CarrierWave folder structure best practices - ruby-on-rails

I have been searching through this site but can't seem to find the best way to structure folders/files for image and file uploads. I am deploying a Ruby on Rails website using:
CarrierWave (uploads)
Capistrano (deployment)
Amazon S3 (storage)
Capistrano (deployment)
The site allows users to setup profiles where they will upload images. I'd like to use a folder structure that scales well to thousands (or tens of thousands) of users uploading multiple images.
Currently I'm using the default CarrierWave directory structure:
def store_dir
But I'm thinking it is better to perhaps include the user_id in the folder name? Is it better to move this folder outside of the public/uploads folder? Shouldn't I used different folders for the dev, production and testing environments? I'd like to override the store_dir in the best way for a site with thousands of users uploading around 15 files per profile (stored as full size, profile and thumbnail sizes).

The normal folder structure should support hat very well, the main thing is to avoid collisions and make sure that association you use for images across your site is consistent. For these reasons you would not want to just store all of your images in one folder obviously.
But I'm thinking it is better to perhaps include the user_id in the folder name?
I would not recommend this, it may cause more problems than its worth. Using the models class, and id as you are doing should be plenty sufficient and also the uploader may have problems mapping the image for example when a user who is not the uploader tries to view the image.
Is it better to move this folder outside of the public/uploads folder?
Since you are using Amazon S3 your images are not actually stored in public/uploads of your project if that is where you are referring to. That should only be the temporary files that Carrierwave uses to while uploading/resizing the files. If you are worried about space/security you may want to take a look at this and adapt it to your needs if necessary.
Shouldn't I used different folders for the dev, production and testing environments?
You can use different folders if you like:
def store_dir
Or use different buckets on Amazon S3 (recommended):
In config/initializers/fog.rb something like:
CarrierWave.configure do |config| = :fog
config.fog_credentials = {
:provider => <provider>,
:aws_access_key_id => <id>,
:aws_secret_access_key => <key>
if Rails.env == "production"
config.fog_directory = 'production'
elsif Rails.env == "development"
config.fog_directory = 'development'
elsif ...
config.fog_directory = '...'
Or you could do something similar in the separate environment files.
I'd like to override the store_dir in the best way for a site with thousands of users uploading around 15 files per profile (stored as full size, profile and thumbnail sizes).
This storage dir structure should work just fine, as far as resizing you should check out the guide.
For the file name I would definitely recommend changing it to a random string so that you can avoid any potential naming collisions within the folder itself. It is not unlikely that someone could upload me.jpg for 2 different files. That being said this is how I do it.
Within your_uploader.rb
add a filename method that will randomize the current files name.
def filename
random_token = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest("#{}--#{}").first(20)
ivar = "##{mounted_as}_secure_token"
token = model.instance_variable_get(ivar)
token ||= model.instance_variable_set(ivar, random_token)
"#{token}.jpg" if original_filename
This particular arrangement may be a bit overkill but it proves sufficient for me.
Hope this helps!


How do you set a file to be uploaded to a specific folder when using Cloudinary and Active Storage?

I understand how this can be down when uploading directly to Cloudinary using the below syntax and passing the folder name as an argument.
Cloudinary::Uploader.upload("sample.jpg", :use_filename => true, :folder => "folder1/folder2")
However, I am using ActiveStorage, and when I upload a photo in the above manner it isn't attached to my Post model or associated in any way with my app.
I am using the following code to attach images
post.send(:images).attach io:, filename: blob.filename.to_s,
content_type: 'image'
It does not accept an argument to specify the folder. I have tried my best to read both ActiveStorage and Cloudinary docs in an attempt to find a way to make this work, however, I cannot seem to figure it out.
I have seen that setting a custom folder header may be a way to get this to work, but again cannot figure out how to set a custom header for the above code which takes place in the below job.
require 'tmpdir'
require 'fileutils'
require 'open-uri'
class ResizeImagesJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(post)
post.images.each do |image|
blob = image.blob do |temp_file|
path = temp_file.path
pipeline = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.source(path)
.resize_to_limit(1200, 1200)
.call(destination: path)
new_data = File.binread(path)
post.send(:images).attach io:, filename: blob.filename.to_s,
content_type: 'image'
What the above job is doing is waiting until after a post is created and then resizing and reattaching the photos to the post well deleting the originals. I am taking this approach to avoid integrity errors that take place resizing a post directly on Cloudinary after upload.
What I want to do is store the resized photos in a different folder. The reason for this is that I am using direct_upload and it is possible for users to upload photos without ever creating a post. Thus causing me to store unused, photos. This would provide an easy way to identify and deal with such images.
For folder names based on Rails environment
You can dynamically set your folder on storage.yml:
service: Cloudinary
folder: <%= Rails.env %>
And so Cloudinary will automatically create folders based on your Rails env:
This is a long due issue with Active Storage that seems to have been worked around by the Cloudinary team. Thanks for the amazing work ❤️
By default, Cloudinary Active Storage service uploads to the root of the Cloudinary account. If you would like to upload files to a different base folder then you can configure that in the storage.yml file. To do that, you would add the folder option and set it to the folder in which you would like the Cloudinary service to upload the resources to -
service: Cloudinary
folder: my_gallery_images
If what you're looking for is not a base folder, but rather to dynamically change the folder for uploaded files per-upload, then, in short, that isn't supported. The Cloudinary Active Storage service is implemented similar to other Storage providers, such as Azure Storage, Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3. As a Storage service, its main function is to store files on the integrated service, but Active Storage is not able to support many custom upload flows, such as dynamic changing of the Storage path (folder) per upload. This functionality is supported on Cloudinary itself, but due to the constraint with how standard Active Storage services are integrated, it means it's currently not supported through Active Storage.
However, the developers working on Rails/Active Storage have a planned update in the upcoming versions to support defining multiple Active Storage adapters for the same service. This would allow you to configure multiple Cloudinary configurations in the storage.yml file which can then be configured per attachment. There is a Pull request that was merged to support this -
Using the above changes, we can do something like this -
In storage.yml
service: Cloudinary
folder: profiles
service: Cloudinary
folder: images
Then you can do this (where different attachments can reference different adapters) -
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :profile, service: :cloudinary_profiles
has_many_attached :images, service: :cloudinary_images
If you need a single attachment to upload to different folders (or apply different upload parameters/configurations) dynamically, then Active Storage, in general, won't be applicable for this use-case due to the constraints that Active Storage services have based on their standard implementation. You can use the Cloudinary Ruby SDK without Active Storage for a lot more fine-grained control based on your use-case.
I just tested this and it works. You can write some ruby code in your storage.yml file to tell Cloudinary to host your files in a different pre-defined folder, and different for production and development environments:
<% if Rails.env == "development" %>
<% test = "test-dev" %>
<% else %>
<% test = "test-prod" %>
<% end %>
service: Cloudinary
folder: <%= test %>
I hope this helps!

Retrieving images from AWS S3 bucket

I'm building a fairly basic Ruby on Rails app, I'll be using about 2000 images, and this is my first real dive into aws/s3. The app won't have any user interaction, so I'm not sure if it's better to have all of the images on the app, and then upload them to my bucket, or add them to my bucket manually, and then download them to the app from there. The AWS documentation is a bit all over the place.
I currently have carrierwave installed and not sure what the next steps should be, or how to retrieve images from S3 into rails. I'll be using Heroku as well, but I've already set up the config with my AWS credentials.
class PhotoUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
storage :fog
def store_dir
def content_type_whitelist
CarrierWave.configure do |config|
config.fog_provider = 'fog/aws'
config.fog_credentials = {
provider: "AWS",
aws_access_key_id: ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"],
aws_secret_access_key: ENV["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]
config.fog_directory = ENV["S3_BUCKET"]
First step is to integrate image uploading and you can utilize a number of libraries to make this happen.
You want to grab dotenv-rails gem so you can securely manage the credentials you will need from AWS S3. This is a dedicated resource for production ready RoR app.
The next gem you want is the carrierwave-aws and the carrierwave gem that will manage everything and so that's three gems thus far. Fourth and final gem is mini_magick which is a requirement in order to use the methods available by carrierwave.
Second step is to sign up to an AWS account to use the S3 bucket. You cannot have the images on the app because if you do, you will not be able to deploy to Heroku with the images. Heroku will get rid of them.
Once you've installed these gems, you run a bundle install and then build out the basic functionality.
Here is some documentation on carrierwave:
The documentation in the above link will walk you through how to properly install carrierwave.
So you will do something like:
rails generate uploader Photo
In your photo_uploader.rb file, you want to uncomment this code:
def extension_whitelist
%w(jpg jpeg gif png)
You want this uncommented to serve as a validator of the type of files you can upload. So if its not a jpg jpeg gif png RoR will throw an error. This whitelist is handy so I strongly recommend it.
Next, you have to set up your mapping between your uploader and the database.
So, fast forwarding to the part where you need to connect AWS to your app. This is where your dotenv-rails gem comes in. By the way, all these gems can be found in
In the root of your folder, you are going to create a file called .env.
In the .env file you are going to add these:
Never push the AWS keys to any codebase versioning tool like Github.
You want to go into your .gitignore file and ensure the .env file is included. This way git will not track that file.
To get your AWS credentials, go to your name in the AWS console and click on it and you will see a dropdown with
my security credentials
as an option.
Next, create your bucket.
To test successful integrating with your RoR app, go to rails console and run this command:
If you get an error at this stage, you may need to go to config/application.rb and add:
require "dotenv-rails"
Once having done that, go back into rails c and run ENV.fetch('S3_BUCKET_NAME') again and you should be goood to go if you followed the steps correctly.
You should have an initializers folder and in there you are going to create carrierwave.rb file.
Inside of that file you are going to paste all the code thats under the Usage section of this documentation:
Go back to your photo_uploader.rb file and change storage :file to storage :aws.
Home stretch here, go back to carrierwave.rb file and there is one line of code you need to completely remove from what you copy and pasted from the above link and it is this line here:
config.asset_host = "
Now you can start up your rails server and instead of pointing to your local file system it should now be pointing to your bucket.
You need to upload these all images using application, after install carrierwave and fog-aws then you need to create model controller and form for uploading images.
OK, currently you have confused how to show image after uploaded, Right?
The simple is if image uploaded properly then the imagine the table is images and model is Image and column is picture because you have did not provided those names.
class ImagesController < ApplicationController
def index
#images = Image.all
<% #images.each do |image| %>
<%= image_tag image.picture.url %>
<% end %>
This not to promote a product
If you need to see a sample with source code then this is the BitBucket repository and this is the live Heroku app and Stripe test card number a CVC code must be provided type anything like 232 etc.

How can I migrate CarrierWave files to a new storage mechanism?

I have a Ruby on Rails site with models using CarrierWave for file handling, currently using local storage. I want to start using cloud storage and I need to migrate existing local files to the cloud. I am wondering if anyone can point out a method for doing this?
Bonus points for using a model attribute that would allow me to do this row-by-row in the background without interrupting my site for extended downtime (in other words, some model rows would still have local storage while others used cloud storage).
My first instinct is to create a new uploader for each model that uses cloud storage, so I have two uploaders on each model, then transferring the files from one to the other, setting an attribute to indicate which file should be used until they are all transferred, then removing the old uploader. That seems a little excessive.
Minimal to Possibly Zero Donwtime Procedure
In my opinion, the easiest and fastest way to accomplish what you want with almost no downtime is this: (I will assume that you will use AWS cloud, but similar procedure is applicable to any cloud service)
Figure out and setup your assets bucket, bucket policies etc for making the assets publicly accessible.
Using s3cmd (command line tool for interacting with S3) or a GUI app, copy entire assets folder from file system to the appropriate folder in S3.
In your app, setup carrierwave and update your models/uploaders for :fog storage.
Do not restart your application yet. Instead bring up rails console and for your models, check that the new assets URL is correct and accessible as planned. For example, for a video model with picture asset, you can check this way:
This will give you a full cloud URL based on the updated settings. Copy the URL and paste in a browser to make sure that you can get to it fine.
If this works for at least one instance of each model that has assets, you are good to restart your application.
Upon restart, all your assets are being served from cloud, and you didn't need any migrations or multiple uploaders in your models.
(Based on comment by #Frederick Cheung): Using s3cmd (or something similar) rsync or sync the assets folder from the filesystem to S3 to account for assets that were uploaded between steps 2 and 5, if any.
PS: If you need help setting up carrierwave for cloud storage, let me know.
I'd try the following steps:
Change the storage in the uploaders to :fog or what ever you want to use
Write a migration like rails g migration MigrateFiles to let carrierwave get the current files, process them and upload them to the cloud.
If your model looks like this:
class Video
mount_uploader :attachment, VideoUploader
The migration would look like this:
#videos = Video.all
#videos.each do |video|
video.remote_attachment_url = video.attachment_url
If you execute this migration the following should happen:
Carrierwave downloads each image because you specified a remote url for the attachment(the current location, like and saves it to the cloud because you changed that in the uploader.
Since San pointed out this will not work directly you should maybe create an extra column first, run a migration to copy the current attachment_urls from all the videos into that column, change the uploader after that and run the above migration using the copied urls in that new column. With another migration just delete the column again. Not that clean and easy but done in some minutes.
When we use Heroku, most of people suggest to use cloudinary. Free and simple setup.
My case is when we use cloudinary service and need move into aws S3 for some reasons.
This is what i did with the uploader:
class AvatarUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
def self.set_storage
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
include Cloudinary::CarrierWave
storage set_storage
also, setup the rake task:
task :migrate_cloudinary_to_aws do
profile_image_old_url = []
Profile.where("picture IS NOT NULL").each do |profile_image|
profile_image_old_url << profile_image
Profile.where("picture IS NOT NULL OR cover IS NOT NULL").each do |profile_image|
old_profile_image = profile_image_old_url.detect { |image| == }
profile_image.remote_picture_url = old_profile_image.picture.url
The trick is how to change the uploader provider by env variable. Good luck!
I have migrated the Carrier wave files to Amazon s3 with s3cmd and it works.
Here are the steps to follow:
Change the storage kind of the uploader to fog.
Create a bucket on Amazon s3 if you already dont have one.
Install s3cmd on the remote server sudo apt-get install s3cmd
Configure s3cmd s3cmd --configure.
You would need to enter public and secret key here, provided by Amazon.
Sync the files by this command s3cmd sync /path_to_your_files ://bucket_name/
Set this flag --acl-public to upload the file as public and avoid permission issues.
Restart your server
sync will not duplicate your records. It will first check if the file is present on remote server or not.

Where do you store uploaded user images

I am not yet using a service such as Amazon S3, so where in the file structure should I store uploaded user images? I want to avoid the public directory as the images are private.
Are you using a plugin to handle your uploads? Many of them allow you to specify a path to store files, if you want to avoid the public folder a reasonable suggestion would be "#{RAILS_ROOT}/uploads/images/"
It's very much a matter of personal taste though.
For example in a carrierwave uploader this will place items in an uploads folder below RAILS_ROOT which is not publicly accessible.
def store_dir

file paths will not update after file upload in rails production environment

I have a rails application which will upload image with the name as same as the book id to assets/books_icon when the user creates a book.
# upload_image when create/update book
def upload_icon(uploaded_io)
photo_directory = "app/assets/images/"
# only when user upload the iphoto
if uploaded_io.present?
# upload to the exact location with category_id
extension = File.extname(uploaded_io.original_filename)
photo_location = 'books_image/'+ + extension
# open in binary mode
photo_full_location = photo_directory + photo_location, 'wb') do |file|
# only have to state which is the directory,
# image_tag will use assets piepline which will add 'assets/images/' as prefix in src
#book.update_attribute(:image_url, photo_location)
It works in the development mode.Then, I deployed the rails application with passenger on mac Apache2 server with mysql as the database and I changed config.assets.compile = true in the development configuration file.
In the production mode, I can create the new book and I can upload the image to assets/books_icon. However, the file path for the image which I just upload will not update.
For example, I create a new book with id 2, and there is 2.jpg in assets/books_icon. But the rails application will told me http://localhost/assets/images/books_icon/2.jpg is missing.
However, when I restart the apache server, I can view the picture at http://localhost/assets/images/books_icon/2.jpg
Is there any solutions to solve this type of caching problem??
In this context, an uploaded image isn't really considered an "asset" -- think of it as data that you happen to be storing somewhere else. (An image asset might be a logo, or background image, etc.). Rails' asset pipeline does some pretty tricky stuff in order to resolve a simple file path to an actual resource (e.g. image) when it's an asset.
By default, Rails makes the app/public folder the document root, and thus a place that you could upload images to -- perhaps in a subdirectory called "upload/img" in which case you could reference it with the path /upload/img/mybook.jpg.
This approach tends to be fragile, however because the image is really directly associated with data in your database, but located on the filesystem of a server. It starts falling apart when you move from development to stagings or production servers.
One approach I would not recommend is to upload the image and store it as a blob type in your database. Another I would recommend is to have another "central" server that you can upload images to that acts as an extension to your database. Many people use Amazon AWS "S3" service for this kind of thing. Take a look at the CarrierWave gem which does an excellent job of making all of this really easy, flexible, and powerful.
