something new...
=== UPDATE ===
Now I have a workaround for you:
for the special situation you described set the css position of your resizable element manually to static.
Add to your stylesheets:
#resizable { position: static; }
Also see your updated example.

jQuery UI dialog box appears at top of page while page is loading

I have a jQuery dialog box on my website. I give a div on the page the "dialog" id it's contents become the contents of the dialog box. However, when the page is loading, this div appears at the top of the page and looks bad. Does anyone know how to deal with this?
Just hide your div via your CSS file:
#dialog {display: none}
This will not affect its actual display when the dialog is opened.
I tested to be sure, and this method worked with jQuery UI 1.7.2
Assuming that the dialog is changing the 'display' style [eg using .show() and .hide()] then all jQueryUI is doing is setting the display style. thus, you can set the div with the display:none by default, and that way it won't show when you load.
