Dart editor launch configuration - dart

I am a bit confused about the launch is supposed to work. In my project I have a build.dart and a html file.
What I am doing now is run the build.dart and then run the html.
Building the dart and then refresh the browser window works also.
But I see no option to run the build.dart and then automatic refresh dartium?

My favorite method is to click on the index.html in the out directory and hit Command-r (or whatever is equivalent on your OS) to run it. This will run build.dart as well as open Dartium.


Dart Input in VSCode

How to get input in dart on vscode?
When I click the "Run" button, it only runs the code on the uneditable-terminal, but when I use the "F5" button to run it, as in Python, it brings an error that I need to do some installation and/or configurations, and it auto-creates a "launch.json" file.
please make sure that your dart sdk is installed correctly and then ensure that you install the dart extension for VS code. That should sort you out.
Use cd to get into the directory, then open the terminal and run dart filename.dart.

How can I debug Dart Builders with breakpoints in WebStorm

Dart uses the build package to generate code. What if you want to debug your own Builder or an existing one?
Instead of calling pub run build_runner you can execute and debug the file build.dart which can be found here:
To enter your command like serve as in pub run build_runner serve you can edit your debug configurations:
Put the command inside the field Program arguments:
Click Apply and start debugging again. Webstorm will interrupt when a breakpoint is reached.

How to run angulardart application?

I just download andgularjs dart tutorial from angulardart.org . It provides me some tutorials, but I couldn't able to run those tutorials.
I am using webStorm IDE to run those application. when I am trying to run the application, I am getting following error.
enter image description here
I couldn't find package folder with in web root folder in that application.
You probably need to run pub upgrade. WebStorm provides this action in the context menu of the pubspec.yaml file, also if you open the pubspec.yaml file in the WebStorm editor links for pub actions are shown in the top-left corner of the editor. Alternatively you can run pub run from the command line of your project directory if the path is configured properly on your system so the command is found.

Deploying Angular Dart component with canvas via shadowRoot: what is missing?

I have an angular dart application with a component using canvas via a shadowroot. This runs fine with Dartium, "run as javascript" and pub serve. However when I run pub build and launch the html file in build/web, the component does not appear. The code is at
Should I be using some special transformers, or do something different to build as against serve?
I tried your project and it appears to be working fine.
What I have done in the past is run pub build and hit the built file in dartium and that will not work. So you have to hit the build file from chrome proper. So if I load .../mathlets/build/web/mathlets.html in chrome it works fine.
The reason for this is because pub build is the release build, which does not copy any of the dart files. However the index file still has the check if dart is enabled than try to use dart files. Well in dartium dart is enabled but the build doesn't have the dart files. In chrome dart is not enabled so then that 'packages/browser/dart.js' file dynamically writes the mathletes.dart.js to index and launches the app that way.
If you want to work around this and improve performance of the release build at the same time you can use this transformer: http://pub.dartlang.org/packages/dart_to_js_script_rewriter
We are using this also. Ensure it's the last transformer run though, if it's before the angular transformer there are problems.

Can I run a nested build.dart from its location instead of project root?

Dart Editor runs build.dart from the root of the project. However, I have a build.dart file in a subdirectory. The default behavior of Dart Editor breaks this build.dart file, because the paths in the file are relative to build.dart.
My project looks like this:
I have opened apps in my Editor. I am trying to run apps/app1/build.dart from within apps/app1 but Editor is running from apps.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Yay, this bug has been fixed. Dart Editor will now run build.dart from its directory.
Hrm... I wonder what project you might be working on that has a lot of build.dart files within...
Short answer: no.
As of posting, this is an open bug. Please star it!
See also this discussion.
