I have an app in which I can chat with my Facebook friends.
Now I want to send a photo to my friend in chat just like the Facebook iOS app
How can I do this??
Right now public Facebook Chat API doesn't support files attachments.
But, you can implement it yourself, for example follow this way:
Upload image you want to send to any public server. For example look at QuickBlox Content code sample . You can upload image to it server and get public url. It's free.
Send to opponent link to this image
Opponent just show this image using link
thats all, hope this help
want to develop an application which will have some custom images and user can send it to anyone's inbox on messenger and instagram etc. Additionally i want to post whatsapp whatsapp status or instagram , messenger story from my application
is it possible is yes recommend me some articles or tutorial thanks in advance
No you cant post the status or story from your app. For messenger story you need to check https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios
you can't update whatsapp status from your app
When we install whatsapp in android, then the contacts in address book are automatically synced with whatsapp contacts and the logo of whatsapp shows in front of them. So when we open that contact and click on whatsapp contact directly from there and we are sent back to whatsapp.
The same functionality I need in iPhone with my app. See thye attached screenshot.
If we click on that bubble then we will be sent back to new message page. The same way I want my icon with that contact and it should open my app. How to do this?
I want to do it by code (my app) itself.
If you have any idea or know any documentation then please share.
Thanks in advance.
I am working on my first IOS app which will be displayed in a public place where a user can draw an image and send this image to an email adres. I don't want to use Mail for this and the image also can not be stored on the iPad.
Therefore, i use Parse.com to store the image including name and email adres.
Now, i need to make a simple interface to send all the emails to the correct email adres including the image. We would like to check the image an email adres before sending. So i was thinking of showing some sort of tabel, with the image, name and emailadres and a send or delete button. So with a quick click we can send the image.
Now I don't know where to start!
What is the most easy way to do this? Making a second IOS app where all the images will be shown and can send/delete from? Using Mailgun and Cloud Code?
Or true a web-base interface? Using PHP?
I am all very new to this, so please help me.
Parse integrates with mail services like Mandrill so you can send e-mails from there using cloud code.
You need to have some users in the system, or some store of user details at least, then you can upload the images. Look at using a class for images, where the class just has a single PFFile and a relationship to a user.
Now, in your app you can display images and the associated user info. When hitting the 'send' button you would call a cloud function with the image objectId. The cloud code can use that to find the image, it can use Parse.Cloud.httpRequest to get the data for the image from the PFFile. Once you have that you can create your e-mail and send it.
I have seen many questions related to my question and also got answer that there is no public api to share image to instagram within app. but my problem is that if i am opening instagram app from my app then there is no way to return back to my app and i also want to get username of logged in user before sharing image to instagram but can't get because as per my knowledge can't transfer data from one aap to another.
I am using the new 3.1 Facebook SDK for iphone. I would like a user of my app to be able to choose a photo from his iphone and upload it to a Facebook page's album(this user is not an admin of this page).
if this is not possible i would like the user to be able to post a picture to the album feed.
also, which permissions i need to ask the user to do this?
There is currently a bug in the Facebook api which has yet to be fixed for at least the last year, that when you try to upload a photo to a page, it uploads it to the users stream.
I have been following this bug report for a long time, and does not seem like Facebook is going to do anything about it. this is the current answer for the question. will update if anything changes.