Run rails code online - ruby-on-rails

Can any body give me a link to run rails code online??
I have tried and they are running the ruby code fine
When I use it gives me correct result but when I try to run like below it give me errors:
time_ago_in_words( - 15.hours)

The hours function is specific to Rails, which is a Ruby library. Rails is not loaded in CodePad. You'll have to install Rails on your computer to access those functions. Consult a guide for instructions. 1

Rails for Zombies provides an interpreter, but it's geared toward their lessons.


Ruby on Rails run at Blogspot?

I tried to build a ruby-based website. but I want to start on blogspot which is free for beginners. can the ruby system be placed on blogspot, I am very happy if this happens.
No Blogspot does not support ruby on rails. Even it is just a blogging platform where you already have CMS to serve you. But you should have a development environment. Please try if you want free.
check this tutorial to launch your first application on Heroku.
You can add the following lines after
rails generate controller welcome
rails generate scaffold product name 'price:decimal{7,2}'
rails db:migrate
This will create a sample application where you can do all CRUD operation on product. you can try following
rails s
Now visit localhost:3000/products
After installation on Heroku you will get your url where you can run app and do all CRUD operation. Just try it is very easy to do.
If you are working with Ruby on Rails, consider to work with another platform like Wordpress instead. But I think it takes time.

The system cannot find the path specified for rails

Hey guys so I am new to everything including computers I don't know squat, nothing! I am recently trying to take ruby on rails on I have ran into many problems with using ruby and downloading rails I have followed allot of helpful tips which have helped but I cannot seem to get out of this loop for 6 hrs already.
I am using ruby 2.2.4 ,rails on the other hand I don't know how to use it and when I check
rails -v
this pops up
the system cannot find the path specified
I am using windows 10 by the way. So can someone please help in detail and hoping you have the patience to work with someone who knows nothing. Thanks in advance.
I assume that you need to install ruby and rails on your windows 10 machine.
You can use rails installer for installing ruby and all other stuff related to ruby and rails using a single installation.

Cane with Rails

I just discovered the Cane gem but it doesn't work with Rails, there is a way to make it work with Rails?
I'm using rails 3.2.1 and It doesn't produce any error message
I'm the author of this gem.
How do you mean "doesn't work"? It's possible you just write good code :) The default options aren't too strict. Can you please post the output of:
cane --style-glob '**/*.rb' --style-measure 1
This should error on every line in the project, to verify whether cane is "working". And also
find . app
When run from within your rails directory.

Install and start programming Ruby on Rails on Mac?

I would like to try ruby on rails on mac. I want to install ruby on rails, tried to find some guide for installation, and I get this:
ruby on rails official website??
It does not have a clear, I mean, well documentation for beginner to follow the steps? Or, thats all for the installation? How to start the webserver, where to store ruby files etc, ... how do I get started???
Any advise, or links or tutorials for a total ruby beginner to get started?
This is their official guide:
You need to install xcode first though to avoid some errors. This is because some of the headers in the default ruby install on macs is incomplete without it.
Well you need GCC, which used to be with XCode only but over at ye olde GitHub, it's been packaged as a standalone. Next up you can follow either this tutorial by Katz or Dan Benjamin's guide on HiveLogic.
Keep in mind the state of the art in Ruby and Rails is fast moving so the guides might not take you all the way there. The most crucial parts are getting RVM installed properly and working and getting everything on the right version. It's not too tricky to work through, and there's probably no undocumented issues in the process now.

I'm a bit lost: how to render rails/ruby on a website?

Ok, long time php guy doing my best to pick up ruby on rails by developing a small website for myself using only ror instead of php.
However i'm a bit stuck, and i think it is because i'm not exactly understanding how rails actually works.
I am running centos 5.5 / apache2. I have successfully installed ruby, rubygems, and subsequently rails and passenger. All these are 'working', i can run ruby commands, gem commands etc.
But how do I start using rails on my website? If I create an .erb or .rb file with some simple ruby commands, it just displays as plain text when I navigate to it.
Do I need to configure apache to 'execute' .rb or .erb files (similar to the way .php files execute?).
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
You might check out the Rails Getting Started Guide:
I suggest you read a huge tutorial on this topic:
Ruby is the language, and Ruby on Rails is a framework. From the guide:
Rails is a web application development
framework written in the Ruby
language. It is designed to make
programming web applications easier by
making assumptions about what every
developer needs to get started. It
allows you to write less code while
accomplishing more than many other
languages and frameworks. Experienced
Rails developers also report that it
makes web application development more
I'd read Chapter 4, if you already know all this, as it talks about the actual webserver.
Rails comes with it's own webserver, so Apache isn't needed.
Sounds like you need to really get a handle on Rails and what it is first. This site has some great information for beginners, and should help you understand what you are working with and your next steps to get an application running:
I've also heard some good things about the information here:
Check out Ruby on Rails Tutorial for getting started in Rails.
As #Blender mentioned, rails comes with an in build web server called webrick. (Think of it same as apache .. for now)
so all you have to do is go to the rails project directory, and run the command
if you are using rails < 3.x
ruby script/server
if you are using rails > 3.x
rails server
once u done this your rails project will start in webrick server and by default in port 3000
you may consider apache/ some other rails server setup for production deployment, but to get started you dont need apache at all
and welcome to ruby world ! :D
